General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is your favorite dota2 player and why?

Who is your favorite dota2 player and why? in General Discussion
M . S  ®

    Just need everyone personal opinion about their favorite dota player, about their skill and comparison with other professional player (in terms of role). Peace and no war.



      Because every other pro player respects his skill and everyone says he is in top 3. And after meeting him myself i became a huge fan as he was a nice guy to talk to and he really understands the game very well. He also listens to shitty music that i like beside rock and metal.

      And he brought arcanas to my wallet

      and as much as i like arteezy i fucking despise dendi

      seriously if i ever see him i will punch him in the face and break his stupid fingers. Bad mannered Egotistical piece of shit.

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      Quick maffs

        sing, theeban, bulldog and i dont know maybe some more


          im interested in mason

          i dont understand how he can be such a self admitted rager and asshole yet be a good friend to those around him irl

          it just doesnt make sense

          the guy's talented too, considering he's played for only a couple of years

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          Quick maffs

            Zenoth that guy really seems like a asshole, i dont know how he acts in real life but man he rages a lot

            "If you were to have a tshirt made similar to 2ez4rtz, what would it say?"

            I wouldn't make a shirt that shits lame.

            Well, at lest he can see how lame is that fucking shirt

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            King of Low Prio

              well I guess I can be classified as a asshole rager and I great friends with everyone on my team. Different personalities effect different people........differently.


                rtz because he brings cancer to the community


                  mason IS an asshole, he literally ruins dozens of games flaming his pubs teammates and throwing couriers mid while feeding kills on purpose, at his peak he used to feed every two games on purpose and dropped from around 6k mmr to under 5k mmr

                  meanwhile he flames na players like PPD on reddit and nadota forums all the time

                  somehow there's still mutual respect between him and most of the other pro players

                  i dont even understand...

                  Quick maffs

                    Some people flame on internet cause they feel powerful, but when it comes to real life they feel weak so they just fake respect and attitude (in another words, if in any moment he actually hated PPD when it comes to the moment to speak to him in real life he probably doesnt have balls to insult him in the face so he just fakes respect )

                    Some others just think that the other guy in the internet is not a human being, for them internet is a thing of one person and every other person are just bots so they dont even think what they are saying, for them internet is like a big joke


                      I've always had this respect for ALWAYSWANNAFLY for some reason..



                        Vigoss ( i've met him irl, and i can say, he is awesome )

                        NS and Smile


                          iceiceice and n0tail.

                          @Zenoth - "meanwhile he flames na players like PPD on reddit and nadota forums all the time"
                          He actually commented today in his AMA that it was not a serious post and that PPD knew he was not being serious. He is friends with those people, and was being sarcastic. They enjoy trolling the community (sorta elitist behavior but who cares).

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                          Flat is Justice!

                            iceiceice because when he looks at the camera, i laugh

                            Quick maffs

                              Oh i forgot notail

                              by the way one of my favorite streamers is waga, he is so calm man


                                rtz, iceiceice, vanskor is an underrated support i think

                                kanye went to uni

                                  To think, mason used to post on these forums ... maybe he 'graduated' or something xD

                                  edit: envy, sing and iceiceice; I'm a shallow fanboy of popular personalities :p

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                                    i dont blame him, this forum is mostly just people like sampson and hael being annoying, i can imagine it might have been better some time ago

                                    kanye went to uni

                                      It used to be a lot more flamey lol, none of this "I'm not blindly flaming, I'm being 'honest'" bullshit :p

                                      Oh and Relentless was there, I miss the guy :(

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                                      Quick maffs

                                        Really it was worst ? damm

                                        kanye went to uni

                                          Well, it was just flame, not flame disguised as advice. To be honest I think I liked it better before :p

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Mason was never here.............and relentless was a whiny 2k player O.o

                                            kanye went to uni


                                              Second time I'm bumping this ... maybe I'm a mason fan :/

                                              Edit: Mason even 1v1'd Vaikiss, it wasn't that long ago was it???

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                                                'also valikiss is a terrible shitter who is just mad no one cares about his shit dbr.' - Mason 2013

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Reading that shitty thread makes me think why most of high mmr players behave like angry nerds or/and idiots, well i actually know the answer (we all do i guess)

                                                  Luckly there is still some people that are both good players and normal ( Zenoth, Sam, etc ) but they are minority

                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                    I thought it was funny :/


                                                      normal people on the internet u wot mate


                                                        For some reason I'm permanently banned from posting in rtz's twitch.

                                                        I've only watched it a couple times too.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          how the fuck does someone get banned from rtz's stream.....

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Well i got banned from sing stream some time ago

                                                            anyway you aint losing anything bro


                                                              i got perma banned cant even remember why, just pm gutsy_canuck or some shit, he unbanned me

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                                                                I. Streams

                                                                1. Bulldogg: Nice streamer, nice sense of humor and I like his style: Playing 1 fucking hero shittons of games in row :D. He was just playing like 3 Heros on TI and still showed the best offlane performance.

                                                                2. Singsing: Epic stream, nice Humor, really high individual skill. How he can predict what will happen in the next 5 sek is outstanding.

                                                                3. N0tail: Fun to watch, like his raging sometimes, nice music taste.

                                                                4. Merlini (no "pro", but if you define pro as someone who makes money with dota he is): Always calm, explains alot in his stream, nice music taste.

                                                                5. Wagamama: Explains alot, always calm.

                                                                Special Mentions:

                                                                Burning. For me by far far far the best pos 1 player on this planet. Watching his replays helped me alot on improving. Also a really great captain. Also great players: Loda, Puppey and Maelk (for dota 1).

                                                                Who I really do not like:

                                                                1. RTZ: He just spreads shitideas over the community, that he can pull off, but not the shitters in pubgames (aka naga mid). I do not like his taste of music, and he is just too quite while playing.

                                                                2. Dendi: Spreads shit over the community (aka fucking useless pudge cunthero). Barley talks on his stream. often streams in ukraine/russian.

                                                                3. Xboct: Man this guy is just a fucking moron. Also no fucking englishskills on this retard. For me the most overrated pos 1 player in the whole Top Tier Pro Scene.

                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                Quick maffs


                                                                  Man we like/dislike the same streamers



                                                                    Nice taste of streamers on you ;)

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      Man i think i should learn how to respect other peoples opinion because for me that list is just common sense



                                                                        I don't think rtz even likes his own music. LOL


                                                                          you can hate rtz for his music but for playing uncommon heroes mid? he just won a tournament with PA mid u fuktard

                                                                          i agree with your other things though

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                                            I wish iceiceice would stream more, I always thought the rare times he did stream he was pretty informative, plus he's awesome :D


                                                                              My favourites are SingSing, Rtz, Dendi and Sampson. We all love Sampson.

                                                                              "well I guess I can be classified as a asshole rager and I great friends with everyone on my team."

                                                                              You dont even have team bro :) But i like your attitude that you really want one.

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                can you fuck off? take that shit in the original thread nobody cares about you and sampson's relationship problems

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  my god can the mods actually do their job, this stalker is just getting pathetic.

                                                                                  Sugar Show

                                                                                    SingSing and PGG cus he is so bad that is funny sometimes.

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                                                                                      I'm a big fan of Puppey, N0tail, SingSing, and Akke.


                                                                                        n0tail, singsing and kuroky!

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                                                                                          Very efficient player. I really like his play style


                                                                                            @ Just the tip?Anger Provblems, my little smurfy friend?

                                                                                            I don't like rtz. His ideas usually do not work in public games. It is nice for him, that he won a tournament with PA mid. But the PA's and Nagas that I see mid, usually fail. Same goes for pudges (dondo).

                                                                                            I once saw a stream of iceiceice on NP offlane. It was really imformative, also 0 funny at all. His accent is a little annoying, but to learn sth it was rly cool. Eastern players do not tend to pub so much. They "train" harder (generally).

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                                                                                              because i play basketball with him every weekend...


                                                                                                @9v1 everyone fails in your shit bracket bro, it's not because they want to play like arteezy. get good


                                                                                                  N0tail because he is N0tail


                                                                                                    52% in 200 games. I guess my bracket (arround 4K) is not so far from yours bobo, if you reach 4k. Behave like you are a big pro with your shitsmurf and still got shit stats.

                                                                                                    Feel free to suck on rtz's dick.

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                                                                                                      so mad rofl, sub 4k syndrome

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                                                                                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                                        Because he is always happy and very respectful.

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!