General Discussion

General DiscussionSecond Update on Armed Robbery

Second Update on Armed Robbery in General Discussion

    Police were alerted very quickly by Twitch viewers. The first person to alert Tempe police was a caller from Europe. That Europe caller also contacted another player in the US and he also contacted the police.

    Apparently the invaders plan was to take either sunsfan or Sajadene hostage, and then force them to go to a bank and empty their accounts... I have no idea wtf that is about. Due to online viewers reporting this quickly, their plan was somewhat foiled. One of the two is in custody.

    Este tópico foi editado

      Thanks for sharing. Interesting to follow this. So happy that they're both fine.)

      Retard Security Detail

        Free Dota publicity, win. Oh and glad they are alright, so much trash in the world.


          They are Volvo's Robbers so now we can spread who Dota2 Community it's better than others moba.


            this is where i'd like to read "sunsfan got his grandpa's grandpa's 12 gauge shotgun and shot the robber in the face"

            Quick maffs

              I bet those guys were league players


                wow wtf ;o


                  sunsfan should think before showing off all his hats on youtube

                  i left her

                    ^^ pew, live streaming op pls nerf valvo


                      woah damn


                        They want their kittens.

                        And glad to see that they're alright.

                        Ples Mercy

                          just fucking shoot the burgler.

                          ez gaem ez life

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!