General Discussion

General DiscussionGames that you almost lost BUT GOOD THING U DIDNT

Games that you almost lost BUT GOOD THING U DIDNT in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    we almost lost this game with such a kill advantage

    reason? just watch the replay DAMN :D

    Ples Mercy



        Kill advantage means nothing if you don't kill the buildings


          ^ Wtf lmao Kill advantage means gold + xp lead which = win every fight = push when dead lmao


            ^ does gold and xp wins you game? no?

            Does killing buildings, wins you game? yes?



              lmao good luck trying to kill buildings when you're behind in gold and xp. maybe 1/10 games with tryhard rat strat

              Von Darkmoor

                Sorta depends on the pix.


                  Gyro buys Rapier after we had the game won. Immediately dies to Mirana. Luckily Spectre haunted in, killed Mirana, and saved the Rapier.


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                    Scrub tier unranked with my friend LD

                    lion was a moron, dusa was free farming and had 4 kills 12 mins in 25 min she had skadi.

                    I suddenly shivered in my chair and the power of drow went through me again and got a 5 man silence. Insta gibbed the unshielded dusa, shat on snipers stupid midget face and took rax

                    The best part was they were saying shit that we sucked and game was easy. I then spent 5 minutes adding all 5 of them and spamming EZ in steam chat.

                    PS to all sniper pickers SUCK MY BIG FAT COCK SCRUBS


                      ^ I would hate to play against that lineup as a Storm Spirit.

                      Sexy Vicious


                        Got all tier twos and we engaged in jungle. WR came out having been in almost no teamfights with a divine rapier and killed us one by one before we realized what had happened.
                        WR went on godlike streak, continuing to kill us. She takes Aegis and they push our Tier 3 mid. They get overly confident dive ancient trying to kill me, Freeze Tiny, Ult, use shadow blade kill tiny, Aegis expires slark pounces wr who is attacking the tier 3 tower still at this point and kills her. We team wipe push and clear all three tier 3 and racks ending game.

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ


                          This fucking game this morning.

                          #Thank god for Melody Captain Calls.


                            Least dmg and impact on the map and you wonder why you almost lost? Be thankfull you had good enough team to carry you.

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                            Quick maffs

                              Everytime you feel bad about your HD just look at this game of mine and you will feel better


                                This game we were having a very hard time dealing with doom. Finally my allies decided to focus razor instead of doom, after i have begged them for 25 minutes, and we won a team fight over roshan, then we pushed fast and win it.
                                i quite fed them the whole game too :(


                                  "lmao good luck trying to kill buildings when you're behind in gold and xp. maybe 1/10 games with tryhard rat strat"

                                  If people wouldnt throw the game when they´re just a little behind this would actually happen more often, especially true when you have a team that comes online much later than the opposition.


                                  This game we had some guys random and me being the noob I am picking my trusty Viper no matter what, so a pretty crap line-up all things considered. We were behind pretty much from the get go as they shut my bottom lane harass down by switching out their lifestealer for KOTL + Enchantress, PL was soloing top and didnt join any fights because he needed to farm up big-time and our mid drow ranger lost her lane hard. I think we were like 30k gold and 25k xp behind at one point. Our saving grace was the fact that a) their lifestealer failed hard and their line-up apart from that was pretty much all magic nukes which stopped being that effective after some of us got BKB, b) they didnt push hard enough early, c) our PL managed to get his farm eventually. It took one teamwipe for us to get mega-creeps and finish.

                                  This is one of the reasons I hate people who go "GG, wont defend, come finish" so much, which happens especially often against push lineups in my MMR bracket. People see a couple towers fall and just give up.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!