General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Player in a Stack

Best Player in a Stack in General Discussion

    I often play with 2 to 4 friends. I am probably the most skillful at the game, they have all played less than me etc.
    Which position should the best player take?

    Too me:
    Mid > Ganks getting farm etc.
    Offlane > I normally play offlane, I feel that shutting the carries down is pretty important and maybe ganking mid/junglers
    Safe > Get better farm and hopefully carry

    So which position would you play your best player?


      if you are playing low tiers you can put a monkey to play as safelane carry and you'll be fine aslong as mid do great


        In my opinion, the approach is wrong. Ask your friends to take the roles they are strongest at. And then you take up the remaining role.

        Hex Sigma

          The role you play best. Heck even as a roaming support you can secure the early game and win the lanes


            What DevilsCry said.

            If everyone is less skilled then you, you'll have huge impact even as support. Sucks having a carry that has 10lh in 10 minutes with free farm, but probably the enemy carry will be just as bad.


              from experience, there will usually be at least one guy around your level on the opponent team.

              It's irritating - if you go safe and farm a storm but he goes mid he crushes your mid and snowballs, if you go mid he crushes your offlaner etc etc.

              in the end no point guessing, just play your best role/hero. most of my irl friends are 3k-4k so I get to pick up slack alot, e.g. my last game 5 stack v 5 stack me and naga were the only ones above 5k


                best player has to be one of the support, worst one the carry.

                Mid can also be the best; (dipend which kind of middle thought).
                It's all about what you will do. but the best people of your team have to play the biggest impact hero. carry is the lowest impact. usually mid you play either shit that need ton of skill (voker/meepo...) or hero that have to have big impact (tinker/qop/puck...); offlane need to be good, first to survive the lane, second cause offlane hero are level dependant, but not farm dependant, they have to move a lot.
                And last, you need a great support, cause there's nothing more useless than a passiv support, both level and farm independant...
                the 2nd sup can be "bad" if his guided by the first sup.

                Personnaly, i would put one like this, from the best to the worst

                actually it's anycombination of sup-off-mid for 3 first, and any combinasion of sup-carry for the 2 last.

                AS the guy above me state, it's ofc best to play your role; but if there's some level difference between people of your team, you team will never rise, as a too skilled carry for his team, will never be able to use his full potential; Cause he as little to no impact early game, when a large portion of the win is decided. The mid need not to lose all his matchup, or once again, you will tend to lose etc...
                Support have to have an impact early aswell, cause, they can decide if a mid is win aswell, or if carry gonna farm + deny offlane farm + get themselve level to transition better in mid game ...; that's the hardest role, for those first 10 minutes, which are very critical

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                  Offlane, Mid, or Support....never the carry. As an offlaner you should be competent enough to shut down their carry, the mid needs to get their down as well as ganking, the supports need to keep the carry alive at all cost while at the same time having as much impact as they can in the other lanes.

                  It seems a needless waste to have your highest skilled player sitting in the safe lane farming.

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                    sometimes it works out when I take a 1v5 hero like pl or tb and give instructions to my supports the entire early game on when to pull/zone/push, then the early lead is enough to win from there.

                    or I take an aggressive safe lane carry like sa or bristle and start roaming once I hit 6.

                    but yeah most other carries are too low impact early, 6 min hotd on luna and 4 stacks of ancients by 12 min is no good if your team loses the other lanes so badly is isnt even safe to go ancients.


                      tb versus competent player cann't 1v5; pl that's even worst, even if you get your diffusal + yasha at minutes 15, you are still unable to 1v5; and by the time you should be able to 1v5, well, it's been 20 minutes that you couldn't farm a shit. so you cann't do it.

                      The only point of having a great skilled carry player, is making him playing solo safe (that reduce drasticly the pool of hero he can play obviously)

                      but then it give him more impact in the game, and you benefit a bit more of his potential

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                        Solo safe will have to be someone that can farm under harass so either ranged or a massively durable melee

                        > Weaver
                        > Death Prophet
                        > Viper

                        etc... which like matrice mentioned are a limited selection depending on what you're comfortable with and usually means you are taking down the opponents early using an aggro trilane or something of the sort.

                        When queueing with lower rated friends I ALWAYS take the offlane or support as you have the most impact


                        Look at the HD and TD differences in those games with most of the time the carry simply idly farming and the other support or jungler still creeping at about the 30 minute mark.

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                          sometime in solo safe, you can put hero like am (versus ds). the 2hardest carry that you can put all the time in solo safe (at least that i can play against any offlane hero) gyro and slark.

                          Usually when you handle well the offlane versus carry matchup, the main source of problem is no longer the matchup, but what heroes are taking in the other lane.
                          (hf playing slark versus timber if there's a bloodseeker in enemy team)

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                            well i have yet to lose with tb when stacking with 3-4k friends.

                            its games like this


                            where everyone on my team is feeding, the opponents are fed as hell and 15k gold ahead, but can't win a tb with decent farm

                            usually i end with like 13k-15k tower damage on average in these games

                            also i think i focus alot more on split push than you do, so it's alot less reliant on teammates and more on using them as meat shields to delay pushes for a couple of seconds

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                              If you're good enough roles don't matter, you'll end up carrying whatever you play.


                                mid has to be best player if hes actually good

                                then he will snowball and win the game alone most of the time

                                second best should go for offlane

                                and then trenches can play supports and carries as long as they know how to lasthit and place warsd/buy couriers

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Just make sure the other guys can handle their roles. It doesn't matter if they are support or carry as long as they can do it. For instance, one group of players I play with has one guy significantly less rated than us and he is terrible. We always give him very simple supports or carries like lich or warlock, or try to give him simple carries that don't need expert positioning like wraith king.

                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                    Blah blah, just pick OP heroes and snowball whatever role you play

                                    mr dee

                                      go mid crush mid then
                                      -buy ward and sentry plant them for your support since supports need to farm gold for force staff and stuff
                                      -farm for your hard carry since they love to walk around instead of farming anyway
                                      -while ganking actively for your Clockwerk offlaner cuz they decided to afk farm up a vanguard and some other stuff before start ganking

                                      basically go mid as a snowballing-carry-support role.

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                                      TAM DEP TRAI

                                        I always offlane such as meepo,lone druid, weaver, natural prophet... mid game and late game try get back farm and become semi-carry around 17-18 minutes. (normally i take lone druid and meepo - be tanker for the team too)
                                        Strange thing is: i farm better and faster as offlaner rather than safe lane carry.
                                        few times my friends feel i farm so fast so they decided let me be safe lane carry. But at the end after few tries i go back to offlane semi-carry position. ( i farm normally equal or better than safe lane carry) still dont knownthe reason why?

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                                          Me too I much prefer off lane, I tend to lose more games when I safe lane. I don't know why :)

                                          I offlane Cent or Sven or Axe, I feel your best player should off lane. It has been working for me!

                                          I feel offlane is the most important position:
                                          The last thing you want is there carry getting fat, because less skilled people can't deny/harass or make mistakes that cost them a death.
                                          I like offlane because I can gank mid/junglers and have the freedom to tp around the map and help out.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!