General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking(NOT A WHINE THREAD! )

Matchmaking(NOT A WHINE THREAD! ) in General Discussion

    Is it possible or plausible that if you are winning more games than you are losing that you get paired up with people who are losing more games than they win? The past 4 games that I have lost, all of them had people who are on a bit of a losing streak or at least losing more than they win. Is this how the game gets balanced?

    I don't blame them entirely for the loss, but I have looked into this quite a bit and watched replays etc and I have noticed consistently the people on my team are less skilled than the opposing team. I am sure it is not just all in my head :)

    Things like my support rush aghs - their support gets mech and wards, their mid ganks - our mid feeds, their carry gets last hits - ours just sits there, they play heroes they are good at - my team randoms heroes that they cannot play at all, their team carries tp's - my team does not, my team tower dives - their team does not.

    Also why am playing with/against people with +2k games, that's hardly fair!

    Well I am sure I will soon be muted, after the flame wall of text I typed out :p, glad I don't use a mic or I would be!
    Also my hand hurts like hell, I will punch something allot softer than the wall next time

    P.S. I am not saying that I am doing everything perfectly, I make mistakes as well :)




        tbh it doesnt matter that much, if you are better ur supposed to carry anyway. youre paired with ppl with ur average skill lvl, in the long run youll get as much braindead teammates as you get braindead opponents. im pretty sure u win by stomps and lose the same way, nothing to complain about imo


          If you have 51% winrate(Over 50 in general) the MM system depending on the match will most likely "even" you out with some 48%-46%wr scrub to even it out, because apaprently waiting for a 50% player is just foul and "unfair", matchmaking is 'modern' socialism.

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            not playing on tilt, anger, frustration, or lack of energy will result in better play..just look at my last 12 games. I looked over your recent matches, you've picked carry alot which isn't the problem, but harder to play in terms of having 1-2 carrys vs 3. Play more support?? I've had that issue with myself. Don't pick the heroes you want to play, but compromise. Pick a support that you enjoy playing that fits in your hero line-ups??

            I agree..sometimes I get match made with people that have far more games....which is odd..try ranked??

            Dire Wolf

              No. Win rate is not any part of the mmr and matchmaking calculations. As you go on a win streak you rank up until you eventually get matched against people better than you and you lose and kinda of plateau. Water finds its level.

              ICE SKULL

                at 5k+ if you dodge quite often due to not wanting to play with bad players or have a reputation at valve for abusing etc, they put you with shitters who lose often and deal literally no hero dmg

                they already do stealth bans which is confirmed by fletcher (a valve dev)

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                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  It's true.. I get a on a winstreak... THen check my allies.. almost all of them under 48% winrate. So sad thought it was just me.

                  For me it's reverse.. I get people under 1000 games etc... 99% of the time they set their profile to private or have less than 300 wins.

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                      Win and loss runs are always in groups. the losses seem unwinable and most of the time they are but its easy to remember those games and forget about games where you stomped because the other team had terrible players.


                        OP, the way you write is ADORABLE!

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          start losing a few games, then all sudden you have like a bunch of 51% & 52% winrate in team. Starting winning then u get lower and lower kinda sucks how they do the matching.


                            @ SLEAVE15, no matter how good you are at the game you cannot carry a team that feeds like crazy and has no farm. If you are down 20 kills and your team has no farm then it is GG. It is after all a team game, you cannot win 1 v 5.

                            @ ♠║3nVis1on™, thanks for the advice. The wait time for a ranked game here is + 15 minutes, that is way too long :)
                            Also I have found I lose more games if I play support, people just don't know how too last hit at my level.

                            @ Mark, My opponents are fine it is the people on my team who are terrible. If I have 1 or 2 of my friends on my team we almost always win, not because they are so good just because it is a team game. Also after watching the replays the enemy does not look anymore skillful than I am, they just have fewer idiots on their team.

                            @ Lord of House Milner, we may have lost those games, but they did not need to be stomps. I don't mind losing when you know you got outplayed etc. but losing because your team makes the same bad choices over and over that is another thing.
                            If your team's lc dives a bristle and wind under their tower and dies and does it again, what can you do? Or you mid sniper goes 4 - 14, because he didn't get a shadow blade and keeps over extending?

                            @ DeL, Thank you :P, I am just all round adorable :)

                            @ Madao!, I have actually considered that, but that goes against my nature. I want to enjoy myself, win or lose. I want to have fun and deliberately losing games is not fun.


                              in low-skill game aka below 4000mmr

                              one man carry is possible
                              Whether team A feed so hard or not If you manage to find solo pick-off and farming with map control = easy game
                              Its come down to what you pick against them and your skill matched up

                              it is just so simple
                              you lose = deserve shit tier


                                So I should have won my last game? Against a team the played as a team and had a divine? What map control? There was none.
                                You cannot win 1 v 5, it is not possible. If you believe you are that good, I am glad for you. Self delusion is almost always a good thing :P
                                Nice smurf btw :)

                                Sometimes you can win games like that, but most of the time you stand no chance of winning.

                                casual gamer

                                  If you're better than your opponents, you will snowball 9/10 times. Even if you're outnumbered/your allies feed. And when you snowball you can do some crazy shit.

                                  Look at this game. 5/6 rax down. Me and sniper vs the fucking world. Weaver had abandoned. Still won because we were too big to kill and just rolled down mid and took their throne after we got megacreeped.


                                    that's no need to talk


                                      It only happens when you're very high mmr but that also happens all the time when you're very high ( 5.5k < )


                                        this seems suspiciously like a whine thread to me...

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                                        Hex Sigma

                                          From what i saw dota is like chess. You cant hop in and master the game in 2 weeks. Besides the actual learning part it requiers hours and hours of gameplay in order to master it.

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                                          kanye went to uni

                                            This is slightly off-topic but I swear when I party with Chinese people that actually have Chinese names or type Chinese or something, I get queued with/against Chinese people more even when we select English. There's totally something going on with matchmaking there (and it's been there for a while).

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                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!