General Discussion

General DiscussionWitch doctor Discussion

Witch doctor Discussion in General Discussion
Sexy Vicious

    So My skill build on witch doctor gets me flamed by my teammates everygame.

    I usually go with this skill build sometimes i skill my w first.

    Q 1 3 5 8
    W 2 4 9 10
    E 7 12 13 14
    R 6 11

    Items in order: Starting items courier and or wards, tango 2/3 mana potions
    Early Game: courier upgrade, mana stone, boots, wards
    Mid: perseverance, point booster, vitality booster, wards

    I prioritize staying alive/keeping others alive with heal over maledict. Noob Wd no maledict gg, is what people normally say to me. Depending on the situation I will get a scepter first, but I like to get my bloodstone first for that infinite heal.

    Damage output wise I know a scepter does work, but if anything a death ward just scares enemies away, and if i cant get the stun off 2 heroes then it wont do much damage.

    If my carries are doing garbage I get a scepter (sometimes a shadow blade after) but if they are doing fine I like to get the bloodstone so i can keep them alive.

    Which is another reason why I get flamed. bloodstone first item noob gg. I buy wards and courier and upgrade courier and shit to help the team that way but I think my build is pretty solid.

    Just want to know what other witch doctor players prefer skill wise and build wise, and what their item choices are, and situational items.


      Your skillbuild is fine, it lower kill potentional in lower skill games (in the way you don't have maledict, and people at shitbracket doesn't know how/when to dive), but it's a fine build.

      Your item build sound stupid, if you played the pos1 role which is totally possible with Witch Doctor, but probably not too good with 4 random team mates who won't build their lineup around your hero either way.

      Bloodstone doesn't provide very much for a support, and it takes ages for a support to farm this (unless you're trash support not doing your job), and if you somehow got the farm you'd be better of getting mek/forcestaff/ghost scepter/bkb/pipe or tango (aghs). Tango for you carry to farm safely.

      "If my carries are doing garbage"

      Are you saying you're never garbage/playing bad, aka you're much better than your allies?
      You're a fun one.


      Skill Bracket

      Please don't shit on your carries, you're not a good player either.

      Este comentário foi editado

        Bloodstone is a very good item on any hero. But it takes too much time to farm. I prefer to start with Soul Ring.



          Q E W E Q E E R Q Q W W W

          GET AGHS BKB
          WATCH THEM CRY

          Miku Plays

            people want a rampaging wd early game which is max Q and E build

            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

              no build shud ever be the same. Games dictate the build. I dont understand the void stone over mana boots. I means its a 125 difference and helps ur team..not just u, so in that point as a support you failed. If your goal is to build a bloodstone the mana boots has 1 piece of it. Void stone shud only come after your boots are finished. Also depending on the lane a Magic stick is probably better to start with over clarity. If you are going against a lane that wont use many spell then go Clarity, but if it looks like a heavy skill lane go stick. Again no build shud ever be the same game in and game out

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                Not sure if you know how to play him. If you want an owning WD you must max q & e then r. skill build should be: q,e,q,e,q,r,e etc...

                example games:

                Best time to use your shitznit, when they are less than 3 enemy creeps, or you are caught or you caught 2 enemy heroes together. Usually with just 2 enemy creeps chances are it will bounce on the enemy twice at 6 or 7. If you are lucky and it doesn't bounce to the 2nd creep the enemy is perma-stun. Once the cocktail leaves your wd, cast the 'e' then hit r either behind him or as far as you can without moving. Works good when you are ganked by 2 enemy heroes too, cuz with only 2 heroes they keep bouncing and you will get full duration ult. With sceptor it's even more deadly.

                Starting items: either courier or wards, 1 or 2 sets of tangos, 1 pot/flask. Optional is 1 sentry/smoke

                Midgame: sceptor

                Late game: sb, bkb

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                Sexy Vicious

                  I just started playing him again he was the first hero i started playing. Love him

                  DD: yes im a 3k mmr noob, I dont know why I do but i somehow manage to pull off the money to get pieces for my bloodstone. under what circumstances would I get a force staff or a ghost sceptor? cant say ive used the ghost scepter much at all, so not sure of when i should buy that over a mek or pieces for my bloodstone.

                  Trax: I know maledict works, but I just think the stun works more in early game then the curse. Well for me at least, helps with early kills, although im sure it helps people from running away and surviving but maybe thats because i play in a lower skill bracket where people are more carefree than careful.

                  Slak: ah I meant energy booster (just forgot what it was called), Ive tried wand a few times but tend to go clarity because I can give the clarity to lane partner if I need to.

                  Madao: Hes currently my most played hero but im somewhat rusty, and still trying to figure out why everyone loves the maledict build. I havent seen it in use much, a game or two against me but didnt work out for the enemy. Havent seen too many pros use Wd either maybe thats why i havent witnessed how good it really is.


                    maledict is OP
                    Agha is OP


                      bloodstone seems like a waste of gold.
                      If wd has the gold to afford expensive items, aghs + bkb should be your goal.
                      Aghs on wd is absolutely broken. In low skill bracket he can single handedly carry your team to win.
                      Take this game for example.
                      While my stats doesnt seem good on him because the enemy focused me on the fights, me and mirana won the game because our other team mates didn't have any impact. (and half of my time was spent explaining to slardar why he should buy a tp scroll, which he didn't after all)

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        New heal is too good to be skipped for maledict,
                        My build is rushing agha after boots,, :D
                        BKB is not that important since 600 cast range + 700 attack, you should wait for enemy to initiate anyway

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