General Discussion

General Discussionsmurf playing

smurf playing in General Discussion

    Hi all im looking for people around my skill level (or higher) to stack smurf games with. I am sorry i dont have battle point increaser yet but I play alot. I am almost a 4k player on my main, but I think I could do better or atleast learn some stuff along the way if I can start out at higher rated matches.


      I hope you die for smurfing your way up




          it's now months that mmr started, you will not have an higher mmr account, cause you already played enough game to get out of the "stack bracket" which isn't your solo bracket.


            ^what you fail to understand is there are plenty of other people doing what im doing. So there are many smurfs and you see I bought a rapier, you dont have to play that seriously for a while..


              previous post was for J10, and this is a different account matrice I dont understand your post

              level 15 invoker

                He's saying that ranked MM has been out for long enough so that you would have played enough games to "get out" of any bracket you shouldn't be in (For people believing they're stuck in a lower bracket). In other words, you have had enough time/games to have reached your true/actual MMR that a smurf won't make any difference.

                [DFG] Whale King

                  I'm going to be gentle, because my spirit animal is that of storm spirit and he is a jovial little fella.
                  What you fail to understand are two basic concepts of MMR and Dota.

                  First of all:
                  Stacking with smurfs will not increase your MMR but rather just waste a few hours getting another account to exactly the same MMR you got stuck at before for you to blame on "ELO Hell" which really seems to be at wherever anyone is currently. There's a reason for that... you ARE part of the skill bracket. No matter how shit your teammates are, no matter how bad your carry was, or your support war, or your jungler was, or Roshan was, if 4000 MMR is your ELO hell, then you're in the right place! Does that mean you should make a smurf account? NO! As Winston Churchill said
                  "If you're going through hell, keep going."
                  Assuming your goal is noble in actually learning a few new tricks, I recommend playing against bots, or even better, playing unranked matches and watching your lost replays to see what YOU did wrong.

                  Now Second, and Most Importantly:
                  Just because others have smurf accounts, doesn't make it okay for you to do it... if all humans lived by that logic we would all be dead. As Ghandi once said
                  "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."
                  What you're doing by making these accounts is discouraging new players from entering the community. That just isn't fair to the and it's just plain mean... how do you expect them to want to keep going if every single game they start, they're matched against a load of smurfs trying to get past their previous MMR and almost never succeeding in doing so...

                  Look, what I'm trying to say here is, however noble your goal is, smurfing is just not a good thing to do. It discourages the growth of Dota2 communities, and leads to no improvement.

                  Sexy Vicious

                    I have a smurf account, made it before there was mmr to play with my noob friends. After ranked came out i did my 10 solo games on it and came out a couple hundred points higher on that account then on my main. Still not up to that point on my main yet...


                      licecolony you completely missed the point. i just wanted to make it more fun for myself, and faster in case they had battle point increasers.


                        and if you are using Windston Churchill as a guideline you might as well just stop right there. Don't know why hes taught as some great person. As for speaking of mmr, I didnt need any of that advice as I know this already. Also for the part about people not wanting to play after a match like that, that is not my problem. I got raped and I got pissed and I wanted to quit and I wanted to smash my keyboard. But i didnt because I liked the game and wanted to get better. If someone gets angry to the point of quitting because they get owned their first games...well thats too bad and you should play online bowling then


                          and now that i look back at it I would love to be mercilessly crushed by 5ks when i was 3k


                            how egoistic are you beyond? Llet's stomp newcommer, to make them feel really bad.

                            Don't you noticed that for each "fun" you get, you will make at least 5 "unfun" up to 9 (how fun it is to have to do nothing in a game? and still win it).

                            There's only one reason to make a new account imo, and it's for playing a totally different role from what you are used to, and in which one you and, even you, know that you suck at it.

                            Edit: there's already enough way to be crushed by same skill opponent, the world goes little to little to more noob friendly (and ego protect those also). We're in one of the only game that isn't that much accented toward this (even it's doing a little) and you want to make those "noob" leave the game ?
                            You are totally working on the opposite of what you wanted in first place.

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                              ^having trouble understanding your posts, but how does it make me egotistical. Im not flaunting anything or acting like they should be better than they are. So this has nothing to do with Ego....and if you read my posts more clearly im not doing this for fun necessarily. Im doing this for reasons already stated and I said fun as in playing with other people from dotabuff forums. You guys sure have a knack for missing everything important and just write before even thinking


                                I mean there are plenty of guys with 60-65 percent winrates, should they not be allowed to stack because they win a ton of their games? does it make them egotistic because they want win more often? Which is important to note, as my situation isnt even about winning more often.


                                  Also probably 90 percent of the people that would quit after getting stomped had nothing to offer anyway, i mean what should they expect? Those same people would have said 'fuck it' eventually and do not include the majority of people who started out of sheer fun.


                                    The problem is not that you are stomping noob its that you'll abuse the way mmr works to first settle people and you'll be the noob getting stomped. I see too many trash like you.


                                      mmmmmmmm while reading this nonsence i pat the shit out of my dog...... mmmmmhm i stroke her ears so good GOD DAMN

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                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I hate these trash players ruining games because they cant accept the fact that they suck -_-

                                        Mikkei Combine

                                          ^ one talking now.


                                            typical samspon...he has same mmr has stated in original post and also played dota 1, yet thinks hes some god. he doesnt put any work into this game and just tries to bring other people down with him. Very sad

                                            Girl with beautiful face

                                              Hook me up, we can talk

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                yup clearly I am the problem not the delusional trash who goes out of their way to ruin games at a MM they should not be at.


                                                  Um, I would like to point something out.

                                                  Unranked still has a hidden rating of its own, in other words if you expect yourself to continuously win against players of increasing MMR, you might as well just do so on your main. Saves you time because assuming your winrate will be the same (antismurf will bump our MMR), you will be required to play less games for the same increase in MMR.

                                                  Long story short, smurfing is mathematically inefficient and it spoilts the games of your first few opponents.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    they dont teach math anymore in school I guess -_-


                                                      I like how you spread missinformation wizard you are a noob and should listen not speak.

                                                      Protato BBnoZAR

                                                        @ Beyond
                                                        Just play the game
                                                        you belong at your mmr
                                                        I belong at my mmr
                                                        everyone belongs at their mmr
                                                        also stomping new players isnt cool it hurts the community,how would it be if all new players left cause they got stomped by a smurf,the game would eventually become stale and lose popularity

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          u cant smurf in dota, you'll be in the same bracket/rating whatever your main is in currently after a couple of matches played


                                                            sooner or later
                                                            All smurf will go to where it belong

                                                            FYI : I've got shit player who got 100th at leaderboard passive play SK without presence in game jungle for dagger to die faster, burrow strike to fuck'in nothing, epicenter with no dmg(no one in his AOE range) and my team have to play 4-5 to win the game for this shit to get in leaderboard

                                                            WTF wrong with u volvo, this is madness ?

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                                                              2014 devaslaytion

                                                                Back then in dota1 there wasnt this "nice mmr system" where if you are new you get match with new players. We just enter a game, and get thrash and flamed for months(dota 1 community was worst than dota2, endless flaming with no report system). Yet it didnt make us rage quit, because we know we are new and bad so we didnt mind getting thrash in games. Srsly ppl who hate getting thrash probably thinks they are better than everyone else. Like if you get thrash by any of the pro dota players out there, i am sure you wont rage bcause yknow they are better. So i am quite sure most new players wont rage, unless they are young kids.

                                                                FYI: i am not smurfing to raise my mmr or whatever sort. If you check all my accounts, i dont play ranked. I do the so called "smurfing" for training heros like meepo. Now this is the main account i am settling for after i have screwed up my old account by training meepo.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  By you smurfing you throw off other peoples calibration into ranked matches. Whether or not it is your intention you are ruining matches and throwing off the MM accuracy.

                                                                  2014 devaslaytion

                                                                    By the 3rd-5th game i am already matched with players with 500-3k hours of dota. I dont see how i am screwing calibrations. I go back to where i used to be with my old account in less than 5 games.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      hours played =/ skill level

                                                                      plus even if it did you are ruining 3-5~ games by your own criteria....

                                                                      2014 devaslaytion

                                                                        No one said hours played=skill level. What i am trying to show is how the system calibrates smurfers back to their original mmr. Or at least close to it. And for your argument of me ruining 3-5 games. Sampson there are games where i go 30-3 or even 42-6 etc and thrash the enemy hard even in my main account. In that case you mean i shdnt do that because i am ruining games?


                                                                        So i am ruining game here in a "very high bracket" and dont come tell me say v high is nth. My old account was just in normal bracket, so i am alr playing in a higher mmr than my main acc(as i said my main had a lot of losses due to meepo training).

                                                                        My stand is clear, as long as you dont ruin by feeding intentionally, and dont flame, dont boast in game saying things like "ez". I dont see any point in scolding ppl who createnew acc just to restart on a fresh ground.

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                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          Your first match when you make a smurf is a automatic game ruin because there is 0 data and the game assumes you are a new player and however long it takes for the anti smurf to kick in.

                                                                          While you might think 'It is only a couple of games what is the harm? When you keep that mentality and others listen to it and copy it you have more and more people ruining games.


                                                                            ***In my opinion SEA calibrate (less Variance region)
                                                                            vh bracket is 4100++ public mmr
                                                                            h bracket 3500-4100
                                                                            normal 3500--

                                                                            don't get bother If i told you that below 4500 mmr is shitty tier where big fish eat small fish(they're all fish, make stupid mistake, stupid average skill player, retard pick)

                                                                            and everything below 4100 mmr is purely shit and casual game where beginner start to learn things and all retard try hard to play the game that their brain activity can't do it.

                                                                            [All of these judgement observed from my 10 samples friend in many division mmr]

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                                                                            2014 devaslaytion

                                                                              Sorry that you felt this way. Peace no point arguing on, the arguments will just be the same point over and over again.

                                                                              2014 devaslaytion

                                                                                Yeah its fine. Never said i was some 5k mmr pro. Just want to have some fun with my fav hero meepo. To me dota is just a game. I can be in 5k i can be in 3k, as long as i can play my meepo i am satisfied. The numbers make no diff to me. Which is why i dont play ranked because ppl there are too obsessed with the 4 numbers. At least for now i dont play ranked because i am only interested in playing meepo, and you ranked ppl are going to flame my pick just because its meepo.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  it has nothing to do with you playing meepo, nobody cares what heroes you play. You are just ignoring the fact that when you play at a level you dont belong you are messing with the accuracy of the MM system and ruining the game balance for other people. I never said you are doing this intentionally BUT it is the negative consequences of smurfing

                                                                                  2014 devaslaytion

                                                                                    Lol my second msg wasnt in reply to you. It was in reply to the guy whose name has japanese words.


                                                                                      Sampson's answer is clear
                                                                                      the negative consequences