General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about competitive players and teams.

Questions about competitive players and teams. in General Discussion

    Regarding players, how people become competitive players? Did they apply for teams or were they scouted due to being pubstars?

    Regarding teams, how do tournaments decide which teams to invite? Most big tournaments are invite only but wouldn't that mean it is difficult for new teams to gain traction?

    inb4, I'm just a curious 3.9k player

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Most legendary Dota players started playing Dota with their friends and then decided to found a team basically. Then they apply some small tournaments which aren't invite-only, and if they do fine they attract attention, either getting sponsored or just getting invited to bigger tournaments. That's how most teams and players became famous.


        ^Prty much that.

        Other's more lucky and has professional friends that let them standin and gets seen this way.


          I know Admiral Bulldog sort of 'lucked out' when Dendi pubbed with him and liked his play. Guy playing casually became a player who has played at TI lol.


            "has played at TI "


              It's mostly about connections, though some teams might use the leaderboards when looking for a last. If anything, the players on the leaderboards usually have mechanical skills on par with or better than the average semi-competitive player, even if the teamwork and general movement is far inferior.

              Those looking to join a really competitive team should at least get to the leaderboards, at least it gives the assurance you are able to play some aspects of the game somewhat decently.

              Este comentário foi editado
              Mikkei Combine

                In other words, make yourself look less shittier in a shitty community.


                  Play well in pubs, build connections by adding people and don't be an asshole.

                  King of Low Prio

                    pubstars very very rarely get picked up because pubs are quite different than competitive games


                      In short, the quickest way to become known WITHOUT connections is to join a decent team. Once you feel you're beginning to play a higher level than them and they can't keep up, you swap to another team who probably noticed you performing well in a tournament.

                      Repeat said process till you enter a Tier 2 team. From here your team either rises to a Tier 1 team or a Tier 1 team scouts you out.

                      I think that summarises what you guys have said so far.

                      Man, without connections that sounds extremely tedious.

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