General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do so many people hate Hael?

Why do so many people hate Hael? in General Discussion

    I'm talking before this whole racism thing.

    I'm not saying the guy was friendly saint or w/e but dafuq, the hate on him is so strong. From what I know, the only things Hael did that might have warranted dislike was;

    1. Buying an account.
    2. Giving builds/ideas that most people found stupid.


    Shit I can point out dozens of people who commit #2 and I don't really see the problem with #1. If he was bad, it just meant he paid a bunch of $$ so he can lose a bunch of games back to his original MMR. If he was good and maintained his MMR, then it just meant he paid a bunch of $$ to speed up his MMR farm.

    Or did Hael do something I didn't see?


      While disliking account buying overall I personally don't have a reason to hate ALMOST anyone in here.
      I just don't like the racism trend overall.

      As somebody stated, to me too, "Russian", "Peruvian", "Chinese" and "Black" are all equally offensive when used unproperly.

      Then again I may just be totally different when it comes to understanding.
      This is no "protect Hael" post from me, it's just a general point of view on how I see things.

      Almost every discussion can be made peacefully and normally, with high intelligent people.
      Some of you guys have a lot to share (much more than I do) but do it the wrong way.

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        I mean before the Racism thing. Hael's name was brought up in like half the threads.


          Because hatin' is easier than objectivity and thinking outside the box. Exploring and re-valuating your own belief system is one of the hardest parts in life.


            It just feels to me that someone started the hate train on him and everybody boarded on.

            When asked why the hate on him, they say its cuz of #1 and #2. Which I'm explaining doesn't make any sense.


              Most people who throw hate towards Hael deserve a forum pause themselves for various reasons, the Dotabuff moderation just seems to think that only racism is ban-worthy. Well, racism towards black people, that is. It seems to be okay with other races.


                its the bandwagon hate train

                there really is no difference between him and majority of us, other then a little more "pushing-the-limits" in terms of blatantly spurting whatever comes to mind

                when most of us are flaming/cussing and pointing out flaws or pointing fingers @ everyone, i find that we're really only describing/critcizing ourselves, noticing negative traits/attributes that may share similar qualities to our own

                the gist of it, mainly some unresolved insecurity issues that most people have, or worse, just boredom/trolling.


                  its not the bandwagon hate train.

                  It might be the buying account thing. BUt the MAIN PROBLEM was his HUGE INFLATED EGO. He never admits that he's in the wrong ever. He never admits that he might be bad and perhaps his mmr is where he is at. He always comes on forums and bitch about his shitty 3k team and that he can never climb out of his mmr trench. He's similar to bogi in that regard except bogi is 4k+ and complains about 5k. LOL

                  I mean, whenever someone ( as in 90% of the posters on his thread) tries to tell him that perhaps maybe if you get better it might not be a problem. But no, he TRULY BELIEVES that ELO HELL exists for him and him only and that none of understands anything

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                  Bone Chilling

                    And why would any1 care?

                    jess the goat

                      Arent most of us like that? People who play dota want to think of themselves as much better as they actually are, and in the end, end up blaming their teamates for the loss. No one wants to admit that they are in this 'shitty mmr hell' and will just say their teamates brought them to it. I mean trust me, there is a lot of players who do that.

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                        you've just described 90% of the people here


                          how is chinese supposed offensive


                            *when used improperly or inappropriately

                            i.e. u fucking chinese
                            i.e. u fucking mexican

                            still insulting, still has to do with race


                              !yiran, that is why i said that it depends on how you use it.
                              I personally didn't want to make examples but when you say:

                              "Fucking Russians" people generalize for example and insult a whole race.
                              Same as when someone says fucking Chinese etc.

                              Yet on the forums it seems acceptable to call people that way or use the adjective "pinoy" (that I believe is also insulting but you can correct me on that).

                              I't s a gaming forum, we might just try to get along and talk about things in the most possible neutral way.
                              Express your feelings and thoughts but don't insult each other, there's really no need.

                              Ӂ₯₰ϗ҉ﮎєє₮₪₳ beat me to it

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                                You missed the part where he vehemently denied account buying despite overwhelming evidence, insulted everyone in that thread, asked me for advice and called my comments on animation cancelling "something only observers say but is impossible to do", called me a fucking chink for trying to tell him he could improve himself, deliberately threw games and flamed artreezy on his stream, spoiled a bunch of games at a mmr he did not deserve, used password retrieval to take back an account he sold to others, just to name a few.


                                  DEATH TO HAEL!


                                    Yes I know everyone to an extent are like that. However even I'm not that ignorant to believe that everytime I'm the only reason I win my games and the reason why I lose games is cause of my teammates. TBH, I dont even feel I'm good enough to be at 4k trench with my current skill. Its just that there is a massive amount of newer and noobier players currently and thats why I'm at 4k. Perhaps when everyone does slightly better, I'll decrease in mmr or most likely 10k will be the new 7k and 4k will seem like 2k.


                                      Oh yeah, I remember the one where you tried to coach him.

                                      That was funny.


                                        ty for the info.

                                        bum farto

                                          Basically constant posts rancid with self-pride, racism, hate breeding and just general complaining (latter not really that big a deal). Numerous people including myself, Zenoth and others tried to help him but were met with constant contempt and post after post of just laborious stupidity and I guess in the end you get a little fed up.

                                          Besides that there were some other shady issues, like buying a high level account and burning it to the ground due to not being good enough to maintain it and then turning to griefing high level players (arteezy etc.) who he came across in-game in some kind of get back scheme which didn't seem to work either and then I believe (rumored) he managed to get his account back which he gave away/sold by raising a support ticket or doing (as mentioned) the retrieve password.

                                          There are annoying people on this forum and people who equally need to be removed, but Hael's constant dotabuff presence was just toxic and we are all better off without it/him.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            ... guy is Hael's side account or something.


                                              I'm Rakshasa/Snowman and I've been arguing with you since forever Sam.

                                              and you call me Hael.


                                                im hurt

                                                bum farto

                                                  He is saying that the user ... is Hael.


                                                    I never heard of this Hel b4, the only thing i know is that hael said "nigger".


                                                      because hes a dick bag?

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                                                        if a white person says "nigger" in a forest and no one is around to hear them, is it really racist?

                                                        to be racist you have to be prejudiced against an entire group of people and distinctly hate/judge/whatever any person that is part of that group without even giving them a chance to display their character.

                                                        calling someone a nigger/chink is hardly racist.. even if meant as an insult; try to be more open minded about things.. the person could just try to be using a cuss word to display anger or whatever towards you, even terms like "faggot" can just be used as a general cuss word directed at a person even if you distinctly believe they aren't actually homosexual(look at the entire teenage generation for examples of using faggot but not meaning the person is gay and instead just generally throwing a cuss word at them).

                                                        then again if he was posting on the forum about how he hates the entire black race and gave reasons why etc.. that would be pretty racist.

                                                        so if really all he did was use racial slurs then im not sure why people hate him justly, i think people enjoy jumping on the rally bandwagon to hate on any kind of person that might be racist because its the ~socially cool~ thing to do.


                                                          red, you haven't red anything in this thread right?


                                                            i have and all i got was that he used racial slurs and bought an account, so what if he bought an account it doesnt affect your life, oh no you might end up in a match with him in your insanely high MMR bracket but i mean if hes as shit as he is then he wont be there long, people need to get a better hobby.

                                                            bum farto

                                                              You obviously haven't read all that much as the reason were stated here and he was well aware of what his continued behavior would cause...

                                                              Quoting myself

                                                              Basically constant posts rancid with self-pride, racism, hate breeding and just general complaining (latter not really that big a deal). Numerous people including myself, Zenoth and others tried to help him but were met with constant contempt and post after post of just laborious stupidity and I guess in the end you get a little fed up.


                                                                blind fuck ^+^

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                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    He deserved a ban but a lot more people here deserves ban too, like if you are going to ban him ban the other fuckers too.

                                                                    Oh man if i was a mod ......


                                                                      I guess people don't like attention whores.


                                                                        Ya all motherlovers need kush!