General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff EU Amateur Series Starting

Dotabuff EU Amateur Series Starting in General Discussion

    [size=22][color=red]NEXT MATCHS: Team Vrok vs Team Orion --- Team Vasile vs Team SRU[/color][/size]

    [color=red]The prize:[/color]
    Here's a short list on the prize.
    I know it's not much but I'm still happy that i can provide you guys with the following:

    The team who achieves the 1st place in the tournament will be rewarded with [color=red]5 chests[/color] (you don't need keys to open them) containing the current sets being sold on the Valve Market at the moment.

    [color=red][u]In addition, the most voted player after the tournament will get an additional prize[/color][/u], courtesy of [color=magenta]Havoc Badger[/color]

    you can choose between these 4 types:
    [color=magenta]Keep in mind those chests contain a full set + (if im not mistaken) a chance for a rare like the pudge dog courier

    Additionally, you may choose for something of equal values (max 2 euros of price per piece to a max of 5 pieces) from the store and I'll get it for you.[/color]

    Once again, if the tournament goes well, I'll try to setup something more interesting.

    [color=red]The rules:[/color]
    I'm not sure we need particular rules, standard tournament one apply:

    1. Be on time
    2. Respect each other
    3. Pause are allowed if used with common sense (guy d'cs, etc.)
    4. Don't be a dick (and this is important)
    5. CM mode will be played
    6. An official spectator (and would be better a streamer/commentator too) is necessary for the match victory to be official!
    7. I ask you kindly to be present if you decided to participate, don't sign in just to not come, thanks :)
    8. I will do a coin-flip before each match to decide what side everyone will join
    9. Since the tournament style will be round robin, expect it to last approximately 1 week, teams are required to actively organize matches between each other

    [color=red]The event time:[/color]
    1. The tournament will be played starting Saturday 23.05.2014 around 19:00 +1GMT time - Subsequent matches will be organized with the 2 teams agreeing on a time and date schedule.
    2. The server will be hosted in the EU, we can discuss which one to be on the go

    [color=red]The streamers and commentators:[/color]
    I believe Melody together with !Yiran would be a nice combo for a stream and commentary over the various matches

    [color=red]Additional Info:[/color]
    Here I'll add the additional info about the tournament that could be required later on

    Below you can find a recap on the team listed (keep in mind we can still add 2 teams if you guys want to and have players to attend)

    [color=turquoise]So far we've got:[/color]
    1. Team "Orion" - Yoshi + iWin4Arka <3 + Socram + Yanagi + Kallen [color=red][FULL][/color]
    2. Vroksnak - The crossdresser + Van-art + Chris + Karake/Jussi + Fadi [color=red][FULL][/color]
    3. Vasilie - The Spartan + Smitey + Itgoesitgoesitgoes + Mishu + HP [color=red][FULL][/color]
    4. Team "4FS" - Havoc + Melody + Sampson + Deadshot + Satellizer [color=red][FULL][/color]
    5. Lman - The savior + ooby + bullpojk + azel + random[RmH] [color=red][FULL][/color]
    6. Chamango + GoodGuyGolden + Lordy + Karimba+Djera [color=red][FULL][/color]
    7. Team "Eagle of the Ninth" - MrMoose + rice + Riflekiller + Nurthur + Setokaiba [color=red][FULL][/color]
    8. Team SRU - Mufasa + keith19x + koalaty player + Edgar Alan Bro + Jax [color=red][FULL][/color]

    Stand-in guys:

    At this point I STRONGLY suggest to consider the stand-in guys for replacements in case your team is missing a member.

    Spermudski Lord of Trakošćan
    Hurricane Hurricane

    Also, to spice up things and get back to the original project, if there are more people willing to join, we can add 2 additional teams

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    Quick maffs

      Why the fuck group 2 is so OP ?

      (btw guys dont pick enigma against group 1, seriously dont )

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      bum farto

        Aww yiss, Sate is mein.

        Skill rank differences will make the match hard for some. Would suggest two of the higher skilled teams playing out each other earlier on to eliminate one of them.

        Rank by High - Low. (an average based on the ranks I know)

        Team 2. 5000+ rank team
        Team 5. 4800+ rank team
        Team 4. 4200+ rank team
        Team 6. 4100+ rank team
        Team 3. 3800+ rank team
        Team 1. 3500+ rank team


          That is a good possibility yes, also shame we didn't add up 2 additional teams, would be nice to get them incorporated and maybe add some prizes.

          A remind once again, I know you hate me guys, but try spamming reddit or anything other info channel and lets add these 2 additional groups to the tournament!

          It's definately going to be fun :)

          lil nerd

            Can my ~2,4k potato bracket team join? I don't expect a win seeing skill level of others but we might as well go for it.

            bum farto

              You would play vs your coach? Damn you to heck.


                ^^^^ i swear our team (team 1) is actually like 3000+ or something

                + team 1 needs to all add each other and practice or something before the date, I wanna see the skill level of my team.

                Este comentário foi editado

                  added and banged.


                    I think a BOw group stage of 2 groups with 3 matches each with the winner going to the semifinals and the losers battling each other. so basically

                    A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3: 3 member groups are a bit bad because it's easy to go 1-1-1 so that's why I said BO2… :/

                    so A2xB3 and B2xA3

                    Winner of A2xB3 fights B1, winner of B2xA3 fights A1

                    and the winners are in the finals

                    I would call for a 6 groupstage but that seems it would take way too much time because 15 matches.

                    let's see if we can wait for 2 more teams first so we can do simple BO1 single elimination (or even double elimination if possible) with the finals being BO3 or smth

                    EDIT: 7pm GMT+1 will kill me because I'm GMT+8. But I guess I'm the only guy in this time zone so I don't matter haha

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                      The tournament stages should be set out like this -


                        Sounds good Yoshi. I will be occupied tho on sunday cause of the b-day party (so if we play then, we have Satellizer ready to jump in), but i hope we play on Saturday.


                          not with free byes


                            Alright guys, first of all I'd like to thank you all for the imput, It's very appreciated.

                            Ofc you can join, just list in the names and ill update the roster

                            ah, that sucks mate, but considering also Hurricane has a busy schedule we might want to setup a different day/time, we could give the teams 1 week for practice even if you guys feel like

                            Thats a nice template there mate, I've seen it somewhere before, would be cool if you could setup something similare once the teams roster is fully updated, I'd love it.

                            Also, I can already join now for some practice if you guys feel like

                            I'll accept your request as soon as i see it in game no worries

                            I think would be good to have a teamspeak server setup if someone has it already so teams can join in for practice/tournament games
                            Also, i might come up with some additional prizes for 2nd and 3rd position, sorry once again for not being able to afford much

                            bum farto

                              @yoshi I think there should be multiple ts3 servers available but some may prefer skype or raidcall.


                                Yes sure, why not, I might have one TS3 available, but I'm not sure we can use it, gotta ask.
                                Otherwise skype ofc, didn't think about it :)


                                  just carried chris on EU
                                  ~203 ms

                                  also, can we donate to increase the prize pool?

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    Just put this on twitch tv namsayin xd

                                    lil nerd

                                      Okay, there maaaaay be some changes in roster but for now it's(they're all on dotabuff):

                                      Edit: So rifle can't join, he can't take a day off to join. I'll post again when I get finalized roster.

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        It would be nice to get some sorft of group donations so that we can increase the pool ofc. But I don't feel much asking for money.
                                        What i find good is to get on Teamspeak all together, everyone, and discuss the little details, it could be a first time for dotabuff.
                                        I am really open minded :)

                                        @Moosey, updating your roster in the list now, just one more team to go!

                                        Moosey dont worry, the time and day schedule is still not set in stone, we can change it.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          Where do I sign up?


                                            Where is the SEA version?


                                            King of Low Prio

                                              depending on my schedule I might just give Satie my spot if I have no time to play before sunday


                                                let me know your favourite times guys

                                                Do you have a 5 man team, do you wish to be the captain of one or do you want to join someone already grouped? :)

                                                @Pissed | Wizard
                                                I really wish we could setup a SEA one too, shame the pings are very high for most of us, but i might help you if this tourny goes well, why not :)


                                                  fucking hell, i have ear canal inflammation in both ears, been in bed 5days (no doto:( )
                                                  if im still suck at saturday, vanart will play instead of me. :c

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    NO WITHOUT V-GOD WE HAVE WAY LESS CHANGE, NOT FAIR. Jk, we got this boys.

                                                    lil nerd

                                                      We got a little roster change, instead of Armada.Riflekiller, we recruited Slocknog.
                                                      So, roster change. Perma. Yay



                                                        @Vrok and others
                                                        We can let the practice flow for 1 week and begin the tourny the next one

                                                        lil nerd

                                                          Back to square 1: new guy quit, had a bad game with us, back to square 1, why does this always happen when i try to make a team...


                                                            team #2 so op,
                                                            where can I bet rarez


                                                              I'd prefer joining an already existing team. I don't really have the means necessary [size=8](a.k.a. I have no friends)[/size] to set up a team and I suck at being captain, so there's that.

                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                "We can let the practice flow for 1 week and begin the tourny the next one"

                                                                Sounds very nice, i agree.


                                                                  We've the the 8th team full, I'll update the roster soon.
                                                                  In the meantime more teams are still welcome!

                                                                  added to available players list! (take him, he's nice :) )

                                                                  Glad you like it mate, that way everyone i think will be happy

                                                                  A friend of mine has a russian team willing to join, I'll update the roster soon

                                                                  same with you, I'll update the roster soon again mate

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    this is turning way too tryhard.....


                                                                      Why sampson?


                                                                        It's fun and good someone here actually wants to make something happen. I commend you for that Yoshi.

                                                                        If there was no people like you, a place like this would be A4, and less exciting. I'm looking forward to watch the Tournament, ggwp Dangosihfanboy


                                                                          Heh, thanks Dang, appreciate it.
                                                                          I just like the community to grow and feel good :)

                                                                          Vanity  ツ

                                                                            Would be cool if someone wanted to do some commentary on these game. Maybe stream on twitch or somewhere else.


                                                                              We got that covered, no worries :)


                                                                                Just a suggestion but i think team names would be funny rather than just, team 1 team 2 etc.

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  vroksnak pretending to be sick so he has an excuse if he sucks

                                                                                  King of Low Prio





                                                                                        Wow this makes absolutely no sense... Team 2 can probably qualify for TI4 if they go try real hard...


                                                                                          Was looking for my post just to find it stickied, this is very nice, thanks guys :)

                                                                                          Team names would be awesome, so make sure to come up with something fancy, a logo would be nice too, so if there is any skilled Photoshopper out there, bring them on!

                                                                                          I'd still like a mods team, would be really cool! so mods dont be shy :))

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            Sampson + 4 is our official team name


                                                                                              so you decided to form a team for yourself?
                                                                                              I'll update the roster once you've got 5 guys, no worries

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                no the name of the team is

                                                                                                'Sampson + 4'


                                                                                                  Edited as you requested

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                      4FS!! 4FS!!

                                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                                        4FS is better cause then my name also becomes relevant #somanysams