General Discussion

General Discussionis lich op now?

is lich op now? in General Discussion

    yes he is. above 50% wr against every hero on both the worst and best versus list. Dat aghs too stronk.

    Bone Chilling

      Check out my lich games in this patch :D And I rarely build aghs

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        It's not the newest patch that made him OP, more like the previous one that made him able to get EXP with Sacrafice.


          Lich, Abaddon, bs op.


            Frost armor buff > Aghs buff


              lich was always OP people just didn't play him because he's boring, but now they can stack ults on ancients so its fun again

              Bone Chilling

                Lol, just got called a lich abuser, that hurts. xD But tbh, my lich was at 45% wr 4 days ago, now sitting at 56% and is now in my top 3 played, some crazy shit.


                  ^holy shit that lich winstreak. fuck it i'm using lich every game now.

                  Bone Chilling

                    I just lost =( Time to flame. There were 2 foreigners on a russian server that didn't understand russian, fuck volvo!

                    Just joking, but there were indeed eu ppl playing with me that game (not the 1st time actually) and I only que on russian servers.


                      The only thing that bothered me is that you can stack it on the ancient.


                        yes. he is op. but not only in this 6.81 patch.
                        he has be op ever since 6.79


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                          That's funny, my winrate with Lich was a lot higher before he got all buffed...


                            I think the ice armor buff is stronger than the agh's upgrade, however as people have said earlier, his exp buff was the best buff which made him strong.

                            Getting an extra 62 exp (net 124/93 exp swing) is huge whether it's a solo or support lich.

                            casual gamer

                              ITT scrubs think lich ult bounces >10 times outside of wombo with magnus/enigma

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                                flying snowman


                                  Lich was never OP but has always been really good. People are only now starting to use him because of the recent features to his builds and skills. As someone stated above most people avoid him because he can get a little boring, but that being said I feel he is a massively strong offlane hero and even safe lane support in some situations.


                                    lich gonna have yo kush

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                                      i really dont see him as OP at all


                                        what is this talk going on about lich ultimate stack on ancients? me no get it -_-


                                          tysm c:


                                            HOLY FUCKING SHIT


                                              Since i already have 90% winrate with Lich in like 20 games, i think i'll play it some after long time :)


                                                @Sir Rat-A-Lot I believe part of the ancient thing is that if a luna has a stack or something you can ult it as a trap if she or anyone else comes to farm it as it not only will never stop bouncing but I believe it gives sight as well.


                                                  i love playing lich, he's very strong both at lane and team fight, and now he op, hope IF never nefts him :I

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