General Discussion

General DiscussionSorry Wink, I take it back.

Sorry Wink, I take it back. in General Discussion

    There is a huge fckin difference between 300mmr. I underestimated it and I am sorry for disagreeing with it as it turns out to be true. Droppe from 4800 now at 4400 and everybody seems fckin retarded and I will probably never winn a game.

    Chris, go boost my account plz I give u 200 rares.


      make this page green and I give u 2 hugs and a spank


        i just finished this



          ICE SKULL

            im the cheapest mmr booster

            buy me aom extended edition on steam and ill bring you to 4500

            Este comentário foi editado

              I dont need help to get to fckin 4500? Are you crazy? These fckin 4,5k games are the most low skilled shit I've witnessed in my life.

              Also wave sama you're losing your practise games so I'd guess Vroksnak is more reliable. Actually I will make him add me just to talk with this famous v-god.

              ICE SKULL

                you want 5k? thats 15 keys per mmr

                find someone cheaper who can give you close to 90% winrate

                ICE SKULL

                  per 100 mmr*

                  ICE SKULL

                    oh lol ur trade banned u can go with vrok on this one lel


                      trust in the wink, the wink is all knowing


                        IN WINK WE TRUST


                          If anyone wants their MMR un-boosted I'd be happy to help. I'm pretty adept at feeding.


                            W god vs V god so scary

                            kanye went to uni

                              What happens if V-god and W-god face each other when boosting accounts? Does the universe explode?

                              Low Expectations

                                Why would anyone buy this shit srsly, there is nothing more rewarding than inproving ur mmr and seeing that you are steadily getting better. You cannot just take a shortcut, you will eventually fall to ur mmr bracket while flaming everyone at the higerbrackets and just ruining games for others.


                                  @Little Girl Player people like you make me vomit. Taking advantage of someone else's skill to make a quick buck. What's the point in having skill and playing the game? You just waited money buying the account, then you have to sell said account so some trashy player gets into high league and either's get himself into lower levels and never get's that high again, forcing them to leave that account and buy another account from some trash like you. Or, they live in false fantasy that they're actually good, when really they're not.

                                  And how dare you. You have the audacity to come into a forum board and claim that you can sell someone like Sama (Who is skilled enough as it is) and try making a quick buck off from her? No. Absolutely not. Next thing you know, you'll be trying the same thing with Dendi here soon enough.

                                  The world is corrupt enough as it is. Take this shit to League of Legends, where skill is all down the toilet anyway. Or better yet, spend $40+ dollars and buy SC2 HotS and make some bronze league player into master league, so they can live their own "Pro Fantasy". There is nothing lower than a person taking advantage of someone's skill.

                                  I'm stuck in 3K. So what? I'm proud to say that I have skill to improve and will try to accept skill (If my ego doesn't interfere) and learn as much as I can to become better. I don't need to ruin myself and my name by buying fake accounts to make myself feel good. I feel good every time I see my rank increase every game that I fought tooth and nail to win. (Not really, either one side slaughter's the other.)

                                  There, I'm done ranting. Needed to blow off some steam anyway.

                                  Low Expectations

                                    ^Dont take me wrong, partly I agree. But the kid is 18, as most of the people at that age hes probably broke and trying to make some pocket money. He isnt really hurting anyone, let idiots buy that shit but I would say its pure capitalism with supply and demand. Hate the game not the player



                                      wave sama you bourgeois pig, profiting off sub 5k elo hell tards

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        and yea 4000-4500 players are the worst, they think they're actually good when they're not even remotely close to being so, i'd rather get sub 4k players on my team cuz at least they don't whine and shittalk the entire game and are somewhat aware how awful they are

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          Your mmr may be bigger than mine thread but my dick is bigger than yours.

                                          Come smell my fingers its got pussy on it. Wouldn't believe me anyways you've never smelled it before.


                                            why are you proud of the smell of pussy what the fuck


                                              Just the same as someone who proud that can eat 10 hamburgers at 10 minute ^

                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                @ Caveman, yo that is a noble ass scent. Makes you wanna dive in face first.

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  @Soul Eater 676

                                                  what skill am i taking advantage of you dumb autist? the fuck are you even trying to say you dumb little cunt get the fuck out of my sight

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    "What's the point in having skill and playing the game?"

                                                    "Taking advantage of someone else's skill to make a quick buck"

                                                    "You just waited money buying the account"

                                                    get the fuck out of my sight


                                                      little girl player


                                                      C R U M B L I N on the other team is 1 of your 10 accounts :(

                                                      is that how you boost your accounts and win games for your "customers"?

                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        im being approached by a fake account who is most likely

                                                        yeah thats definitely me and all of my opponents are always me too.
                                                        this 5 man stack against me were all controlled by me as well you dumb autist


                                                          lol what

                                                          how did yesterdays boosting 4300 > 4500 on "south africa" server go?