General Discussion

General DiscussionRing of basilius on Storm

Ring of basilius on Storm in General Discussion

    Why do pros go ring of basilius on storm spirit when they go safe lane?
    I mean, the 325 gold component alone gives you more mana regen.


      Extra right click damage + okay armour? Storm needs those early game.


        because it allows them to push the lane and the difference in mana regen is negligible.

        basically for 175g you're getting 6 damage and 3 armour, and you can still disassemble to go into orchid.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Because it's a very good early game item that also helps your supports.


            As Andro said, pretty much the basi can help you control your lane, and if left empty that 500gold item helped you push a tower with 3-4 waves.


              damage, mana regen, armor, very cheap.

              ICE SKULL

                ive never seen basilius on storm, is this another le epic item by the eternalautism or autisteezy? im already pissed at instant sf pickers getting midas

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Nope it was done by Era. And because you are way better than them you flame them right?

                  ICE SKULL

                    hf seeing naga/sf pickers going midas on heroes that flashfarm faggot

                    ICE SKULL

                      i mean ur 5k+ too are you really praising them?


                        they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you

                        besides, why does someone have to change the subject and insult someone else in every fucking thread in this forum.

                        ICE SKULL

                          LMAo best argument of all years

                          ICE SKULL

                            they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you
                            they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you
                            they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you
                            they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you
                            they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you
                            they're 6k, so arteezy/EE > you


                              I know it's a retarded argument, i just made the same argument you did


                                I can see Era going basi on side lane carries. In HON it was very common to see suicide/carry heroes pick up a ring of protection and upgrade to basi in the sideshop. This was probably most common on Bubbles (Puck). I miss shell surf. Illusionary orb is so slow.


                                  for storm it's only a (175/2)g investment assuming he goes orchid with it. 2 last hits pays for the ROP when you go to sell it.

                                  at 33 int, with a plain sage's mask you'll have (0.01 + (33 x 0.04)) x 1.5 which is 1.995 mana per second

                                  if you have basi you'll have (0.01 + (33 x 0.04) x 1 = 1.33 mana regen. add basilius which is 1.98 mana per second. for 0.015 mana regen less per second, you get 6 damage and 3 armour, and you give teammates mana regen + armour too, which is well worth it compared to the amount of mana regen you lose.

                                  For reference, a difference of 0.015 mana per second is 0.9 mana every minute. you'd get basi on safe lane storm for the same reason's you'd get it on other carries. mana regen, damage, armour and the ability to push the wave.


                                    Don't forget about your range creep mana regen when you're pushing.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      How are bad naga and sf players their fault wtf? Are you a 10 year old kid to think this way? They just popularized it, and they are obviously gonna play those heroes because they win their pro games with them.


                                        Ring of basillus is most efficient mana regen early game
                                        Because those heroes has a very low int at the start
                                        get it on every hero!