General Discussion

General Discussion6.81 NOTES ARE OUT

6.81 NOTES ARE OUT in General Discussion

      WD got a large buff aswell as Brood <3 and Some nice Aghs upgrades


        ^^ well that was just about the hype page this is the official one :D


          Meepo is no longer available in Ability Draft

          Finally people can have their original mind-shut fun again!


            Abaddon aghs now 35% less damage taken by your team for 5/6/7 seconds

            Is this strong enough to make this a core item on him? Can imagine it being incredibly powerful in teamfights

            Combo it with the vengeful spirit death negative aura thing on your enemies = -70% damage dealt by enemy team! or is that wishful thinking?


              ^ the negative aura reduces damage from the base damage


                No tb ember in mmr, wp volvo !

                More love to trool, wp volvo !

                Why you nerf luna volvooooooo


                  Jesus wd and tinker.

                  Gyro retarted buff, also doom. Ursa mom inc, same as huskar ( for the love of God, what was icefrog thinking ). Jakiro agha nonsence. Tb going to 10 % wr.


                  Only nice thing is vs buff. Smart one.

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                    So what happens if you Aghs Lich Ult Mud Golems?


                      They can't be targeted at all.


                        -Meepo is no longer available in Ability Draft

                        And good riddance

                        Faceless Void, Brewmaster, and Beastmaster all felt really strong with 6.80. Lets see how strong they are with even more buffs, jeez.

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                          Damn so many bugfixes.

                          Scrublord patch thoughts/questions:

                          - The Chaos Knight buff is really lame. Just makes him even more RNG dependent, which is why he isn't picked much.

                          - No more Earthshaker creepblocks. Good thing IMO.

                          - What will Huskar pick up now that Burning Spears aren't a UAM?

                          - KotL Aghs upgrade is really good IMO, and he's good at farming so he could actually get it relatively early.

                          - I'm glad there's an AoE indicator for the boat now. It was always hard for me to tell where it was gonna land since I don't play Kunkka that much.

                          - Lots of stuff using PRNG now, which is good.

                          - Lich Aghs change is pretty crazy combined with stuff like Chronosphere or Vacuum or Black Hole.

                          - Lina getting more range. It's almost as regular as the CD nerf on Vacuum now. Her Aghs buff is pretty nice though.

                          - Omniknight getting more synergy with his spells. I really hope he gets picked up in comp more, but I kinda doubt it. He needs to be able to jungle, because he's a terrible laner so you can't stick him in a solo lane, but he really needs levels badly.

                          - Dat QoP Shadowstrike CD.

                          - I guess the Riki Backstab change lets him deny better? What else can he do with that?

                          - Shadow Demon's new Aghs upgrade is really cool.

                          - Silencer's Agi growth is higher than most Agi heroes now.

                          - Incoming Tidehunter ancient strats.

                          - Troll with the slight buff. I think he was pretty good mid hero before anyways, teams just forget about him.

                          - New Tusk snowball is weird. I need to see it in action first.

                          - Ursa can pick up a Vlads + Desolator now, which is pretty scary considering Fury Swipes is physical damage.

                          - Wraith King now taking literally all of the damage with -1 armor.

                          - Clarity buff encourages roaming early. I think...

                          Low Expectations

                            Omg: KOTL will literally be OP nice! and Lich can solo rampage with aghanims ;D


                              Also, is tusk going to be hilarious fun now, or what?
                              HOP ABOARD THE HAM WAGON, FELLAS

                              Also, finally, we can build Mask of Madness on Ursa for some reason. Dear god. And Huskar too! Oh, man, is there any reason to play any other hero?

                              The buff to Euls is clever, always hate to see an ally wind someone into the air only for them to blink to safety after we all gather 'round the tornado.

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                              Quick maffs

                                Isnt the meteor bug fix for invoker a pretty big buff to refresher invoker ? Good invoker players are going to be happy



                                  Base agility reduced from 22 to 18

                                  fu frosty amphibian


                                    Hard carries don't deserve positive winrates


                                      Ursa can go MoM if anyone noticed


                                        Um, that Necrophos buff.....+30% to duration timer. Oh my gosh.


                                          ^ LOL NEWMETA ANCIENT TRAP


                                            Havent finished reading it yet but I BETTER SEE that CM set by Yi in my inventory by next week!

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              damn no more 100-0 ppl at lv 5 as ember :( have to wait til lv 7 now


                                                "Fixed Invoker's Chaos Meteor to stack multiple meteors correctly"

                                                WTF? OMG!


                                                  I m gonna get 6k mmr with new brood

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                                                    I thinks bots got updated too.

                                                    They now chain disable,USE BLINK

                                                    Also daed crits has a soundeffect


                                                      Luna debuff... zzzz

                                                      and no CM buff after all those debuffs... LOL Hasnt she taken enough pain from all these support matches already?!!>?


                                                        zeus-> free dewards


                                                          EMP delay increased from 2.6 to 2.9

                                                          Shapeshift no longer provides 100/200/300 bonus health

                                                          Ember Spirit
                                                          Searing Chains duration reduced from 2/2/3/3 to 1/2/2/3 [?]
                                                          Sleight of Fist bonus damage reduced from 30/60/90/120 to 20/40/60/80

                                                          Earth Spirit
                                                          Stone Remnant recharge time reduced from 35 to 30


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                                                            Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Leave Axe alone!


                                                              Ursa Eye of Skadi and doesnt need to go vlads can go help or MOM.

                                                              Lich might be picked competitive. That is a very good pick now especially with the last patch with the sacrifice. Atleast sigma or Rox.kis Na'vi will pick them more. That seems like their shit.

                                                              I've always hated Trolls cast delay on whirling axes. Thank you for making it 0

                                                              Tinker not gitting ethereal with missles always thought it was a bug.

                                                              thats all my thoughts for now.


                                                                But seriously wouldn't the buff to Ursa make him a bit too strong?


                                                                  I think the buff to tusk can be a problem. He can sit in the snowball and choose to not go to the next hero. You are invulnerable in snowball so you can literally hide from spells being used lol.


                                                                    No HæL. The change is good and makes him stronger. Now he probably can compete with the considerably stronger heroes out there.
                                                                    Not that this will make a big difference in most cases, but it will obviously do in some.


                                                                      Loving the necro update.

                                                                      30% increased death timer and have an aghs for no bb.
                                                                      Will be even more fun now.

                                                                      That lich aghs ullt and aghs Lina ult though....

                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                        I've always wanted to build deso on Ursa [rubs hands expectantly]....


                                                                          WHY NAGA
                                                                          NAGA WASNT EVEN PICKED THAT MUCH
                                                                          LYCAN WASN'T EVEN NERFED AS MUCH

                                                                          WHAT THE HELL


                                                                            ^Naga was picked like fucking mad in competitive scene. Any good farmer can get radiance in less than 20 mins and just use illusions to split push 2 lanes a time while jungling


                                                                              dat agh's on lich...
                                                                              dat nerf on meracle,i mean naga..
                                                                              newmeta WR Carry is coming..


                                                                                I tried Deso Ursa in a bot game. Was fun.


                                                                                  naga was not picked as much as lycan. or invoker, or ember, or dazzle.

                                                                                  even dk had to ban lycan when he was available to dire

                                                                                  srsly ffs

                                                                                  naga got nerfed repeatedly. first she got nerfed for being a good carry. then she got nerfed for being a good support. and now nerfed again because of carry??? wtf


                                                                                    ^Invoker needs at least some skill to use, and his skill cap is ridiculously high. Lycan needs a good team to back him up. Ember got nerfed. Dazzle is fine. Naga has a low skill cap, and can be so bullshit in so many ways.

                                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                                      Time to practice Lich and WD :D

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                                                                                      Safe Base

                                                                                        Dat Lich OP?!


                                                                                          Creeps no longer try to path around Fissure; they will wait for it to disappear


                                                                                          no more creep block abuse

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            Terrible patch. Absolute bullshit. What the fuck is infinite bounce? What the fuck is 225 mana lasso? What the fuck are those totally useless nerfs to Lycan and Ember? What the fuck is Frost Armor on buildings? What the fuck is 3 agility per level on a INT hero?
                                                                                            Mortal Strike damage ratio increased from 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75 to 1.5/2/2.5/3 and why is CK's is still %10? Lina will have a global attack range soon, Aghs Macropyre is gonna cover half the map and "Ghost Walk slow no longer affects magic immune enemies." WOW DUDE BIG NERF.

                                                                                            Edit : Also neither Pit Lord nor Techies released and no Vacuum nerf = bad patch.

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                                                                                              Dat agha Lich is madness... so is kotl and lina.

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                                                                                                ARE YOU PANICKING?!


                                                                                                  naga has pub winrate of 45%. invoker has 49%. Lycan has 56%. So no, naga is not easy to use.


                                                                                                    Huskar got buffed, but I don't get why bristleback got buffed.