General Discussion

General DiscussionUnbeileveable......

Unbeileveable...... in General Discussion

    I should not lose my six games victory streak with naga to a random 4 stack who think that randoming carries is a good idea.

    Then they blame me for why we can't kill weaver. GG fuck that game.


      You suck. It's your fault you lost. 0-7-2 huge impact blame team

      waku waku

        nice hero damage, you should just stop playing naga, she sucks io without a team that you can rely on

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          I see nothing wrong with your teams randoms and they didn't legitimate random a hard carry and all but SF can be played as a support or offlane or roaming.

          Dual lane Bara/SK & Naga Nyx with sf mid....

          It honestly looks like you guys just fed their offlane super fucking hard and he just wrecked you all game.

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            I left at 0/3 because they kept their scores around the fives.

            I said "Fuck iit" When WK had no stun. He DCed, got him his stun then when t"Wtf who got my stun."
            Enemy team laughed.

            First blood to wind top against an SB and nyx. Nyx stuns, and bara stun at the same time.
            Ask for gank mid, got one from the enemy team.
            Weaver soloed nothing wrong with that, but when every teim bara came down I ensare, and then he just ulted back. I ulted and caught him in my net again, but bara said fuck it, when he saw weaver again, and left.
            Then said, "WTF NAGA CANCEL ULTI EARLY"


            Anyway the game was worth getting LP. At least there, I CAN carry the team easier in there then down there.

            Also I'm a team player, I rather have my teammates get kills than me. Wind was already on a killing spree top in a trilane with CM/SK/Wind. Smart Idea, don't know why the fuck nyx said, "Let's kill the triple stun lane with nyx and bara."

            At least when I feed, I acknowledge it, but I usually get a really good ensare that got us the teamfight win, and I could just go back to split pushing towers when respawned. There was no way in hell to stop the weaver when he killed me and WK twice after a gank from SF went horribly wrong.

            Also Havoc, we did have a dual stun lane, just that WK was afraid of his own shadow, and Nyx and Bara were feeding top. SF got one kill on invoker mid while he got three from other lanes.

            Like I've said, I left at 0/3. If there were anyway's to make that game better, be my guess. The 4 stack wouldn't like it regardless.

            King of Low Prio

              'Also I'm a team player'


              you came to the forums to ask for validation on shifting the blame to someone else rather than yourself


                Isn't maxing Rip Tide the right way to go?
                Especially since you're trying to play her as a carry, although even support Naga's max out Riptide too.

                You follow the same skill and item build and you don't adapt. As an example, if you want to split push, Radiance is better than Diffusal Blade, since you can kill an entire creep wave with 1 illusion which you wouldn't be able to with a Diffusal. Compared to PL, you have a more reliable way of creating illusions which also last longer, and also higher strength gain so you'll still have a decent HP pool even if you get a Radiance as your first item.

                From a source of 100 matches, not once have you bought a Radiance on Naga Siren.

                Also how are any of your losses not attributed to you in any way? I mean if you don't die the entire match and you still contribute in a large number of kills or have a high amount of building damage, maybe you could be excused, but that's not what happened.

                "Also I'm a team player, I rather have my teammates get kills than me"
                So why is your KDA ratio low on your third most played hero that is a carry?

                "Anyway the game was worth getting LP. At least there, I CAN carry the team easier in there then down there."
                If that's so, why don't you just stay in low priority then? Games will be easier according to you, and then you won't have an excuse for losing since you're playing against players at the bottom of the barrel.


                  I like being challeneged, more or so less. I do team play, but I make note of why the fuck my team doesn't do shit about much. Radiance is good for naga if I want to tank and split push naga. If I want damage naga, I rather get my Dblade and manta fast.

                  I rather have ensare maxed out than a riptide. 1 point in mirror image for debuffs and stun dodges from heros. Hell I dodge Husk's ult with that shit.

                  Mid game, I'm always with the team. In a team fight, my ult is very important if my iniatiior doesn't have blink yet. after teamfight, I help push towers, or split push another tower and aid in kills. Naga IMO is best played with teammates and for setting up kills. Secondary is getting herself kills.

                  Late game, Damage Naga Trumps Tank naga. You see way too many naga's go radiance and NOT help the team. You're playing naga wrong if you do.

                  I have many games, where I sucked as naga so that's where my Low KDA comes from.
                  All I have time fore, in another game.


                    and you played perfectly amiright Mr. 0-7-2?

                    King of Low Prio

                      so what you are saying is that in 100 matches not once did you team need split push..............


                        Soul Eater 676 says:
                        I said "Fuck iit" When WK had no stun. He DCed, got him his stun then when t"Wtf who got my stun."
                        Enemy team laughed

                        Well I just checked the wk get the stun at lvl 1 so why are u going to the extend of making up a story and fail so hard at lying in order to put the blame on ur teammates and not face the reality that u are as bad or even worst then them?

                        Dire Wolf

                          Dude you are a whiny little bitch. Yesterday making threads about making people cry, like that actually happened, no one cares about your shitty matches or your shitty life. If you need to post here to vent about dota instead of crying alone in your room then by all means, go for it, but don't make the mistake of thinking anyone gives a shit.


                            ^THE TRUTH HAS BEEN SPOKEN


                              @Mustard Bait, wait what. There was no no way he got stun level one, He had his crit level one. I remember because he crit hit a creep to take it from the very beginning. Also if you check he got his ult at level 5, which is impossible.

                              @Mark, I don't really care about other people. I'll help then win sure. But I won't tolerate shit and people saying like "lol no one cares faggot." It's people like you that certain groups get into higher power than they should.

                              @Sampson, we usually take out a mid tower, then go two diferent groups and push those towers down.

                              @Wink, Did I ever say I was playing perfectly? No, there is always room for improvement.

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                              ICE SKULL

                                damage control intensifies


                                  Lol he got his ult @ level 5 prob because he leveled it up before he leveled another spell. He got two levels from an engagement. and.... Maybe no more Arteezy streams for a while?

                                  I didn't look at your matches.

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    i knew the skill level of this forum was like sub 2k or something but Good Lord. level 5 ulti?

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Your reply isn't even coherent. I think you're missing a conjunction in there. What groups? What power?


                                        if you play badly and you lose, you have nobody to blame but yourself, you cant expect your team to carry you when you are their carry and youre playing like shit


                                          I left at 0/3 because they kept their scores around the fives.

                                          Also I'm a team player

                                          Cool story.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!