General Discussion

General DiscussionThis forum is so intense and epic

This forum is so intense and epic in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    Well wink you almost dont flame anyone dude.

    You really think that you ever flamed someone as hard as sampson does ?

    Sampson is usually right, its only the way of saying it.

    "QQ threads should be blocked from this site, then there will be nothing to flame"

    ohhhhhhhhhhh my friend believe me, people will find something new to hate on

    They always do

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    King of Low Prio

      Dorkly I have been muted once in like the last 3 months and only 1 other time before that so obviously I dont flame as much as you tend to think I do :P


        It's funny that some of the people who are complaining about a lack of moderation are the ones who would be banned if we were to moderate more aggressively.

        As it stands some people are getting pretty close to being banned simply because I'm tired of your bullshit.

        King of Low Prio

          <3 I love you Jason


            what he said.
            from using forums like personal blog to the same crappy threads being posted daily.
            add to that ton of petty fights at every step.

            might as well get another mod to help around a bit if you maintain such mellow stance.
            I, for example, don't even bother checking the forums more than once a day for about 10 minutes. even that became tiresome.


              Jason, I mean no disrespect when I say this, but is it professional to ban people for personal reasons? People should be banned if they are clearly trolling or stirring up chaos in the forum. If a massive portion of the userbase hates someone and wants them banned, it's probably because that person is a troll and doesn't belong here. People like Sam might flame a lot, but at least he actually does productive things on the forum, while people like Bogi, Hael, and Wave do nothing but produce flamewars, troll people, and make QQ/brag threads. I'm not telling you how to do your job, but I am really hoping you ban the right people soon.

              Cheers :)


                I dunno man, I think I flame like a motherfucker sometimes

                Quick maffs

                  rolf, jason is right

                  GIFF BANHAMMER

                  Wish i was a mod, damm i would be literally jesus


                    I believe that as long as we try to promote civil discussion and avoid creating threads that make no sense we will be all fine.
                    It's a pity that we've got a nice community that is slowly growing but hate on each other.
                    Sometimes the threads are useless, posting or not for some people really would not make a difference but just offend someone.

                    I like constructive feedback a lot, but i don't like being disrespectful.
                    there are ways and ways of doing the same thing. Be the smart one and pick the correct choice

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                      Honestly, when someones username is "lolf4g" there's no real reason to even acknowledge their stuff.

                      Ignore feature or not, just don't even respond to their stuff, it's obvious they're just going to troll or rile people up.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I rarely respond to wave but putting your head in the sand wont make him stop :P

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                          Quick maffs

                            I love wave, he is such a nice guy, he told me once that i had sick KDA

                            Yeah Yoshi you are right

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                              @Wink: I'm not worried about what's professional or not. We want to see constructive, helpful behavior in the forums. I see the same names appearing in all of the useless drama-tastic threads, and that includes some of the people commenting here. This is a warning to everyone: those who keep it up will permanently lose their posting privileges.

                              "I believe that as long as we try to promote civil discussion and avoid creating threads that make no sense we will be all fine." <-- Do that and we're all good!