General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does people flame Exort Quas invokers?

Why does people flame Exort Quas invokers? in General Discussion

    Ever since pro's started to use Quas Wex to dominate the early game, Exort Quas have been looked down upon, and i cant play a pub anymore ( 4,1 k mmr ) without instantly being questioned why im going exort over wex quas, like what the actual fuck.
    Like it has gone to the point where im actually being REPORTED for going Exort even if i 75% of the time end up winning the game for my team.

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    waku waku

      emp too strong


        but you have to rely too much on your team and your carry if you're goign quas wex.
        It's simply not good when you're solo queing.

        King of Low Prio

          you are not getting reported for your skill build you are getting reported because it is a 99.9% chance that you are another one of those arrogant fucks that pick invoker


            Quas wex does everything much better


              What sampson said.

              I get tired of some whiny ass kid either insta picking invoker or pudge then demanding mid like its the only lane they can go, let alone the win % statistics are not that great per month on invoker or pudge and the odds are in the other teams favor that I will lose due to a "head up the ass" mentality that invokers/pudges tend to have.

              Invoker is fine but..... does he have to go mid every game? Hell no. Does he have to go Hand of midas/sheepstick and other dmg items and not fill another role? NO. Is he immune to being a support type role when we already have 4 carries? NO.

              The inflexibility of these 2 picks, and the mindset of these people make me puke, its the most BORING and played out characters on the game.

              What I would like to see less of because its stupid is:

              1. PUDGE
              2. INVOKER
              3. MIRANA
              4. BRISTLEBACK
              5. SNIPER

              In that order of most hated insta-picks.


                I don't really care what the overall winrate of the hero have when im sittiong ona 75% winrate with him myself since the latest patch.
                Invoker is the most fun and the most rewarding hero in the game if played correctly. Why would i rather go offlane when i can do more for my team on the mid lane? there is simply no reason for it.

                You're whining about invoker being popular in teh current meta, how about furion? ember? how can you even mention sniper when he's probably the easiest carry to just neutralize in todays meta.


                  All bullshit aside, you are getting dissed because right now Qwexvoker is considered OP and if you don't go that build, your teammates will flame you because they want easy wins.


                    pub exort/quas is much better than quas wex

                    King of Low Prio

                      I love when people try and manipulate stats to suit their agenda

                      I AM LIKE 100% WINRATE WITH VIPER TODAY

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        that's cuz most bullshit invoker can't farm or dominate mid. 30 mintues in they are still mid with 0 ganks and they lost mid tower with euls & force staff and offer 0 team fight. Meanwhile a hardcore extort invoker gets dominator/deadalus and pushes tier 3 in under 30 mintues.


                          Winrate does have a big matter here, because whenever a hero becomes popular in the meta all kind of people are going to try and experiment with the hero, and most likely fuck up.

                          Numbers speaks more than words.

                          King of Low Prio

                            Invoker 469

                            you are right I like numbers


                              Oh but I am.
                              how about you go cry somewhere else now? :)
                              And read my words carefully before trying to jump on me.

                              King of Low Prio


                                some random trashcan

                                  its probably because qw voker does everything better (most heroes lose all their mana from an emp tornado) but yeah people take it over the top, sorry to hear you got reported for it


                                    May I ask what there is you're trying to prove here?
                                    Do you even have a point? I doubt it, since you actually don't have any numbers to back up any of your statements with, I do on the other hand.


                                      Wow congrats.

                                      I won't cry anywhere else but here. your time for losses are upon you.

                                      Either way doesn't this thread give you any idea of why people will bitch at you for picking invoker?

                                      A. They would of done it differently, everyones way is better than yours because everyone is dendi and you are not.
                                      B. Invoker is overplayed with full of themselves attitude (already proved by your ass, and i bet thats why you're muted)
                                      C. You were probably a dick since you picked invoker.
                                      D. You have a cat anime image.

                                      I mean people will find anything to pick you apart for whatever you're doing. My problem is you picked invoker. Period. Boring. Overplayed. Yawn. Too much invoker, not enough cow bell. I need more cow bell.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        where exactly are your numbers that show

                                        'playing quas exort leads to people reporting you'


                                          I do understand why people can bitch about quas wex invokers since EMP is ridiculously overpowered right now.
                                          But just because something is overpowered doesn't mean its suited for every scenario.
                                          You can try to justify my mute by the way im trying to defend my opinion here, but that's just a punch under the belt.

                                          And hey, the fuck man, how can you hate on my kawaii waifu, now im seriously hearth broken... I don't even know how to handle this anymoar ;-;

                                          @Sampson I don't need any numbers since its the exact fucking reason they told me moments before they reported me :p

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            so on multiple occasions(one game wont get you muted) at the end of the match your teammates stated

                                            'I have reported you for playing quas exort invoker'




                                            you understand why nobody believes the bullshit you say right?

                                            bum farto

                                              @.LiMpIcH™ [Muted4Raep]

                                              From what I have read from your comments above it seems you are not just being reported for your builds but if you're willing to listen then I am willing to help.

                                              I am not an invoker player but play with a lot of them (about 90% of my friendslist), since the latest patch invoker has received massive improvements to builds that favor quas/wex leaving the exort build out in the cold a little and again partially due to some minor nerfs to exort based builds.

                                              This is my understanding of why, given the current meta as well, people will be inclined to be disappointed in the same way that Viper not going Mekanism is frowned on. No one said you aren't good or can't do good but there is an established meta that most people (at least in the 4k and above) would like to see you play along with.

                                              Given that as well Invoker as a hero is kind of annoying to me both to play against and with due to either doing good and dominating, taking kills, and making life hard for everyone, or spending the entire game jungling with summons and doing what is considered to be non efficient combos (e.g. EULS, SS, METEOR on a single target)

                                              Here is the main reason why most people prefer QW to EW or QE

                                              Exort Invokers -
                                              Farm too much, help too little,
                                              Usually shit until they have Midas and a whole lot of levels.
                                              Ineffective and wasteful spells
                                              Very single target focused and "combo" based.

                                              Qwokers -
                                              Can help the team
                                              Not so Greedy
                                              Early prescence and super effective spells (not just shitty sunstrikes)
                                              Usually build orchid and Necro or general teamplay items and not just - Midas/Phase/Force/Euls/Sceptre/Sheep <- all solo plays

                                              (looking over your games your builds confirm this)

                                              ....some simple examples but may help.

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                2 weeks ago the report algorithm was changed once again.
                                                3 reports is enough to get you muted. ( it cant be all in 1 game . )
                                                And no, it wasn't in the end of anything, it was in the middle of the games because they were butthurt i didint make stupid rotations to try to save their sorry ass and prioritized other stuff which lead us to win the game.
                                                What you believe is really irrelevant, this thread wasn't even circulated about my mute.
                                                It was created because im genuinly curious what this hate against exort vokers is about.

                                                bum farto

                                                  Did you even read the above?

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    no he didnt he is so delusional that he thinks 'whatever I do is right'

                                                    fuck having a TP scroll Im farming

                                                    fuck trying to secure runes ill let the other guy have them and fuck up my safe lane because Im farming

                                                    fuck buying what the team needs I want euls to blow up supports

                                                    WHY AM I MUTED?????????


                                                      @ Havoc or Cpt Caveman

                                                      Why is sheep considered not a teamplay item on voker? On a support it's considered very helpful team oriented, but on voker ppl call it greedy solo item. Midas I understand bc it's all about getting lvls fast and helps team very little.

                                                      Not saying you're wrong, just want to know why. I like invoker and need to improve with him, which includes proper item choices. Sheep gives him mana, disable, dmg, all seem helpful in teamfights.


                                                        @Havoc Badger
                                                        Thanks this is exactly the kind of replies i wanted to read, it's indeed true that exort invokers are far more greedier and item dependant than quas wex, but it also secures your late game by being so.

                                                        I've played ALOT of quas wex, even before the huge EMP buff.
                                                        And if you can easily be crippled by your own team, which is why i can safely say that a experienced invoker player should focus more on exort since you always have something to fall back on if your carry fails you.
                                                        Becuase 2 arcane boots is enough to counter the tornado emp combo and can totally just wrek you if you dont have enough damage in the early stages of the game.

                                                        I think that you can actually give more early game with dual forge spirits and coldsnap than tornado emp, because obviously, shorter cooldowns, and more damage and better push potential, whilst tornado on the other hand is better to stop heavy push lineups like furions and lycans etc.

                                                        Check my replays before making the most retarded assumptions, please.
                                                        Invoker got the same movement speed as CM, do you know what that means? YOU'RE PRETTY FUCKING SLOW.
                                                        Noticed that i always have BoT and Euls? Guess why, not only does it help you purge dusts and set up combos.
                                                        IT GIVES YOU MUCH NEEDED MOVEMENTSPEED.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        bum farto

                                                          Sheep is usually the last thing invokers build so while the item isn't bad they just get it to get solo kills on supports due to them rarely even being in teamfights.

                                                          Its not the item it's how it's used. Sheep stick is a massively effective item but I have seen countless invokers blow it on a support so they can get that extra kill. It is a great items if gotten earlier and used in the right way but not in the way most will use it on invoker.


                                                            @ Havoc

                                                            Okay, that makes sense, thanks.

                                                            bum farto

                                                              .LiMpIcH™ [Muted4Raep] I think that is left up to you as a player. If I was a solo safe lane invoker I would be much more inclined to sneak a few points into exort or max it altogether but would never do so in mid (if god forbid I ever have to play mid, or invoker).

                                                              Tornado + EMP creates seconds of disable where your team can come in and the emp ensures they don't have enough mana to turn anything. Trust me, when your thrown into the air and you get him by emp and there is a team bearing down on you there is no thought to the mana boots and all you want to do is run. This is my point exactly where I feel IMO you have a little bit of a solo mindset where you are very single unit involved instead of thinking of the overall picture.

                                                              Level 6-8 you go to their offlane and tornado + EMP into coldsnap, you can all dive under the tower and kill everyone there, whereas with a exort build you may be able to grab one if you are lucky enough to get the initial cold snap off.

                                                              The tornado is what makes it serves as an initiation for your team.

                                                              EDIT: on this comment

                                                              Noticed that i always have BoT and Euls? Guess why, not only does it help you purge dusts and set up combos.
                                                              IT GIVES YOU MUCH NEEDED MOVEMENTSPEED.

                                                              You know that maxing wex would have this same effect and save you the cash right :P

                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                'Check my replays before making the most retarded assumptions, please.
                                                                Invoker got the same movement speed as CM, do you know what that means? YOU'RE PRETTY FUCKING SLOW.
                                                                Noticed that i always have BoT and Euls? Guess why, not only does it help you purge dusts and set up combos.
                                                                IT GIVES YOU MUCH NEEDED MOVEMENTSPEED.'

                                                                they have these special items that teleport you to buildings



                                                                  Wex/Exort best invoker.


                                                                    @Havoc Badger
                                                                    On point, but you usually dont get more than 4 points in quas anyway and try to get points into wex just for the tornado range.

                                                                    Whilst EMP is very strong in the early game, it's very rarely you see a quas wex invoker prepare for the 40 min mark and he usualy sits on maelstorms/orchid instead of utility items.

                                                                    It feels to me like you're speaking about pro level of play where u see teamfights happen in the 8 minute mark with 5 man rotations etc, then yeah, EMP would be superior than a single target coldsnap, but the most underused spell in pubs is probably ice wall which deals a huge ammount of damage and can secure just as many kills as a tornado can do. ( obviously you'll have a stun on ur team to help you out )

                                                                    The movement speed note wasnt aimed for you though, of course wex provides more movementspeed to a cheaper penny, but you are unable to purge dust etcs and set up combos.

                                                                    @Sampson Oi dude, i had no idea Tp scrolls removed dust and allowed me to save team mates and even set up combos, holy fuck. now i finally understand why this item is so popular in the pro scene, THANKS DUDE, +COMMEND.
                                                                    Edit: HOLY FUCK, 135 GOLD INSTEAD OF SPENDING 2,7 K ?!? YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS.

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      If you cant set up combos without euls it means you prob should go back to bots and practice playing invoker.

                                                                      Please link a match in which you used euls to save a teammate(and I dont count you just happening to setting up the euls combo while he was attacking your teammate), I will legit watch the WHOLE match. I can count on my hand how many times a invoker used it to save his ally (~4k MM). Stop trying to bullshit us you buy the item because you only know one combo.

                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                        You know, 75% winrate with 73 games IS pretty impressive....


                                                                          The smell of asshole invoker is overpowering my nose in here.


                                                                            @Sampson you can watch my latest game where i euls and puts down a icewall just to save my bounty hunter.
                                                                            Who said i cant set up combos without a eul? You're just trying to make assumptions again .

                                                                            Or you know what? watch this game instead.
                                                                            Then you're welcome to flame me.

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            King of Low Prio


                                                                              not when you consider the fact that all the competitive players play ranked

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                watching replay now

                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                  People hate invoker

                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                    Well it's like, if he's an asshole and blames team and loses, then sure, report away, but it looks like whatever it is he's doing actually is working and carrying his team most of the time, in which case it seems like he has a point. I'm the first to admit I fucking hate Invoker instapickers (except one of the people I queue with :p) but if they win the game for me, then ... whatever, I don't care if they're an asshole, and I definitely wouldn't report them lol.


                                                                                      @Sampson I play competitively , not near a pro level of course. But I do play to win, and i stopped playing ranked when i got matched up with a team mate at 3.1 k mmr, which is 1k below me. That was enough for me to give up on the ranked que. Why wait 15 minutes for a unbalanced game, i can have the same in unranked.


                                                                                        Hey man, you play Invoker a lot, so you may haven't noticed this, but most non-Invoker players are just tired of seeing someone picking him in every single one of their games. He's been the second most picked hero for a while now and people are starting to react to an Invoker pick just like they are reacting to a Pudge pick (i.e: "Oh, not this same crap again") regardless of what build they decide to go.

                                                                                        And yes, Wex build can be blamed on this. After all, since that buff Invoker's global winrate improved by 4% or so, and that's a huge number considering how often he's picked.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          21 mins into the match was the FIRST moment you invoked a spell that was not sunstrike cold snap

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Well exort invoker only uses spirits cold snap and suntrike for 40 min probably

                                                                                            btw sampson 73 games are MORE than enough to prove a point.

                                                                                            Like if he is playing exort invoker and still can get 70 % winrate it means that he is doing the right thing, i dont fucking help my team when i am playing OD and it works fine.

                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                              @Sampson you just proved to be full of shit since i invoked spirits at 12 min.
                                                                                              Also had tornado into sunstrike at 20 min, but i guess you're just to blind to see things like that.

                                                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                Is the same shit when people flames me for going bloodstone first in storm instead of orchid

                                                                                                MY HERO, MY BUILD

                                                                                                So fucking tired of that " meta " bullshit

                                                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  You are right I forgot to add the forge spirits that was a typo

                                                                                                  But that being said I watched the whole match (It was quite sad) seeing someone miss sunstrikes on stunned targets -_-

                                                                                                  NOT ONCE did you use euls to save anyone the only time that could ALMOST be considered 'saving' someone was during the fight at the rax in which you used tornado NOT euls to counter initiate when the BH was messing around in their base

                                                                                                  But hey I will let you continue with your delusions of grandeur

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    @.LiMpIcH™ [Muted4Raep]

                                                                                                    it was midway thru the 20 min mark forgive me for rounding up O great invoker

                                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                                      I also noticed that not once did you use your forge spirits to secure runes. I would like everyone to know that I called that BEFORE I watched the match