General Discussion

General DiscussionOff Topic: I'm hungry whats for lunch everyone?

Off Topic: I'm hungry whats for lunch everyone? in General Discussion

    Again the lunch topic. Get off of talking about vanguards and tell us your bad ass lunch of the day:

    Spaghetti, with homemade sauce, whole wheat pasta with apple slices and oranges for a treat. (Also had a bagel because it was free, and free tastes better)


      noodles and ice tea


        instant noodles with one egg and a can of peanuts


          Hmm noodles seems to be the meal of champions here. My spaghetti is not probably the same as your noodles. I may need to change brands.


            Soda, and now I'll go to sleep and wake up around 3'clock @ the night. That's how my day rythm works. No Work<333


              Instant ramen and a homemade sort of asian influenced stew.


                I guess I need to go back on the Ramen diet.

                FYI: I post about food, then there is a food commercial each time I open this up. Well played google chrome. Well played.

                King of Low Prio

                  I guess I cant really complain since I am staying at home for the next few months since my dad is a chef and I dont have to go back to the ramen diet :P

                  Dire Wolf

                    Panera pick 2 - half caesar salad half broccoli cheese soup.

                    Don't go back to the ramen diet, those things will kill you. They are going to be outlawed in the us soon, tons of transfat. They'll probably come up with a transfat free version like crisco did.

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      To be fair, we made our weekly groceries shopping trip really late/early today.

                      Jay Ashborne

                        No appetite today. =/ Green tea, maybe another cup of coffee(black) and a pack of menthol cigarettes.


                          @ Melody

                          +1 on cigarette diet. I smoke the American spirit lime green box since it doesn't have additives. They are expensive as fuck to buy though.


                          Damn you're at home for a few months and you get chef food? What kind of chef? Just any old kind or what?

                          @ Mark

                          No man I will not go back on the ramen diet. I survived on it in college for 4 years and ummmm call me spoiled but I'm used to eating anything but that.

                          @ Zano,

                          Dude........ I went grocery shopping Friday, thought I got everything then had to go back sunday. I really hate grocery shopping.


                            Bento guy came to the office... chicken katsudon

                            King of Low Prio

                              he makes anything sometimes he doesnt even know what he himself is making until it is done lol


                                noodles and ketchup with a side of asian french russian fries


                                  @ Sampson

                                  So he's an artist then and not a chef? :D

                                  @ Frosty

                                  Sounds good! yum.

                                  @ Viceroy

                                  Damn what the hell is asian french russian fries?

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I dont mind art if I can eat it


                                      This is the first image I got from searching "asian french russian fries" in google images

                                      Maybe it's this?


                                        When i ask for dinner or lunch from my moms she replies "cows balls" such a nice lady :)

                                        waku waku

                                          Only ate two rolls of shawarma today, i have more than enough money to eat almost everything i want here but i'm too lazy to eat most of the time even though i like it


                                            Leftover home cooked pizza.

                                            Low Expectations

                                              Tuna fish, peas and pineapple


                                                @ Zano

                                                That is a funny ass picture.

                                                Mr imp.

                                                Sounds healthier than my spaghetti.


                                                  wraps with chicken, beef, salad, sauce, tomatos and corn

                                                  bum farto

                                                    Lunch break for me was steak pie and coffee.


                                                      YOUR MOMS SO NICE
                                                      SHE MADE ME A DEEP FRIED RICE!
                                                      Day ummm sick flow :)


                                                        "noodles and ice tea" my god sat you only eat noodles


                                                          Todays lunch special:

                                                          MOTHERFUCKIN' home made fajitas from last night. Yum! Mexican food is my fave.

                                                          1. Wheat tortillas
                                                          2. Salsa homemade.
                                                          3. Quinoa (dude...... it tastes like ass but is health for me, and smother enough salsa on it i dont taste it.
                                                          4. Red bell peppers/yellow bell peppers sauteed
                                                          5. Jalapenos.
                                                          6. Olives
                                                          7. Onions.
                                                          8. Chicken.

                                                          It is these tiny little shells that don't fit anything though I am sad because I could eat a chipolte sized burrito right now Im starving.


                                                            If Quinoa tastes like crap, it's probably not being prepared correctly. It's supposed to be mildly toxic in big quantities if you don't wash it 7 or so times before preparing it. Well, the taste doesn't improve that much, it goes from tasting like crap to tasting like air, but it's something.



                                                              IDK i boil the water then 1 cup water to 1/2 cup quinoa then I turn it on low for 15 minutes after the water comes to a boil. I throw in some lemon juice to improve the flavor. IDK I mean it's a healthier option, but it's not the tastiest option is all I am dissapointed with. + Like a box of that crap costs 7 dollars for a tiny box.


                                                                Oh, it comes in a box? Well, in that case it probably has already gone through the washing process. We buy it fresh here and the hassle about preparing it is that when you wash it, it leaves the water with a kind of soapy substance that's not supposed to be eaten and we have to repeat the process a lot.

                                                                Yes, it isn't supposed to be a tasty food, you mask it with tastier stuff.

                                                                Having meatballs today (homemade fucking meatballs).


                                                                  @ Zano,

                                                                  My side of the town (white trash town north kansas city) has 0 health food stores, so yeah I have never seen with my own eyes fresh quinoa. Probably have to go south of town which is an hour away. Not worth the gas IMO to go to the healthier side of town. I might be able to find some fresh quinoa at the river market this summer when the veggies and grains are in full swing. Much cheaper there, fresher stuff, but its only sat./sun. which is a tough time to fit in an extra grocery stop. I like going down there though and walking around, people watching and crap.

                                                                  Meatballs only? No spaghetti? I guess its the best part of the spaghetti. What kind beef or turkey? I been doing turkey meat mostly or chicken these days.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Omg fucking quinoa, get off your health nut high horse, it's such a fad. It's so popular now poor people in chile can't afford to eat it anymore when it used to be a staple for them. I just find these "super foods" hilarious. I am not in shape at all but what happened to good old chicken and broccoli? I don't need fancy acai or quinoa.

                                                                    Anyway, enough of my rant, I had leftover homemade chicken kabobs I grilled last week with orange ginger marinated chicken, bell peppers, onions and cherry tomatoes. I fried em up with some brown rice and soy sauce and cayenne pepper in a skillet.

                                                                    Meatballs doesn't necessarily mean pasta. What about sweet n sour meatballs or with some gravy and potatoes?


                                                                      @ Mark

                                                                      :( look bra my better half is doing the shopping so i dont grocery shop and she does. I keep my marriage together by shutting my mouth around some quinua. Agreed I'd prefer chicken and broccoli man.

                                                                      Damn sounds good on your kabobs, need to break out the grill this weekend.

                                                                      I've never had meatballs with gravy and potatoes. Sounds good though. Sounds like I would just need meatloaf at that point I guess lol.


                                                                        No spaghetti, meatballs here are kind of a separate stew by themselves. We eat them with their sauce and rice...we eat almost everything with rice here.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          I make meatballs almost the same as meatloaf, just in ball form instead of loaf form. I don't make em that often though, wife isn't crazy about fatty meat casseroles lol.


                                                                            @ Zano,

                                                                            Yeah that sounds good I usually bake my meatballs if I make 'em. I haven't stewed them before but sounds good in a crock pot or something and some kind of sauce with it. I usually make turkey meat balls, then do some seasoning and some bread crumbs and put them in the oven @ 375 degrees for 35 minutes. Not the best but it's better than store bought.

                                                                            @ Mark.

                                                                            Yeah IDK I haven't had meatloaf in awhile. We tried a turkey meat meatloaf and it was not good. Its tough cooking a loaf of turkey. The color is white so you can't really tell as well with turkey if it's getting dry or what. I probably haven't had a beef meatloaf in a few years. I do miss it though. Damn... I'm hungry again. Whats for snacks? I packed my snack food in the car since I'm quitting my job tomorrow for another job so all my snacks are in the trunk.