General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a serious question for all of you

I have a serious question for all of you in General Discussion

    Have you ever or do you have friends that just can't seem to learn Dota. Like do some people just never get it? I've had a friend thats been playing dota for a little over a year and he is still more or less where he began playing.

    And is there a way for them to actually learn? This guy is not shy to video games and sometimes I psycho-analyze situations like this. Cause it has to be something with learning comprehension when it takes this long with no progress. He is also not an idiot.

    Also do you guys have any friends that you have a hard time playing with? or ignore playing with?

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      Yes, my irl friend has beyond 3k games with 3400 rating and he's always assuming he's better than his team.


        Do you still play with him? and I guess he thinks hes better than you guys?


          Yes, me! I win the game or feed like hell. Or both. Most times I'm involved in first blood.

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            No, I don't play with him. Mainly cause he don't want to learn. If someone tries to teach him, he gets mad.


              You just answered your own question why your friend still sucks haven't you?

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                It's not that they can't learn dota.. they are concieted or stupid.


                  I feel they want to learn, but maybe their fear of always being bad or thinking they are the best just hinders their progress.

                  Mortimer Smith

                    I had 3 friends that asume they are better than me (but they were fucking sheet), one day after they flame me i blocked him and bye bye

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      99% of the time they see better player(s) and they dont' even spend more than 30 seconds to 5 mintues trying to learn HOW that player is better. Say watching replays. Going over or asking the player himself etc... watching better players etc... Learn alternative builds etc...

                      I would start critizising or training them in heroes like: lina (semi-carry), rhasta shaman, ursa, drow, wd, es. Then moving up to heroes like slark, wr, engima, void.


                        My 2k mmr friend think he is good. And doesnt listen to my advice at all

                        King of Low Prio

                          none of my friends have bought a account so I dont think they have reached your level of delusional yet


                            Some of my friends play heroes that require quite a bit of farm, but once we start snowballing and going back for kills they barely go back and farm in the jungle for the rest of their items. i.e. my buddy trying to rush a Skadi on TB, etc.


                              Some people are playing just for fun,
                              casual dota still exist, problem ?

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                All my irl friends who introduced me to dota are sub 3k


                                  My RL friends range from 2.8k to 4.3k

                                  The ones at the bottom play very rarely now, so that may be a factor, the ones higher play almost every day.
                                  The guy I stack the most with is at 3.4k I think. Now he almost always calls me only to play AD. I have fun in that game and I'm not ruining my MMR nor my friendship, so it works for me.


                                    I had a breakthrough with one of my friends a week ago. He has around 1.8k to 2.1k mmr team mmr and after 2 years of telling him to turn off auto attack he did. He LOVES it now......... he at first didn't get that he could A+click the ground to auto attack if he just wants to push a lane or whatever. Once he figured that out, it was much easier on him.

                                    He types with two fingers.

                                    He is 45 years old.

                                    He plays maybe 10 characters and is only half way good with 3 characters.

                                    Do I post a thread about how all my friends are dumb and not me? No? Because I may be playing for fun and enjoy talking to him about how life is going, how the kids are doing and other non-game related things while playing a game? Oh my I'll never learn!


                                      ^ rep'd for good mentality.


                                        Haha man, ignorance is bliss. How much more fun was this game before you knew how to play. Pretty sure this applies everyone. The more you know, the more stressful this game gets.


                                          That applies to almost anything. I do audio engineering and sound design and now movies are ruined for me when poor sound engineering is applied. The more you know the more you point out.

                                          Miku Plays

                                            tried to dota .. picked veno as carry .. after 275 games realises veno should be support

                                            Bone Chilling

                                              A bunch of my friends introduced me to dota around 6-7 years ago. We played DotA allstars then switched to HoN then to Dota2. And after all these fckn YEARS they're stuck at 3-3.5k mmr believing they're great players and that mmr is just shit T.T

                                              Some people just don't want to play better >.<

                                              Vanity  ツ

                                                I love those players who say that mmr is shit, just because their own mmrs are low


                                                  dota is a confusing game. There are so many confounding mechanics that change and alter depending on where you are in the game, who is in the game, and luck. Gameflow type stuff like: when to push, when to pull. When to jungle, when to lane. When to stay with team, when to be solo, when to roam as 2 or 3.

                                                  It's very easy to form self-limiting bad habits without knowing it, because there isn't any sort of metric that will tell you "at minute x when you were doing y, you should have been doing z"

                                                  Miku Fan

                                                    I have 2 IRL friends that are absolute shit at Dota, after about 1 and a half years. They are both around 3-3.2k MMR.