General Discussion

General Discussion[SG] Looking for players (competitive)

[SG] Looking for players (competitive) in General Discussion
Lindsey Stirling

    Well , hi .
    Thanks for taking your time to look at this.
    So , currently we have 2 players who can rotate in mid,carry,support,ganker in the team , we need another 3 players to form this team.
    We will look at your performance for the various roles and try to discuss with you to make a proper lane/role for you.
    We are looking for people with good attitude , skills wise don't have to be very good just need to be able to train at various timing(schedule to be adjusted for our team members) and have chemistry with us, and also friendly , we would also want committed players and would be able to take stress for this game.
    We don't care about your dotabuff/mmr rating , because if you're good it shows , if you're not it shows too .
    You can add me on steam ,
    or just leave a comment below
    your steam community , age , and this is strictly for singaporeans only.

    we are taking this to professional level so please consider before sending a request or comment .




        ... Whats your mmr
        Anything below 5k mmr won't go pro and your not gonna find any 5k mmr players here
        edit apparently you have a friend on FD so Idk but I suggest you look for people on pubs

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          I added him, his party MMR is 2849.

          My solo MMR is literally twice of his.

          Oh well, I'll try playing with him before i judge lol.

          There are plenty of SEA players on Dotabuff above 5k mmr who post here regularly.


            ^ you so mean zenoth loool.

            @op, gl with your team.


              Best not to judge based on MMR too harshly, I've met players over 4k who still can't play worth a damn, and 3k players who're waaay better than me yet unable to break past scrub tier.

              P.S. TS do add me up, I'm more than happy to stand in if you're down a person.

              Mentally Unwelled

                MMR is actually a pretty decent indicator of skill, Winrate though is definitely not.

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                  MMR is actually a fucking useless indicator of skill. If you devote enough time to playing as a decent player you will break 5k and get better for sure. But there's loads of people out there with low MMRs, probably more skilled than you that can stomp you so hard simply because they don't give a damn about MMR or they don't actually spend much time on dota at all.

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                    "If you devote enough time to playing as a decent player you will break 5k and get better for sure."

                    so if there are loads of people out there with low MMRs but better skilled that can stomp you so hard, why isn't their MMR higher? If you spend more time than them on Dota, is it too hard to assume that you will eventually get better than them?

                    Please don't turn this into another fucking MMR discussion thread, there are plenty of these on the various Dota forums already and any argument you may care to post has already been countered with evidence or counter-arguments.


                      Because not every skilled player has absolutely nothing better to do in their life apart from wasting time solely on dota maybe? You make MMR seem to be the most important thing ever introduced to dota.

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                        And a player gets skilled how? By spending time on dota maybe? Do you think it even makes a modicum of sense to come to a forum where people who spend time playing a game come together to discuss, and diss people for spending time on a game?

                        How about read my fucking posts before generalizing? Skipping the part where I said "I'll play with him before I judge"?

                        I'm only countering your point, which makes absolutely no sense.

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                          I wasn't talking about people getting skilled. I'm saying that MMR doesn't represent skill very well at all. You can still find trash tier players at 5k+ MMR, so what does that have to do with being skilled or not?

                          And by the way, who the fuck said I was referring to you?

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                            So which part of your post about "devote enough time... get better for sure" has nothing to do about people getting skilled LOL

                            Right, but on average a 5k player is going to whoop a 3k player's ass any day. Nobody is saying the matchmaking system is infallible - there are always exceptions (although most are the result of account buyers), but for most purposes it gets the job done. And judging someone because of a bad game is stupid anyway - even pro players have bad days that "make them look like 2k scrubs".

                            I never said you were referring to me. I'm just talking about your rather nonsensical rant about matchmaking in general. Chill the fuck out, enjoy the game you play and stop complaining so much.

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                              My first post merely serves as a cautionary piece of advice to anyone who solely uses MMR as a means to critique a person's skill. Stop complaining about me complaining, I'm not.


                                "MMR is actually a fucking useless indicator of skill" - "cautionary piece of advice", "not complaining"
                                my point here is that it is a pretty decent indicator of skill in general, which is why I'm having this discussion in the first place. I'm not saying that it is an absolute indicator of skill, which is why I earlier mentioned that I'm willing to play with people to see how things turn out. You come into a thread, derail it with your aggressive attitude and polarized opinions, then complain that I'm complaining about you?


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                                  argument ad hominem blah blah blah

                                  arguing for the sake of arguing blah blah


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