General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst/Best Aghanims Upgrade List?

Worst/Best Aghanims Upgrade List? in General Discussion

    Worst Rankings
    1. Puck
    2. Abbadon
    3. Jakiro
    4. Luna
    5. Gyrocopter

    Maybe I should include Windranger and Tinker somewhere

    On the other hand, a list of best aghs upgrade in my opinon

    1. Ancient Apparition
    2. Disruptor
    3. Meepo
    4. Tiny
    5. Warlock


      i dont even know puck can upgrade his ulti

      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

        Worst is OD's definitely. Gives up to +100 damage on his ult. Wow. 4000 gold for 5% damage increase.

        Este comentário foi editado
        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Best: Beastmaster, AA, Lion, Chen
          Worst: OD, Luna, OD


            Luna upgrade might not be that bad, but jakiro... anyone picks him for his ulti?

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            Jay Ashborne

              You missed visage.

              Quick maffs

                Yeah OD aghs is pretty bad


                  Puck's is so, so bad. Other lackluster ones are stuff like Outworld Devourer, Undying and Crystal Maiden (you'd rather get a bkb for the latter).

                  Good ones are Ancient Apparition, Juggernaut, Invoker, Shadow Shaman, Warlock, Tiny, Enchantress, Meepo, Razor, etc there's a lot of good ones.


                    Viper's and Clockwerk's aghanim upgrade is pretty damn sick too.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Bad and no mention of nightstalkers? Gives unobstructed vision at night? Seriously that's it?

                      Gryo's pretty garbage, pucks is bad, luna's sucks.

                      Good ones the ones in the op plus bane's, increase the damage by 77%! you can solo most people with it plus a brain sap. And of course brewmaster, great upgrade.

                      Some are good but not practical like spirit breaker's, how often is everyone standing together for that bash? And he needs so many other items.

                      Skywrath's is sweet in theory but in reality he never has that much mana. If he does he probably has scythe and other items first and aghs is overkill.


                        I don't think nightstalker's aghs is bad. coupled with darkness, it gives your team like 1800 vision (unobscured!) while your enemy gets like 600 (I don't know the exact math) Positioning is key in lategame, and vision is the best way to have great positioning.

                        What do you guys think about tinker's aghanims? Usually a 5 slotted tinker would have BoTs, blink, sheepstick, eblade, dagon 5. Would the 1100 laser range and 4 rockets be worth the 4200 gold as the 6th item (maybe you could rush aghs as your first core after BoTs and blink?)


                          Nature prophet, fuck that item on him.

                          hmm why is it bad on tinker? can someone explain? i don't play him much and bad at him.

                          Quick maffs

                            I dont think its that bad but usually there is better items for him


                              One of the good upgrades imo is pugna


                                Panda's is pretty core. I would imagine Clock would have to be pretty high as well.

                                I've been playing a lot of disraptor games, and as cool as an AOE Doom sounds, I'm not really quite sure how practical it is. If you're not close enough to the initiation, most of the bkbs are going to be popped. By the time you have agh's it's so late, that you die pretty quickly. I never really get anything past mek/push.



                                    witch doctor and huskar's are pretty good aswell.


                                      For me "disruptor scepter" is like naga sleep into vacuum wall into sf ulti - good on paper, never saw one in a real game.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        @wwJesusDo you already have vision, it's just not unobstructed. So I don't really see the point, by the time you build aghs you should be out of lane ganking phase so seeing behind trees isn't that helpful.

                                        Disruptor scepter is amazing since it silences items (gg can't bkb out of that dmg and static field which usually accompanies it) and last 2 seconds longer (that's 40% longer). Problem is disruptor is almost always played as a 5 support and thus has no farm. Usually you go mana boots, force staff/blink, mek and then ward bitch all game.

                                        Pugna's is amazing too, no cooldown yes please. Forgot about that one.

                                        And tinker's is good but dagon/sheep stick are better for ganking/nuking and necro and other stuff is better for pushing which is what he does. I would guess it's situationally good with heroes who provide long vision like bounty with track and bloodseeker.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          ^So did you see any Disruptor scepter in non-stomp games? Like saying his scepter actually gave you an advantage?

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Not really, other team had it once but I'll never find that match. I've only seen him get it once or twice. I think you have to kinda rush it so you get it when their carries get bkb. I have seen carries bkb out of his ult though and disruptor's team loses a team fight.


                                              faceless void aghs is eh


                                                5 second storm is already pushing it when your cage only lasts for 4. Increasing duration of the storm to 7 probably isn't yielding much return in the form of more damage and silence, though the ability to perplex (disable items) is really nice. It might be worthwhile. I'm not sure. I prefer veil/mek.

                                                Best aghs upgrade is witch doctor, imo.

                                                <font face="wide latin">N...

                                                  best/worst is rubick :D

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    best/worst is rubick :D


                                                      Puck aghs can actually be really good against teams where nobody relies on bkb. That said, it's still a shit upgrade overall (especially as in competetive games, you almost always have a number of bkb-heroes)

                                                      I think meepos aghs is hands down the best one.
                                                      One of the more underrated ones would be silencer, it actually adds a whole lot of dmg, but I would normally buy it after refresher. Maybe before if teamfights will come lategame only, and can be dodged early.


                                                        @Mark I don't think you're respecting unobstructed vision as much as you should... In mid-lategame teamfights, everything depends on positioning. Any fight that doesnt occur from a team pushing into a tower begins with some sort of initiation. The team with the superior vision can always initiate and counterinitiate better than its counterpart.
                                                        nightstalker is one of my least favorite heroes, but when I do random him, aghs would be my third core item after armlet and bkb. Considering how he can't really scale into a lategame carry well (he needs so many items to do so because he doesn't have a built-in lifesteal, armor, stun/bash, good damage, or evasion) aghs provides a great amout of teamfight potential if your team works together well.
                                                        I think I've seen S4 build aghs as his third core in a professional match before as well. It worked out well for Alliance.

                                                        And I guess I agree with a lot of people's talk about disruptor. his aghs sounds amazing, but kinetic field only lasts for 4 seconds, and usually the duration increase doesn't mean too much. The 'AOE Doom' also only works if you ult before the enemy hero uses his/her bkb. Maybe i'll erase the upgrade from my imaginary list :3