General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlord SF build

Warlord SF build in General Discussion

    First, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Thus, let me show you:



    Thus, I am a warlord.

    Now, what is the build? Let me explain. SF plays like a warlord in the late game, so the theory is to build as a warlord FROM THE GET-GO! HAH! Thus:

    carry lane. If you are to play like a right-click warlord, you need safety ensured by team to farm your right-click as you are weak to ganks in the beginning and weak against strong lanes.

    sould damage skill, presence of the darklord skill. Raze is for noobs. Ult is for noobs. Stats (warlord).

    Start: wraith band + tango
    Disposition: yell at team to support you, pretend like they owe you wards/courier and bitch baby lane support.
    Progression: brown boots, power treads, mask of madness
    Disposition: "I am the warlord god"
    Progression: S & Y, BKB
    Disposition: Worship me
    Progression: dmg (mkb, crit, etc.)
    Finale: More damage (mkb, crit, DR, etc.) or more survival (skadi, butterfly, etc.)
    Disposition: lol gg

    First pick SF, enemy will start picking shit as if you are sending him mid. DO 180 LOL COUNTERPICK THEIR MID.

    Thus, I spoke.

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      Vandal, I love you.


        wouldnt 1 point ulti be good for the slow so you can right click stuff MOAR?


          no mom no balls no happy


            So it's like sniper, but not as tanky, and with less utility from bashes, and less range


              ^ it's not like sniper, has better utility due to reduced armor from which your teammates can also benefit when fighting and isn't RNG dependant. and since when is sniper tanky lol

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                can u take the 2nd to last game off of ur "wins" list, i had 4 retards on my team feeding from minute 5 till the end. zeus went like 0-5 mid in the first 13 minutes, my lina was running around the map dying, furion tp'ed randomly and never pushed towers (129 tower damage, is that a joke?), and weaver was the only remotefully useful ally and helped me get some kills but otherwise died needlessly.

                i mean who can't win 5v1, you could go euls/necrominion/dagon/medallion on sf and still win that game. it has nothing to do with ur skill build.

                on a serious note i'm skeptical about this build, because ur losing out on so much killing potential from ur 300 dmg nukes + ulti which is huge early and mid game. it's like luna going 2/3 skipping beam/ult. works if u want to be a rr and just farm (and you probably can farm faster the more items u acquire), but there are better heroes for the job (drow ranger). plus razes let you clear the hard camps quickly.

                but whatever, do what suits you i guess.

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                  I got another one hot off the iron. It was a comeback story, and my teammates were bitching at me all game, blaming everything in the world on my "no raze build". Yeah, it's my fault we have a LC jungling instead of a stun support. It's my fault we have a 2-spell invoker who won't leave mid even as people dive towers. It's my fault SK sits top instead of ganking the overly aggressive bottom lane all game long (hence stopping me from free farming, giving the aggressor free farm, not giving us free kills, and not punishing him for overextending). It's also my fault while all this was happening, their carry had no one in his lane for a large portion of time and free farmed.

                  I still managed the win. I knew it was in sights after my ultrakill. I never stop farming. I am the best warlord around.

         (updated the first post with this game)

                  @ *ESP* Wink9 hours ago wouldnt 1 point ulti be good for the slow so you can right click stuff MOAR?

                  No. If you're going "rooororoaoororoa AHHHH" (ulting), you are spending like 5 seconds doing a retard dance and no dmg. You need that BKB time to be dishing out 200 damage smacks with -6 armor at MoM speeds. You kill basically any hero in the game in 2 seconds and supports in 1 second. If you have ult, you also then need to invest in some sort of initiation (blink/lothars) which is just shit to a warlord. That is ANTIwarlord. You are relying on skill, positioning, and prowess. Warlords only invest in man survival (as opposed to blink pussy survival or invisible pussy survival) and damage. Right clicks don't need any of that blink or lothars or ult or skill or positioning or prowess. You push bkb, you push MoM, you start the right click journey to perfection and win the game. I hope you understand.

                  @ Kryptnyt So it's like sniper, but not as tanky, and with less utility from bashes, and less range

                  No. I have 2.2k HP with BKB, S&Y, and stats. I am a warlord you fool.

                  @ Imperium

                  A win is a win.

                  @ all

                  I'd like some people to try the warlord build, announce at the start: "I am one with vandal and it will have been won with vandal". Next, win the game (almost a certainty) and then post the results here. Make sure you put your icon in the carry lane and tell them you are doing an "ultra new secret carry strategy that almost never loses" so someone doesn't pick carry, thinking you're going mid.

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                    @I'd like some people to try the warlord build, announce at the start: "I am one with vandal and it will have been won with vandal". Next, win the game (almost a certainty) and then post the results here. Make sure you put your icon in the carry lane and tell them you are doing an "ultra new secret carry strategy that almost never loses" so someone doesn't pick carry, thinking you're going mid.

                    will do within the next 1 - 2 hours with results


                      warlord build confirmed.
                      unranked tho, ranked feels quite risky if you ask me. @ what rating have you been using this build vandal?


                        I'm 4551 right now. I slumped down 300 points recently after being muted, and I'm warlording my way back up.


                          2nd warlord game confirmed
                          Oh well I'm 4,1k solo so I guess it could work.


                            thats an old build....
                            with phase instead of treads

                            already seen and done



                              You're THAT guy. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, maybe you don't. I doubt you'd be him if you knew his style.

                              I got another one. It's a win you can imagine.


                              That leaves the total score 7-2


                                Isn't this how everyone starts playing SF until they get the confidence to try the raze-build, fail, and then proceed to continue the ownage of right-click SF?


                                  @ zano

                                  No. If you do this build in middle, which seems to be the only place SF almost ever goes, you suck and will lose middle hard. Another interesting thing I've noticed is that going pure right click does pretty well against many annoying offlaners that are durable. The reason is that they may have enough regen for you to use up all your mana and still be a thorn in your lane. Right clicks take no mana and with presence of the darklord at 110 damage a hit relatively early on, you can harass the shit out of them at no cost until they just leave. If you compare this to other carries, SF with -armor and his damage skill hits harder than all of them early on, and melee ones can't even harass but with mana (that wears away sooner than the thorn's regen wears away).


                                    does this work against annoying offlaners like ld and phoenix? (i'm assuming you don't have support because "no razes sf noob cyka report)


                                      @ Satellizer

                                      One time I was against a Phoenix, granted he was a noob boob, I hit him 3 times to like 30% hp lol. I predict LD would be manageable due to the low armor of the bear. You just BAM BAM BAM FUCK YOU BEAR CYA LATER.


                                      I JUST GOT ANOTHER ONE LOL I AM BEST

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                                      Ye Season

                                        lmao just tried it. this ember came up on me with DD at around lvl 9, and was like "how did I die?"

                                        killed him against with auto attacks like 3 mins later and literally made him ragequit at 12 mins.

                                        just curious, how come you don't go for a deso or AC?


                                          @ relax


                                          Ye Season

                                            No, not instead of the lifesteal, i mean instead of like an sny


                                              @ relax



                                                uhh vandal

                                                he's talking about the fact that you can simply switch your priority slots, i.e. deso in slot 1, and then MoM wherever else.
                                                you can still use the active, but you'll be shooting out your prioritized orb.


                                                  That didn't explain not getting the AC...


                                                    mmm, well sny should be interchangeable, ive hated the item for a long time but theyve made some improvements on it and im startin to use it on certain heroes now

                                                    probably cause he went treads instead of phase... so sny to compensate for ms

                                                    the first time i saw this build was back in dota 1, with a slightly diff build but still using the same strategy - Huge atk dmg and MS at early stages of the game (pretty much like a metamorph'd TB running around blitzing ppl)


                                                    the eblade was more or less situational but i quite like it with BKB as it can make you invulnerable to everything for 4 sec

                                                    but bfly would be better imo

                                                    Ye Season

                                                      Yeah, I was talking more about AC anyway.

                                                      But he seems mad lmao

                                                      Arek Akashi

                                                        sick guide


                                                          Just lost one:

                                                          The reason is simple. It's as if my entire team were magnetically repulsed by me. I'm positive, they're negative. I literally got zero support all game long. I had to result to slow ass jungle farming as a centaur solo free farmed our safe lane. 4.5k MMR players don't understand the idea of effort/reward. They had like 3 heroes top "ganking" 24/7. That is 3 heroes not farming. That is 3 heroes doing nothing but ganking. Maybe his lane was tough, but the effort was immense. He still stands there getting some last hits, all the XP. Now what effort did the enemy expend to shut down my entire lane of farm, not just shut it down where it's suboptimal but 100% shut it down? 1 centaur. That's 1 hero, and it's costing him nothing. He is actually REWARDED free farm. Pat him on the back. I begged my team to just come support me. Please please please. All game long they said we lost due to "shitty carry." No, "shitty farm" is more like it. I couldn't fucking get a single lane last hit after Centaur got tranquil boots and can outrun me. Well, I COULD if a fucking cock bag on my team would just babysit me for a bit or even better we would gank him. But no, that is beyond the minds of shit players.

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                                                            eh? u lost to cent with sf? :/

                                                            phase boots, easy fix



                                                              Sure, assuming he has zero ultimates. The easy fix is having your fucking team help you.

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                                                                then get some bracers so you dont get combo'd

                                                                and phase boots so he can't run up and spam double edge

                                                                then lifesteal so u can recover the return dmg u get


                                                                  No raze might actually be viable. I mean, in the really early stages, say lvls 7-10, raze build might be stronger but afterwards with mom, its a lot more reliable and consistent to be rightclicking instead of trying to position for razes.

                                                                  The only bloody problem Vandal, is that you should add ulti. What is 38 health and 2 damage as opposed to a potentially devastating ultimate? Its handy to have in uphill battles or just to nab kills when you DIE. The pros for adding ulti outweigh the cons even in your warlord build.

                                                                  Imagine a scenario where 2 melee heroes are dpsing you down. Would 76hp and an additional 4 damage be more likely to nab you 2 kills or your lvl 2 ultimate?

                                                                  Theres nothing more manly than being a walking grenade.

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                                                                    I must mention that cute poison who posted "nice guide" has been destroying with my build. I am a teacher.


                                                                    100% win rate.


                                                                      ^ unranked tho