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General DiscussionAbaddon Skill Builds Question

Abaddon Skill Builds Question in General Discussion
Krazy Kat

    Trench player here looking for advice.
    So I'm trying out Abaddon.

    As with any hero new to me, I usually start by opening 3 tabs on my browser.
    Dota2wiki for knowledge and good item suggestions for the hero.
    Dotabuff Hero Skill Builds for the build that looks the best and fits my play style.
    Steam Guides to favorite a guide that has item builds and skill builds that look good to me (there are a lot of shit guides out there.)

    The top builds are all extremely different! They all suggest you max out W first. But one maxes Q second, one maxes E second, and the rest mix it up.

    I chose WQWEWRWQQQ and it seems to work, but I'm not sure it is best.

    Is it a role thing, or just a personal preference?


      Abaddon is always a support if you intend to play him to his full potential. Always max W first, that is a given. It is best to have 1 point in E just for the slow and movement speed buff, while maxing Q second because the heal is important to have. Sometimes you will be forced to be extremely defensive, and thus unable to afford a point into E because you will need the points into heal early on.

      [u]Most Accepted Builds[/u]
      Aggressive: WQWEWRWQQQREEE
      Defensive: WQWQWRWQQEREEE

      Este comentário foi editado
      Krazy Kat

        Thanks Wink.
        I am playing defensive for now until I learn the hero.
        My build is the aggressive build even though i play defensive. I agree that you should put one point in E just in case you can get an early gank.
        I am watching matches now to learn more.