General Discussion

General DiscussionIo buildrate and winrate

Io buildrate and winrate in General Discussion
go Puck Io-self


    I was checking a page about IO's ability builds ( and was surprised by relatively high winrates of ability builds, in the time when i checked:

    Buildrate Winrate
    26,90% 66,03%
    18,36% 67,58%
    16,90% 68,45%
    7,89% 64,45%
    7,72% 64,03%

    so i did the math and found out that just from theese 5 builds the IO had to win at least 51,76% of the matches (assuming it lost all the rest of the builds), but hero's overall winrate was only 38.93%.

    Is this because of the matches that ended up early? Which matches are counted into single builds and categories? Thank you for any answer.


      dunno, ursa/IO abuser usually abandon after they fail their lv 1 roshan fight so include and blame that too


        The "Most Popular Builds" are all from matches where the Io player reached level 18 or higher, which makes it much more likely that they will win the match. I'd recommend comparing builds to each other rather than against the hero global win rate. There's also a chart on the Trends tab that tells the story about when a hero is likely to win a match based on their level:

        Este comentário foi editado
        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          rapiers and skadi for me. highest winrate!


            Io is a great hero.
            People see pros playing him and many fail at playing him when they try him out.
            He is best used with a team so you can actually plan combos with him and talk back and forth.

            Also he is a hero that trolls love to pick and just ruin games for people.
            I saw some guy pick nothing but Io so he could get an mmr of 0 (He actually did get this).
            He just used Io and fed his team members to the enemy.


              you have 0% winrate on IO admiral :D


                I'm surprised admiral didn't go 6 quelling blades on IO or 6 drums of endurance.

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!