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General Discussioncpu/graphics card & fps

cpu/graphics card & fps in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Just want to know if anybody getting 150+ fps? code is "fps_max 200" on the console or 300 if you can get it that far. I'm sitting at max everything at 1920x1080 with 50% quality (not 100%)

    My specs: AMD 8350 @ 4.4 Ghz & AMD 6970 I get 80-130 fps.

    other notes:
    On replays with follow hero at idle times I can get 135-145 fps and 330 fps on main screen. Thinking of those asus 144hz monitor soon.

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    Manny Mammoth

      i get max 30 on lowest settings


        I get 600 on max settings.


          and the point of 150+ fps is ?

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            Because he wants to render frames the monitor will never display.

            Dire Wolf

              Your eye will never be able to detect the difference between 80 and 300.


                My friend who plays CS a lot says that there you can actually feel the difference between 100 FPS and 600 FPS despite it making no sense. And he also said that this could be true for Dota too, given it made by Valve.

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                Dire Wolf

                  First how would he feel with his eyes? You mean he can see the difference? And second that's bs. Maybe you can see the difference between 60 and 100 ish. There's no way in hell you can detect the difference of 600 and something around 100.


                    @Let the Wookie win
                    Yep, how do you even feel with a sense organs? If you have some experience in the game, you can notice even tiniest changes in a game feeling. While I can't say much about shooters, I would notice even one-frame off in Guilty Gear (that's a fighting game) very quickly.

                    I agree that noticing such things makes no sense at all. But probably there is something wrong with the game itself. He said that this is the only case where he feels that he need as many frames per second as possible. He's perfectly fine with running most games on 60 FPS with vertical sync on but freak outs to play CS:GO with less than ~150 fps.


                      As a guy who murdered 5 years of his life with UT series games I can say that mouse response is kinda differrent woth 80-150-300-400 fps and such when you play fast paced shooters.

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        For those who can't see pass 60FPS. You probably never played games on emulators. For those who can't tell 24fps, you probably never seen subliminal message at the movie theatres. Well anyways post ur FPS or GTFO.


                          You were talking about 160+

                          Dire Wolf

                            Well my monitor is 60 hz so I can't run anything past 60 fps anyway. I do notice when a game drops under like 40. I'll be playing a single player like sleeping dogs and think, hmm this seems kind of laggy, turn on fraps, notice oh it's 30-40 fps, turn off AA, jumps back to 60, looks smoother. But ~40 is certainly playable, and dota I don't think I'd even notice as much cus it's not a very smooth looking game to begin with. I think server ping/lag is going to be more noticable than a screen refresh on dota.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              planning on getting the asus 144hz monitor. If 1 second is 1000ms, 1/60 is 16ms. So hoping 7ms responce time will decrease my reaction time. Since Dota 2 is a face twitch game.


                                sure mate :D
                                9ms improved !
                                much game impact
                                such faster response

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