General Discussion

General DiscussionI find this amusing

I find this amusing in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    I always enjoy ruining a good pity party

    PS: before the Femi Nazi's get their jimmies rustled, I have actually done my research, taken tons of Gender studies courses attended tons of MRA AND Feminist (As much as I hate modern Feminism I still bring myself to see the oppositions side) lectures across Canada. Can you say the same? or are you just parroting Anita Sarkeesian (I am still sickened that she got her masters from my university -_-)


      Girl gamers usually get more shit than guy gamers. I don't think we need studies to know this.

      Its funny because guy gamers always complain about the lack of girls but whenever one appears, they flame the shit out of her.


        girls in Dota, ahaha, ofc
        majority of Dota players ?
        There you go, puberty, adolescents


          who here cares about female dota players they are all roaming through 2/3k rating

          +1for courage for making thread like this one

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            mic users are the worst trash


              I only start talking on mic if its NEEDED, like it can turn a fight. Never flame on voice chat, and cry for others flaming back, its just retarded... Though thats true its not worth it talking before its needed, and there ARE those guys flaming for it, but they also flame for being russian or not russian, or a kid or too old for dota, or anything they can come up with... This actual post is just retarded.

              Ofc girl gamers get more shit but also get more positive-discrimiation too, so why cry? XD

              King of Low Prio

                'Ofc girl gamers get more shit but also get more positive-discrimiation too, so why cry? XD'

                I am glad someone will actually admit this side :P


                  i dunno why but the majority of girl gamers i know are so trash... though i am friends a good one i currently play with

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                    i know some that are better than some male players i know.

                    Quick maffs

                      "Girl gamers usually get more shit than guy gamers. I don't think we need studies to know this."

                      ^ If someone doesnt agree with this he is a stupid, simple right ?

                      But guess what, nerds will be nerds, i dont expect people who play dota to actually be normal.

                      Just look at how much shit sheevers get

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                        hmm i read the thread and i think shes just overreacting, i mean she says she has 3k hours of dota she should know better how the community is + she can just mute ppl, everyone get shit on in this game, either because of race, accent, language, skill, so why not gender? lols