General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for very active people to stomp pubs

Looking for very active people to stomp pubs in General Discussion

    Since many of ppl we used to play with have gone inactive we are looking for more people to stomp pubs with unorthodox strats and gain mmr.

    Don't add me unless you can speak English and use teamspeak and play quite often. We might also need standins for tournaments in the future so any players who have competetive experience are welcome too.

    EDIT: Only EU.

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      inb4 flame fest

      P.S i hate this fucking game.


        ooooo unorthodox strats like lycan, sk, prophet, lesh, death prophet push strat? all 5 mid? =D


          dont do it, its a bait


            Add me if you wanna EmptyJar. Chris, you missed the silencer win last night #besteu


              i'm an active eu player with (52.6% wr) add me if you wanna climb mmr together + able for standin!

              beast player

                may I join the rape train


                  do u have license to rape ?

                  beast player

                    if u get that after the 5.5k barrier!


                      Such KDA much wow many stomp


                        seems like u go as party of 5. do u get more than 10 MMR a game?


                          Such smurf, barely winning pubs.

                          Devilish: One game we get 8 mmr other game we get 45 mmr, it evens out in a long run.


                            can i join empty ..?


                              Dont play with this guy he is biggest cry baby noob I have ever seen. He will throw you a game same as mine last game don`t play with him,its such a kid + noob .


                                You retard it was intentional and decided before a game that I would intentionally lose one for you. Idgaf about my 25 mmr to make you get even lower. Also just look at how terrible ursa you were at the very start and that insane 2k hero dmg xD
                                Also about that "lies about mmr" part. Then how did I get matched to you before your mmr downfall, how did I just recently got matched against bringmemorefanz and so on? Oh right, because you're making up stuff
                                @Anyone else
                                The infamous Bogi added me out of the blue and invited to a game. Knowing that he is bogi and that he belongs even lower than his 4.5k trench atm I decided to intentionally lose a game for him. And that wasn't even as close as "stacking 5 push strat" btw.

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                                  wow such a pro throw game cus pro WOW


                                    that can do kid with 4 year old same as you did with wisp,fucking retard.


                                      And you lie about mmr you are not even 4k


                                        he is sadly


                                          huw u knöw


                                            we do #"vroksnak strat" together




                                                I know how to troll now, thank you master.


                                                  Mainly play support and getting a bit tired playing with some of my noobie friends. Hit me up


                                                    vroksnak strat op


                                                      @EmptyJar Barely winning pubs? I stomp all games at 5k if there's no pro players in it. You were saying?


                                                        Are you sure you stomp ALL games? Because your recent games indicate otherwise.




                                                            Last time you "stomped" someone with 2 digits on kills and one or two death is 10 days ago and those players barely look like they have more than 4k mmr


                                                              Lmao. My calibration games were all inflated to 5.5k~6k. Now at 5k games feel ridiculously easy.

                                                              Why some EU little girls get butthurt

                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                Region SEA - One of the lower skill regions in Dota2
                                                                Games Played - 73 - 63 Maybe wait till you get more games before you let your ego run away
                                                                Overall Performance - For a smurf your KDA's are horribly low.

                                                                Page 1 Game Summary:

                                                       - Shadow blade Mirana?
                                                       - Battlefury/MoM Sand King & a Shadow blade Naix (high skilled players)
                                                       - Bracer Stacking and no boots.
                                                       - Lost mid to a Nightstalker? Push strat not working? Dagon Lycan?

                                                                Any Invoker game - 3 Skill Invoker, Tornado/EMP/Cold Snap and some right click items. Well Played.

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                                                                  Lmao. Do you even know what singsing's MMR was when he was playing in China and SEA it was around 5.6k Guess what? He went back to EU and his MMR went up to 6.3k easily. Talk about the low skill region? Please? Is that the best you can do?
                                                                  Picking out normal mm games and telling me about my builds. How do you manage to have 4k games and is still in the thrash bracket considering you are from EU.

                                                                  Oh yeah. Please tell me more about 3 skill invoker right click items. I love noobs who always cry about invoker only use 3 skill blah blah blah. QE invoker more skilled blah blah blah. Rofl. People who cant use invoker and dont use it always cry about stupid shit that they have no idea about.


                                                                    lol @ sea is one of the lower skill region.
                                                                    Also having 74% of your games in high skill bracket. You shouldn't be the one to judge other people.

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                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Lol I actually have BMMF as a friend and his MMR is not even 5k. He is about 4500 atm I think.


                                                                        SEA sits collectively at one of the mid-lower brackets of MMR levels. This is possible due to the fact that the SEA as a region is quite vast. As I know China as a region have very good players.

                                                                        That is because SingSing is a pro-player who can win on practically any region and perhaps came to EU to find a better quality of player. Also, define trash bracket? Which bracket do you refer?

                                                                        You're sitting at 53% percent in 136 games, that is terrible. How do you lose that many games on an early smurf account playing basically one hero? How does that even happen?


                                                                          Please don't throw opinions around like they are facts.
                                                                          I have played quite a few games on EU west and the amount of retarded people was astonishing.
                                                                          Also did you see how purge played few games in south east asia and his mmr dropped from 4.8k to 4.4k~.
                                                                          Then he whined about how no one on SEA coordinates and US West/East is best blahblahblah...

                                                                          SEA may be vast as a region but you get many try hards at 4k+ mmr which are rare to see in other regions unless you are atleast above 4.5k-5k~ MMR. You will get everything, supports, wards, counterwards, smokes etc. And that's i am talking about solo queue.

                                                                          Also about the smurfing.
                                                                          Valve has greatly improved their smurf detection. I got into very high bracket after playing 1 game on a smurf account. Then after playing 10 or so, i got matched with a friend who had like 4.7k mmr at that point. So yeah stop saying shit if you don't know anything.


                                                                            lel this disscussion is epic


                                                                              The whole region thing is a pile of shit. You play with/against people at the same MMR as you, regardless of region strength. If you're good enough you'll play in a team. If your team is good enough you'll play against other teams from other regions. If you win or lose then you're better. End of.


                                                                                ? the region thing is a real thing, take a look at SA servers for a good example


                                                                                  bitch please

                                                                                  all regions got good players

                                                                                  all regions got trash players

                                                                                  ofc some regions got much weaker players in overall (australia , usa) winning there if u don't have ping issues is like 20 times easier than in europe "top" level games

                                                                                  @havoc badger it doesn't matter what items u buy in a pub if ur good and if ur team is good too u will win with no matter what items u buy (ofc buying good items help more)

                                                                                  sadly nowadays stomping solo is impossible cuz theres items like force staffs ghost scepter and faggots who counterpick u 24/7


                                                                                    These are the facts.

                                                                                    Smurf boy is bad at Dota2.
                                                                                    Regions do matter and SEA is ladyboys with no skills.

                                                                                    9/10 of the people I play with as friends who I have know for years are in Normal/High bracket (or were when brackets existed) who I continue to play with because I don't have an ego problem like 53% winrate boy up there. I sit 100% on very high so don't give two shits about who I play with for fun and don't give an additional shit about low skill chinks and their shitty websites.


                                                                                      you sound like "blah blah blah i suck so *insert racist comment here*"


                                                                                        go fight irl