General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't have fun anymore...

I don't have fun anymore... in General Discussion
nebunu la jokuri 77777

    I used to have a lot of fun playing dota, but now I only get angry and get a bad mood.
    Also, it's taking all of my life, I've been playing it for more then 5 years, and I can say I'm obsessed with it, it's like a drug, I've gotten fatter and lost most of my friends.
    Does anyone else have the same problem? What can I do?


      Stop playing, and stop posting.

      nebunu la jokuri 77777

        I've tried it for a few times, it never worked...


          Well, when the opportunity arises, take a vacation away from home and don't play any video games on said vacation. If you end up having at least a somewhat good time, you'll take the time to realize just how engrossed you were with DotA 2 and that you feel much better by NOT playing it. That should help!

          Hex Sigma

            i guess ur from romania judging by your name?


              first quit this forum, the quit dota, then quit breathing

              nebunu la jokuri 77777

                ^lol you're brutal
                ^^ Yep:D
                ^^^That seems to be a good ideea, but everytime I've tried to quit playing Dota I felt really bad and didn't know what to do with my free time

                Este comentário foi editado

                  I +1 Izerea, I played a game called CrossFire when I was younger (for 5 years or so, a lot of playtime), after a vacation (school trip) I decided to stop cause it was funnier to hang with friends.

                  On the other hand, I love DotA and spend a lot of time like you. However, I'm lucky I dont get "fattier" or something by not being active. At least for now.. :-)

                  Good luck, buddy.

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    That's the thing, if your mind is occupied having fun at, say, a waterpark, playing sports, listening to music while reading, etc, you won't even think about DotA 2 (I would hope). Your brain will be saying, "Fresh air! Exercise! It feels good!". I dunno, I'm just throwing out the best idea I have that has worked for me many times in the past. Never really been "addicted" to a game though. =\


                      Get a life. Wtf is it really even a question? I'm playing videogames since like age of four. Videogames were my main motivation for almost everything useful I done until I got somewhere mid-way of studying in university.
                      I learned how to count for my parents to allow me play Nintendo, I got good marks in school for my parents to buy me a PC for games, I've got a work to get enough money and build my own high-end PC (to play Diablo 2 Median XL, though).
                      Yet, I never did understant peoples who said shit about "games addiction", neither do I understand them now. This is a same sort of idiotic bullshit people say about "Video games teach children violence" or "Anime is a reason for children's suicide".

                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                        It's not bullshit, it's like, everything I do, I keep thinking about dota 24/7


                          I'm in the exact same situation bro... Been reading up a bit on it and maybe our professional KawaiiSocks could shed some light on it? In my case at least it seems to be linked with being in your comfort zone. You are having fun, you are doing what you enjoy, nothing worries you. But somewhere inside you know it is wrong and you just can't get the motivation to stop and get on with your life.

                          You guys may think it isn't a real addiction or anything, but to some people it is a serious problem.

                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                            ^YES, exactly that's how I feel, during one game I feel good, but afterwards I feel like shit when I think about it... And I guess I'll just mess up my whole life if I keep going like this


                              That means you don't do anything. You think you're fat? Do some sports. You think you have to communicate with your friends more? Than go and goddamn communicate with them, not sit there and cry about your "Dota addiction".
                              How do you even planning of getting away from this "addiction" in the first place? It's like your one and only hobby, ofc you'll think about it most of the time - it's not like you have anything else to do. And it's not like you'll stop thinking about it if you'll start to do some random shit you have no interest in.
                              Ask yourself - is your life is OK now? If your answer is "yes", than wtf is wrong with having one particular hobby? Don't think about it. If your answer is "no" than get a fucking life and only after that think about hobbies. Simple, right?

                              Do you want concrete suggestions? Go to a gym and start working out. After few month when you'll be able to see some visual effects from it, you'll start to feel a satisfaction. But don't run on some bodybuilding forum and start crying about your freshly achieved "gym addiction".

                              PS Don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to offend you, but your "problem" is non-existant bullshit, that can be solved with minimal efforts. The only thing required is you to make these efforts.

                              Polkadot Piranha

                                It's possible you are suffering a depression. Go see your doctor.

                                Quick maffs

                                  The guy is saying the he doesnt have FUN anymore, why shoudnt he quit the game ?

                                  OP, gym actually helps a lot believe me, but i dont know what to say my only friend who left dota just stop playing because he was bored of the game.


                                    wait for techies, everything will be fine when you has techies


                                      Anything in excess is going to cause problems in the long run even with things that are good for you. It's about putting things in their place, about playing the right amount of time during the right periods.

                                      I usually play fomr 6pm-12am then go watch something with my GF so I am spending some time with her and doing things to maintain a healthy relationship. Over the weekend I will go for a couple hours with some friends to a cinema etc.

                                      While Dota2 does dominate most of my free time it is just time. Just make sure you put enough time into the other things that count.


                                        Go to LoL, it could be worse.

                                        Just stop playing so many games a day, I only play 1-2 a day and then watch pro streams to learn more. As for the friends side, you can always just go out, seriously there are 24 hours in a day (8-10 probably sleeping), just take time to either go out or meet people online, I have experience in both so ask anything =D

                                        I used to play it a lot then I got bored, but then! I found out you can learn so much more from pro games.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          OMG just fucking stop playing get a job or something it's not that hard.


                                            "it's like a drug..."
                                            whats up with this recently, omg,
                                            start doing real drugs then try Dota2,
                                            not so addictive rly


                                              i went through that (still am)

                                              all i can say is from personal experience but you'll have to make a choice

                                              either commit to dota and getting better at it or drop it completely, uninstall and never come back

                                              otherwise youre wasting ur time being mediocre at something when i can think of at least 5 things you can do better with your time

                                              1. focus on your gpa
                                              2. find a part time job and use the money to find something else to pick up like rock climbing, magic the gathering, buy a new computer
                                              3. focus on working out since ur probably really skinny and frail
                                              4. after you complete #3 get a girlfriend that brushes her teeth regularly and cares what she looks like
                                              5. go to concerts and have fun being alone until u naturally find more friends again who will listen to your story


                                                I love the " that brushes her teeth regularly" part, did u go through some unpleasant situations? Dirty girls are usually easier and well, lets call it "dirtier". inb4 std's. im fine, ty.