General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are people to retarded to play against TB?

Why are people to retarded to play against TB? in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Its not only 4k bracket but even in the top tier pubs


    My winrate against TB is like 85-90%. Whatthafack.


      wow ur so good blunt


        in blunt we trust




            TB is easy to shutdown this guy is like 5th TB in world on rankings and we made him our bitch

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              10-39 game and he still had 512 GPM and 5-7-3 score and you call that a "shutdown"?

              Ples Mercy


                this is a shut down.

                but yeah my point exacly. TB is acually food early game but everyone seems 2 retarded to realize that, kinda hilarious.

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                  Broken hero, this hero sucks a lot, like bara and ember and slark and phoenix.


                    @sam we literally killed him about 5 times by 15mins then we just picked on rest of his team and pushed in all there towers he literally just afk farmed for like 20 mins whilsts we raped his team pushed racks and dived there fountain we couldnt give 2 fucks wat he was doing lol game was won

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                      TB is literally easiest hero ever to gank if ur team isnt completely retarded and falls the his ult lol

                      Ples Mercy

                        sniper is easier :3



                          gg, beat meracle, second best terrorblade in the world. Terrorblade crap hero.

                          Come on, one game doesn't mean shit.

                          TB's stats in Ranked:
                          Very High - 59.36%
                          High - 56.95%
                          Normal - 54.64%

                          Evidently the better the TB player gets, the harder it becomes to play against him, even if the opponents are better players.


                            Terrorblade has now the highest average tower damage in game. including normal bracket matches, even higher than lycan. I think I'm gonna make a switch.

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Well a lot of the issue is that people play terror as a solo hard carry, in the same way you would play a Void or a Luna but I don't feel he is all that good.

                              On another note I started testing him out a couple days ago in lobbies and public games as a support and oh man does it work. You end up with enough farm to scale into a semi-carry anyways. Ganking with Smoke/Tranquils and your first skill is seriously devastating considering how fast his base MS is.

                              Can't find lobby games which is sad cause they were a bit better :(



                                No. Just no.

                                Well fine you can run him a support just like how Gyrocopter can be run as a support, but on TB 3 of his skills scale well with farm unlike Gyro's single skill, and based on the current meta he is the most efficient hero at turning farm into a win while being able to lane decently unlike Void/Spec. He is easily one of the best hard carries right now.


                                  just had a trilane tb with me as NP and have solo offlane nyx
                                  nyx combo + my ulti, he literally died every fight


                                    I counterpicked a TB pick with axe last night:


                                    IDK why he picked MoM and a Sange though.... Nice that axe can blink in and when terrorblade is getting close to half health I hit Q then when he's low enough culling blade, makes him not use his ult which is nice. TB was top and we crushed his tier 1 pretty fast disabling his farm while I was pulling his creeps @ 12/42 second mark. His safe lane wasn't so safe with axe at hand.

                           Thx dota buff for a good way to counter pick heros during all pick. :O

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                                      Think about it of the best things about him is his slow into ranged-form attacks. This can easily be turned into kills and early towers but I mean it more in the way that he is not a massively good late game carry much like Void, Luna, and Spectre are.

                                      Early game he is a beast and can end a game quickly but I dislike carrying and tend to play most off my carries aggressively and offlane with the exception of Luna (the only hard carry I like). So I play him like a semi and do good early & mid in the hopes of a fast end or with enough impact to turn me into a hard carry late. I just feel he is underused as a farmer.

                                      I try almost all my heroes as supports though :3 and bar the obvious bad games most of the ones I lost were a little bit into the late game...all of these were terror solo offlane or as a support didn't do too shabby.


                                        The thing is that late game he can easily outcarry Void, Luna and Spectre in the way PL does. Late game, with his mobility and illusions he can cut all 3 lanes and keep them all from pushing outwards. Even without a Radiance he can maintain as much pressure on the lanes as a Naga with Radiance, and his farm rate is also on par with AM with a much stronger laning stage and without having to commit to a farming item.

                                        Yes, of course playing him with the focus on slow into ranged-form attacks is valid, and it works at some level. But I feel that it really makes a waste of potential because of how unmatched his late game is.

                                        Ultimately it's just how playing to his skills. Just like Pudge can be played as a carry on some level thanks to Flesh Heap, and many "carries" can be played as support with their skill utility (Kunkka, Sven, CK, Gyro etc), all of them will work in given situations. But personally I think it is a waste to play TB as a support.

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                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          He is more like Naga, not PL. PL's DPS is only matched by a Rapier Gyro/Medusa/Luna. TB's DPS is not that high, especially since you can have only 2 illusions at a time. That's just %140 damage increase. While PL can have up to 10 illusion (2 from spear and invis) and that's a whooping %250 damage boost. Even though they die easier, they are also quickly remade because it doesn't have a cooldown. Also PL's terribly high AGI gain also does help him a lot.


                                            all it takes is one dunk...

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              He's sick late game, just don't try to manfight other team's carries, that's stupid, but his push is amazing. Idk why people think he is easy to shut down early, he's not unless you specifically counter him with magic. His base armor is so high and he'll slow you as you chase.


                                                tb has 7 starting armor
                                                and 3.2 agi gain

                                                its really hard to harass him down if he has a pms


                                                  ^AND LIKE 2.5 hp regen

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!