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General DiscussionTips (and Tricks) in Raising my MMR (Currently not Satisfied with my ...

Tips (and Tricks) in Raising my MMR (Currently not Satisfied with my Rank) in General Discussion
Old Doge

    Hello, everyone.

    I've already played this game for almost 1,800 times already so I already know the basic (and maybe advanced) strategies with some heroes. That said, after about 150-200 matches of MMR, I am disappointed to say that my rank is almost the same as it was during my initial calibration (which is 3100 - 3300). So I guess it is about time for me to seek some advises with you guys so that I could improve on my MMR. In-depth counseling and critiquing of my games/choice of stuff would especially be welcomed since I may have missed some things that I need to work on.

    Obviously, there are some games where I am dominating (Around 10 kills or more) while feeding in others (Around 10 deaths or more). So hopefully some tips and tricks from players who are well-versed in how MMR goes would enable to improve on my rankings. As to my actual record, it was 80+ games below 50% last month (or two) so I guess I've already made some improvements. Still, I feel like it's not yet enough.

    By the way, before anything else, I'd like to say that I've already quit playing Pudge too much (though I still play him from time to time) since I suck more often than I would have liked with him as my hero. :) And though I somehow regret using him too often, it was fun while the hooking/dismembering lasted. However, I never used any other account aside from this one because I feel that it is just a waste of time and that's why I am trying my best to improve this one account that I have.

    This is it for now. I am sincerely hoping that someone could help me out in disseminating facts/trends with me as to my current games and have some interesting and thought-provoking suggestions that I could use for my future matches.

    Thanks for your time reading this!!!



      Lycan, from 4.5k to 5k only need 30 matches.


        Jakiro from 3300 to 3585 so far: (18-3 with him on ranked in the last month)

        Este comentário foi editado

          6_din_49 - dont know how you managed to win so much with that much feed given away and that low impact on the game (lowest hero dmg, almost no heal provided although mek). Probably just been extremely luck with the teams.


            Watch some page 1 games on how they move their heroes around the map?? Idk how you are 3k mmr with 1.8k games though.


              @Lucky Bird
              Maybe some carry in my team had free farm for first 10 minutes?

              Old Doge

                @小虫子吃大鸟和熟食沙拉 - I don't know too. That's why I'm not satisfied with the results. Not to boast or anything, but I have more games of having many kills (or even contributions) than not. But then again, it is what it is. So any other suggestions that you could give me? Thanks. Much appreciated.

                @Flop = Not a big fan of Lycan. :(

                @6_din_49 - Nice one. But then again, Jak's not my type of hero. Although keeper is. 80% chance of winning ranked matches with that old fella. :) But the problem with supports is that if the carry/carries are noob, then supports would be rendered useless and be blamed for God knows why if they can't farm. That has been the trend lately.


                  In ranked that's the only thing you got: you hope everyone will play their best heroes and still have a decent lineup. Most carries that suck in ranked, usually are support players that for some reason picked carry.

                  Old Doge

                    I believe in many cases, yes, you are correct. Still, that doesn't grant other people license to feed like crazy and don't expect to get flamed. I had one game where I got 20 kills and we still lost cause one player had like 16 deaths and fed the opposing carry ( PA :O ).

                    Anyway, other other recommendations/suggestions that you can give me so that I could somehow improve my dismal MMR? Thanks!

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!