General Discussion

General DiscussionHow come this account has such low mmr?

How come this account has such low mmr? in General Discussion
nebunu la jokuri 77777

    Good WR, support player, we've been partying since she created her account and we pubstomped, but still 2300 mmr with most of the calibration matches won.
    Can someone explain this?
    PS: it's not a smurf, it's my girlfriend lol


      not sure bro,
      probably because the amount of match that she has


        Good winrate does not = good MMR


          after calibration good winrate = good mmr

          Polkadot Piranha

            Which matches were the calibration matches? She seems to die A LOT, which might have impacted her MMR during calibration (though it makes no difference after the calibration is done, I don't know if it does during calibration). It's also possible her MMR is adjusted because she's been a party.


              Calibration phase is a minor factor in MMR. You will already have an MMR when you go into calibration. If you stomp your first 10 ranked matches that doesn't give you 5k MMR, you have to do well in every single match up until you calibrate.

              shadow pool enjoyer // wcyd

                how do you see the mmr ?


                  You cant see your MMR until after the 10 callibration games but there has always been an invisible MMR in Dota 2

                  Ples Mercy

                    Its easy. The first matches puts you into a MMR range, usually by KDA, GPM and EXM. Since she plays support since the beginning she had a bad KDA, bad GPM and bad EXM, volvos antismurf is the reason for that really low mmr. She basicly has to work her way up.


                      its kda what matters

                      if u play zeus and have 50 0 50 u will be higer mmr

                      and if u play support with 3 20 11 u will be low mmr


                        I don't understand why a bad KDA, bad GPM, and bad EXM affects your mmr. Dota is a team game, sometimes you have to sacrifice your farm or your exp to help your team win the game. A bad KDA might be explained by throwing yourself into the middle of the teamfight to get that 5 man black hole for your team but then dying so that your team can win. And GPM is pretty inaccurate due to the fact that only carries farm heavily. Supports are less dependent on items so they don't need to farm. And there are no black and white supports or carries, so they can't judge by which are which since you can always play heroes differently. And EXM, you know how in games the supports are almost always a lower level than the carries? So why should that affect your mmr? I think your mmr is just judged on winning the game or not because the other reasons seem really useless.


                          cuz thats how volvo fags programmed it ?

                          Ples Mercy


                            hf complaining, the devs won't give a damn though.


                              During calibration games MMR change quite allot, you can lose MMR when winning and you can gain MMR when losing.

                              I played solo most of the times, so starting MMR was kinda' accurate. Here's my MMR evolution during calibration (mmr was visible in console at that time):

                              --> Loss with Elder Titan
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3482
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 719
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 9

                              --> Loss with Jakiro, rank actually went up!
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3495
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 689
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 8

                              --> Win with Tiny, rank went down! Yeah, I played like shit :D
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3439
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 683
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 7

                              --> Win with Riki
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3494
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 647
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 6

                              --> Win with Jakiro
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3508
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 610
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 5

                              --> Win with Disruptor
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3543
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 564
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 4

                              --> hard loss with Jakiro
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3507
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 540
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 3

                              --> Win with Jakiro
                              solo_competitive_rank: 3532
                              solo_competitive_rank_uncertainty: 500
                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 2

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                ^^^Your MMR barely moved really.

                                I suspect for new accounts with few games MMR could be done by a combination of KDA and game length. If you are god in the shit tier you should be able to shut the game down really quickly and come out the other end with a kill a minute at least.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  cuz she is probably from SA


                                    Mmr starts from somewhere between 1k-3k for most players after first some games on the account, this is when it takes into account kda, if you really really stomp, then you can start maybe even higher. Its the same as it was before, when you had to say your skill level before playing, it set you to 1k 2k or 3k. Then only w/l matters, than come the callibration games that can adjust with like 500 rating if you win/lose all and maybe even kda matters but its seems really not, only the gold GRAPH (thats not affected by someone playing support or carry, its for the team), when it hit zero last time, if it was a stomp or not. There was something about it in valves blog, but its mostly only true in callibration... Then it stays +-25ish, so with that few games and bad start, 2k~ is where she should be. Can go up slowly, with that winrate, if it stays like that, she will go up.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!