General Discussion

General Discussioncant go ranked as 4

cant go ranked as 4 in General Discussion

    wut is ti faq ?
    srsly they are retarded or what, what if i couldnt find +1


      then too bad o.O. hate people that plays 4 stack anw. always act like the one person shld listen to them and play their stupid strats when they are so bad.


        I think that was part of the reason, I think they mentioned it was something to do with bugs, like getting 4+1 against a 5 stack etc

        Woof Woof

          they shoudlnt allow anything outside of solo or 5stacks to begin with


            im glad the removed 4stacks... i would lose every time i had a 4 stack on my team


              I played a lot as 4 couse usually we never were online as full 5, and now my friends are mad couse of this change, but still I think its fine, its okey every time the 4+1 goes well, but when not, its always the +1's fault, even if he was the only one playing well and those retarded flames arent fair. Also 4 people usually communicate somewhere else and expect the +1 to read their minds ... so its a good change. Though it means Ill play less ranked couse every time Ill be late to the invite I wont be able to play with my stack...


                lol typical losers whined to volvo cuz they got flamed
                not everybody "stack"
                what if i play with random players i met in mmr and just wanna mix with decent players

                i never cried when i was 4+1 ~ only losers that cant handle stuff liek this does that

                Este comentário foi editado

                  party MMR should be 5 people only


                    ^ totally agreed as a solo player I get stuck with teams that flame the +1 if they lose


                      play 2 and 2 if you are 4, it's still fine


                        we should create some channel to find a 5th player for the party. I was having this problem earlier and had to play normal match instead of ranked :(


                          Parties of 5 should be the only kind of parties allowed in ranked.

                          Even if there is only one party of 2 per team, it's still very likely to get a 2500 and a 4500 player in same game.

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            u have fuckin tmm for that.


                              quoted from the changelog: Ranked Matchmaking is currently unavailable for parties of 4 as part of an experiment to measure its impact on game quality.




                                  Team mm: 5 stack vs 5 stack is what we need
                                  Solo mm : Everyman for himself :P

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I disagree, I play with a second player as a 2 man all the time, probably half my games. Probably a third of those we add a 3rd friend. For casual players who want to play with friends a full 5 stack seems unrealistic. I have no issue with the ban of a 4 for now though, let's see if it actually improves matchmaking or not.