General Discussion

General Discussionlycan jungle

lycan jungle in General Discussion

    hi for people who jungle lycan can someone tell me the fastest or link me a video of the best way to jungle him? i see alot and want to know this. someone like flop could probably tell me


      to be honest i didnt watch any video, i just play it casually and i find that lycan is the hero who can carried team by himself "in public/ranked".

      maybe u can watch from my match [dire] [radiant]

      try to play it on bot match, Consider u already doing well playing lycan farm in jungle if at minute 8-10 u already have medallion and vladmir. Then at minute 8-10 u did roshan + ancient near him. So at 10 minute, probably you have the highest net worth on that match.


        i never said you watched any video im asking if there is one that would be best


          and i can only get vlads and boots at 8 mins lol ill have to watch ur matches


            brown boots


                YOU HAVE 5.2K mmr, "casually" :D


                  u didnt need brown boots actually
                  if the enemy disturbing your jungle, or u want to kill early just take shapesift in level 6, 522 ms at 18 second is so imba

                  I start at 4k bro, and im using lycan from 4,5k to 5k. Really good hero if u want to climb your mmr, because not dependent on team. Great at flash farm, split push, war. All packet. Like a big mac.

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                    what do you mean dendi? what does that have to do wit hthis question lol i siad i would watch ur vids for help


                      u said that u want video about lycan ._.


                        i know lol not saying you arent good or anything ;p


                          u seem sarcastic when you said "dendi" as iif id rather see him as if i was a fanboy


                            dotn worry i love you too and so does jesus


                              maybe u can add me on steam so we can discuss it bro

                              ew, im sorry if it looks like sarcastic -,-

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                                its np i added you if you actually wanted to talk about lycan or help me


                                  another thing is i dont know when to start pushing, early on im weak and there is always someone in each lane


                                    with medalion and level 4 wolf, you will win 1v1 againts every enemy in early-mid game.


                                      tried out lycan again the other day. I found that i had to separately micro wolves and my hero while chasing an enemy hero. The wolves would creep block me basically.

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                                        ye its annoying as hell


                                          You need to bind something to select all other units, to quickly select your hero out of a group.
                                          I use spacebar for that, so if i want to select the creeps i press space, if i want to switch to my hero i double-tap f1 and when i want to select all i either hold CTRL or select them with the mouse


                                            its the reason i usally dont spawn wolves when im chasing someone because it blocks me when i spawn them



                                              I know, but it still felt like i was losing some damage in the process. At one point i just set my wolves and necro minions on the carry and used Lycan to solo CM while BkB was active. Easier to kill her without the wolves in the way.

                                              I have C as hero, V as all other units, and Spacebar as select all. Considering switching C and Spacebar.

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I'm going to have to watch your replays later because I always seem to have to go back to base once while jungling at lvl 1.


                                                  Yeah when I get home I'm watching Flops videos. My lycan has been around 50% the past week in my shit bracket and I feel that I was doing good when I grabbed MOC and VLADS without brown boots to rosh and grab a smoke.....

                                                  The other problem I was having is I am building a 'rat' style lycan, then the cries of my teammates of "fight with us" goes heard, then I go in for a "teamfight" and get smoked and lose all my gold.

                                                  Other problem I was having mid/late game is I'll stray from the BoT and Necronomicon lvl 3 and do something stupid like a basher and other team fight items which doesn't work, like a BKB or something. Then results in a loss typically at this point...

                                                  2 games out of my control this weekend going lycan was a jakiro I got teamed with twice in a row.... didn't do one point in ice path, then fed 15 times in 14 minutes, then proceeded to buy couriers and send them to enemy base. So theres that..... Thats an hour of my life I will not get back. Who the hell doesn't get a stun on a support and goes full fucking blown "farm support?"

                                                  Plus I seem to grab him, then either the opp. team grabs blood seeker, has invoker or grabs an invis hero (bounty hunter, riki) then wrecks my farm potential in jungle pre-vlads/MOC. If Lycan gets stopped early game and you get put in the time out box before you do the rosh/vlad/moc in 10~12 minutes youre pretty much fucked IMO and my experience....

                                                  Will try more though I know it can work I just have to play smarter if those issues arise (minus the intentional courier feeder twice)


                                                    I will try to help! I have only had 30 games as Lycan with a 70% win rate. Firstly I don't jungle if they pick Bloodseeker at all. I normally go Vlads, then treads, Rosh. Then either I jungle a bit more or I push a tower or two. I love a Basher for the Damage it is always my 3 core item.

                                                    Disregard that I just checked your profile and it seems you would not need tips from the likes of me :)



                                                      This is my problem probably...... I had a bloodseeker and an invoker mid one game, and a blood seeker and a zeus mid the other game and ruined my early game farm. Bloodseeker sees you below 50% then let the sunstrikes and zeus ult begin.

                                                      Another game I had a bs, then a riki so that was just as bad.... No ratting allowed while bs is on the map i suppose! Thanks mr plod. I was doing all pick and just picking him right away, if I see a bs pick after I'll just repick I suppose to something else needed.

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!