General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide Competition] Blunt's Guide to Meepo - King of dirt

[Guide Competition] Blunt's Guide to Meepo - King of dirt in General Discussion
Ples Mercy


    Meepo is an agility hero which is meant to snowball out of control. He has the potential to outfarm and outlevel every hero in the game. He can also be played as a Carry, support, ganker, pusher or initiation, which makes him a very versatile hero. He is also arguably one of the hardest hero to master in the game, since he needs decision making, positioning, microskills, reaction, timing and more.


    - Scales really well throughout the whole game.
    - Versatile.
    - Massive magical and physical damage.
    - Flash farm and flash level abilities.
    - When snowballing, almost unstoppable.
    - Good comeback hero, due to his flash farm and flash level ability.
    - Insane nuke early game

    - Hard to master.
    - Easy to counterpick.
    - Poor statsgain.


    [color=#DBC30B][size=14]Meepos abilities:[/size][/color]

    Tosses a net at the target point, pinning down all enemy units. Earthbind prevents invisibility, blink, and interrupts channeling.

    Range: 500/750/1000/1250
    Radius: 220
    Duration: 2

    CD: 20/16/12/8 Manacost: 100

    This skill has a 8 second cooldown at level 4. This means you have the potential to hold an enemy or multiple enemies forever. Since you have 2 seperate earthbinds which each have a 2 second holdtime. Earthbind does not go through bkb, as soon as an enemy has bkb you can not hold him in place anymore. Also note, that people can channel spells though the net, which means that if you binded someone he can use channeling spells, to prevent that you need to reapply a new earthbind.


    Drawing mystical energies from the earth, a Meepo can teleport to another Meepo or itself after channeling for 1.5 seconds, dealing damage in both the departure and arrival locations.

    Range: Global
    Radius: 375
    Damage: 80/100/120/140

    CD: 12/10/8/6 Manacost: 80

    You can also poof to manta or rune illusions with poof. The damage type is magical, meaning that poof will do no damage once bkb is aquired on the enemy team.


    Meepo enchants his weapon to deal damage per second, as well as slow the movement speed of the attacked unit. Geostrikes from multiple Meepos and illusions stack.

    Movement Speed Slow: 5%/10%/15%/20%
    Damage per Second: 7/14/21/28
    Duration: 2

    Movement speed cannot go under 100, meaning if you apply 5 hits to an enemy, he will lose 100% movement speed, which means he will move with the minimum movemevtspeed possible. The damage is magical, which means once bkb is aquired, you will do no magical damage with your hits, however, the slow does go through bkb, once you hit an enemy which has no natural mobility, then there is no way for him to escape.

    Divided we stand:

    Meepo summons an imperfect, semi-autonomous duplicate of himself, which can gain gold and experience as he does and shares his experience and abilities. However, the clones cannot wield any items but the boots that Meepo himself wears. If any of the clones die, they all die. Increases the speed at which you respawn. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

    Number of Meepos: 2/3/4
    Respawn Speed: 10%/20%/30%

    Once you got aghanims scepter, you will revieve an other meepo, which will act like all other meepo clones. Its important to note, that the active ability of the arcane boots only work for the main meepo, same goes to the power threads. The only exception here are boots of travel, which work on every meepo independently. Its also important to note, that without aghanims scepter, meepos will not have stats share, meaning that without scepter the meepo clones will not benefit from any stats items, once you have the scepter, the meepo clones will get a 100% statshare. So do not go for stat items without scepter. Only the main meepo can active runes, every rune work normally on the main meepo, the only rune which has a slightly different mechanic on meepo is the double damage rune, once picked up by meepo, every clone will get the double damage effect aswell in a 550 radius of the picked rune place. Also only the main meepo can pick up items and the aegis.


    [color=#DBC30B][size=14]Micro skills (michael skills):[/size][/color]
    To properly micro meepo, you need to work with control groups. Here again, everything is preference, which key, how you group them and so on. Some players do bind every meepo to every key and go for it, others simply bind all meepos to 1 key and use alt tab. I used the keys 1-5 and 0, to bind combinitions of meepo, meaning i bound every meepo to 1 key, and on key 2 i bound 2 meepos, on my 3rd key i bound the 3 other meepos and so on. You can mix and match your keys and meepos however you feel like to get the best result. While microing, it is very important that you do not leech exp from your teammates. Meaning don't ever stack meepos when other teammates are nearby farming etc. Also it is wise to let your main meepo go alone, since if you get AOE stunned or similair, your other meepos will be able to poof in and save the day, if u were to run in a pack, everyone would be stunned and you would be dead. Also note that poof is a great escape, use it! If you are pushing a lane or similair, use poof to escape sticky situations or just simply to avoid getting picked off.


    [color=#DBC30B][size=14]Roles, skillbuilds, Itembuilds and playstyle:[/size][/color]
    Now this is the most difficult part for a someone creating a guide. Meepo is so versatile that its extremely hard to give any builds. Thats why I will give you some ideas and also I will try to show you, why this is such a hard task and basicly why there is no such thing as a skillbuild which to follow.

    [color=#5666F3]-> 'tank' - Support[/color]
    Meepo can be played as a support, much like phoenix, undying and Elder Titan to name a few. Meepos job will be to carry all the
    aura's. As a support, its your job to keep your carry alive and make sure you wont hinder him. This can be an extremely hard
    task, since meepo does tend to suck exp from the carry. Every meepo counts as a separate hero. Avoid sucking exp from your
    carry and try to jungle or help your other lanes with good rotations either with multiple or 1 Meepo.

    [color=#5666F3]Support skillbuild:[/color]
    The first thing you want to skill as a support Meepo is earthbind. Already at level 2 you need to make your first decision. Will you stay
    with your carry and babysit him or will you go and help other lanes. If you decide to babysit your carry then getting a point in
    geostrike will get useful, since you can get early kills with the slow. However, if you think your carry will be fine, then you can go for
    poof and make yourself ready for helping other lanes. With poof you have a alot more map presence as soon as you hit level 3. Once
    you hit level 3, you will skill your ultimate. Now here comes the whole decision making again. Basicly this could go every way, if you are
    helping lanes, which have some kind of stun or slow, you can keep earthbind at level 1 for a while, since the other players can help
    you set up the dual net, otherwise it would be wise to skill earthbind further, since the range will benefit you alot. If every lane goes
    well, you could go and max poof first, for maximal jungling, so you can get the items ready, or you could go for the geostrike and
    slow enemies so you can go for more kills. As you can see, it can go every way possible. It all comes down to what your playstyle is,
    who your mates are and what your carry needs. However, you will always skill your ult when possible, this is the only thing which all
    skillbuilds have in common.

    [color=#5666F3]Support Itembuild:[/color]
    There is really not much to say about this one. Arcane boots should always be found on a 'tank' - support.

    Mekanism is pretty much core on any farming support. It enables early teamfight and helps meepo staying alive in teamfights, which is
    very crucial for an aurasupporter.

    Drums of endurance helps meepo yet again to tank a bit damage and give all your teammates some attackspeed and
    movemendspeed, which can help a lot in teamfights.

    You should only get Vladmir's Offering if your main carry is melee and does require lifesteal. Carries like Anti mage, faceless void and
    phantom lancer which usually do not go lifesteal would be very happy if you would carry it for them.

    Pipe of insight is only useful if you deal with alot of magical damage. If you deal with an invoker, aa or an other massive magical nuke
    hero, your teammates will always be happy to see you making sure you at least block some damage with your pipe.

    If you should decide to go as a roaming support, then medallion is the way to go, with cheap price and nasty armor reduction you
    can not only help your teammates kill other heroes, but also kill roshan rather early especially since meepo is able to tank roshan rather

    [color=#5666F3]-> Initiation / pickoff Role[/color]
    If you decide to play as the initiation, then keep a lot of things in mind. Not only do you need a fast blink, but you should also be
    careful where you initiate. Since meepo is rather squishy without aghanims scepter. If you initiate without making sure your team is
    behind you, you will end up feeding a lot and feed the enemy carry. If you want to pick off enemies, you need to make sure, that you
    will not get counterganked. You need TP's alltime to make a safe escape.

    [color=#5666F3]Initiation / pickoff skillbuild:[/color]
    Here the skill build gets a bit simpler. Usually you would go for 1 point in earthbind, 1 point in poof, get ultimate, max poof for
    maximum damage. Here again it will be situational, if you feel you need more range, then skill earthbind further, if you don't then go
    for geostrike. The usual position for a initiation / Pickoff meepo is offlane, either solo of with a mate, getting early kills will definitely
    benefit your meepo, if your support / mate has nuke damage, you can change the skillbuild and max geostrike first aswell.

    [color=#5666F3]Initiation / pickoff itembuild:[/color]
    Boots of choice is definitely power threads. It gives great attackspeed, damage and also it helps meepo get tankier especially since he is
    rather squshy without aghanims scepter.

    Without this item, you are almost not able to initiate. Get blink dagger as fast as possible to get fast pickoffs with your mates and also
    be able to initiate properly in every teamfight.

    Also very crucial for your meepo, the extra stats and the extra meepo are way to valuable to ignore. It is very important that you do
    as much damage as possible and you need to sustain the incoming damage from the enemy team, otherwise you will only feed and
    also cause the loss for your team.

    If there is an annoying hero like Earthshaker, Enigma, Magnus or similar, which always ruins your initiation with a counterinitiation, then
    scythe of vyse will defnetly help you out stopping them. Also this is a nice item against mobile heroes like qop, storm and so on, when
    you try to pick them off.

    If you already snowball out of control because of nice teamfights or pickoffs, then E-blade might enhance your magical damage hard.
    Not only will it melt almost every hero without bkb it also gives meepo alot of atkspd and damage to work woth.

    Heart of Tarrasque will help you sustain alot of magical damage. It will keep you alive along with your natural magical resistance.

    If you go up against a lifestealer or an other hero, which you need to take down rather fast, then Eye of skadi will help alot. It gives
    every meepo not only a nice health boost and armor boost, but also since attackspeed and damage, which is very needed. If you
    think about it, due to meepos nature, the stat is theoreticly 5x 25, which is 125 statsgain. The rightclickdamage is insane.

    Here again, pipe will help you sustain alot of magical damage. When going up against heroes like invoker, pipe in combinition with
    hearth will make you almost unkillable.

    Early pickoffs with medallion are very powerful as we see daily in every pro game.

    [color=#5666F3]-> Pusher Role[/color]
    You basicly do the same as tinker. You go on a lane, which is either mid or offlane and get some exp & gold. You need to rush your
    items and start the push. Meepo can be very efficient at going so, since he can clear creep waves on multiple lanes and even get a lot
    of tower damage done.

    [color=#5666F3]Pusher skillbuild:[/color]
    Here again, you goal is to max poof first. The ultimate again whenever you can. This time you will focus on maxing your geostrike
    over earthbind. If you do however have a laning mate which can guarrantie some nice kills with 1 or 2 points in earthbind then you will
    change it. Otherwise you wont skill earthbind at all until you reach high lvls.

    [color=#5666F3]Pusher itembuild:[/color]
    Much like Tinker, you need to get boots of travel as fast as possible. With this you are able to teleport to which position you like, since
    every BoT has a seperate Cooldown on each meepo. If you want to push a lane, you tp with BoT then poof other meepos in.

    And here again, aghanims scepter is way to valuable to ignore. The extra meepo gives you more pushing potential and surviability.

    being able to melt down tower faster is a much needed thing for meepo. AC will help alot since it does reduce armor of towers. It also
    gives meepo armor for more survivability in case hes getting ganked.

    Works great with AC, since the aura does go to the illusions.

    Of course we cannot forget the ultimate pushing item.

    Here again, much needed damage and survivability toward ganks.

    [color=#5666F3]-> Carry[/color]
    Oh boy, here we go. This is a very hard thing to do, since your basically the same type of carry as alchemist, you need to outfarm the
    enemy carry very fast. Which means if you get shout down, you lost the game. Despite being able to come back, it will be very
    difficult to pull off. So your main goal is to farm and don't die. Meepo is NOT a hardcarry, you won't be able to kill 1v1 a
    hardcarry like phantom assassin, phantom lancer, Antimage, Sven etc.

    [color=#5666F3]Carry skillbuild:[/color]
    Here again, it really depends on how your laningphase is going. It could go every way, maxing earthbind, poof or geostrike is a viable
    option. It all depends on your support(s). You should communicate with your supports to make sure that you wont skill earthbind if
    not needed as an example. So here again, do as you please, but keep in mind. You always need to skill ultimate when ready.

    [color=#5666F3]Carry itembuild:[/color]
    Boots of choice once again power threads, it gives meepo everything he needs for the early game.

    Aghanims has to be rushed as soon as possible, the extra meepo and the 100% statsshare are crucial to be able to survive and be
    able to join early teamfights if needed.

    Getting yourself some health and damage is very important, you need to get a nice balance, since you wont be able to do much if
    you go glasscanonbuild or tankybuild. You are the carry and therefore you need to be able to sustain some damage but also be able
    to dish out some damage.

    Getting hearth of tarrasque is very important to be even more tanky. You will be almost unkillable and you can dish out alot of
    damage thanks to your Skadi.

    If you find yourself going up against strength heroes or lifestealer in particulair, then AC is a lifesaver. It gives every meepo much
    needed armor and does nice armor reduction on the strength hero.

    If the damage is still not enough, then go ahead for an Ethereal Blade, it will give you alot of damage and also give you the chance to
    nuke a support down very quickly.

    If you're doing great and you go up against something that annoys you, then the good ol sheepstick will do the trick.


    Which Doctor:
    He is one of my favorite laning mates. As soon as you turn level 3 you will be able to wreck almost every lane, since malecidt and poof work perfectly together and will be able to kill everything.

    Crystal Maiden:
    Very nice laning partner aswell. Due to her mana regen, slow and hold, life becomes so much easier for meepo. Crystal maiden is one of those heroes who can set up kills easily and make sure meepo always has mana to keep on going. She is the best laningpartner you can go with.

    Shadow Shaman:
    Once again, nice hero with nuke and a hold, which makes life easy for meepo. Earthbind can stay at level 1 as long as shadow shaman is in your lane.

    Invoker (exort / Quas & exort):
    Invoker is not a very good laning partner, but with his sunstrike he can get easy kills with meepos earthbind. Which can help either invoker or meepo snowball out of control.

    Basicly everyone with a slow, stun, hold or nuke can lane very well with a meepo, which is pretty much almost the whole hero pool.


    The worst possible enemy, there is nearly nothing you can do against this guy. His cleave and his damage will be extremly hard to deal with, since he is also a hero which tends to get a rather fast bkb makes your life even worse.

    Ember Spirit:
    Ember spirit is impossible to deal with when he got farm. As soon as he has battlefury and a damage item, you are pretty much done for. He will be extremely hard to deal with as well, due to his high mobility and damage output.

    Very hard to deal with early and mid game. Timbersaw can easily escape your earthbind and do alot of damage when you are vulnerable. He is a hero which shuts down meepo very hard, if your team protects you though, you will be able to destroy him later in the game once you have farm.

    Other foes:
    Everything with massive AOE damage or AOE stun is rather hard to deal with. There are multiple heroes with such abilities, it doesn't mean you lost the game, but it will make it a great deal harder for you.


    [color=#DBC30B][size=14]I have been counterpicked, what can i do?:[/size][/color]
    You have a lot of options do deal with regular counters like earthshaker, lina, leshrac and so on. If you find yourself in a position where the enemy team did pick one or more of those heroes, then the game is not lost! Lets start with the phases of the game:
    Early game:
    usually those kind of heroes are not very mobile and easy kills early game. You want a support like i mentioned and you would want to start playing agressive against them, since they can end up being very easy kills. As soon as you hit level 3 (2nd meepo), you can start the killing party. Usually you just go straight up, cast a net or let the support initiate and do as much damage as possible. The AOE stun will be forced otherwise the enemy hero would die. As soon as you see the animation going on for the AOE stun, you charge the poof of the second meepo (which should be jungling or doing something else), when the first meepo gets stunned, the second meepo will be there in time and can cast another net and secure the kill. You always need to prioritize the AOE stunner.

    Mid Game:
    In this stage you should have very decent farm and have a level and farm advantage. If you do not then this is the latest stage where you should gain it. Depending on your role you should start doing your job and support, gank, farm or whatever you have been doing. Usually going with your team and focus down the AOE stunners. Its important that you make sure, that your team focuses them with you, for making it easier for you and your team, since meepo can dish out a lot of damage, even without items.

    Late game or just about the end of the game:
    Here the question remains. Every tier 1 and tier 2 tower is down, now we need to get rid of the tier 3 towers. Now the problem can be, that there is a counter initiation hero like earthsaker, magnus or tide on the enemyteam, so what to do?

    Assuming you are the initiation, you have to tell your team, that you can not initiate at that point, reason being you will get counter initiated and it would lead to nowhere. Here you have 2 options. Either you get tanky items to sustain the damage (usually only works when your on the snowballing team) or get an item like scythe of vyse. You need to initiate on the initiation to make him ineffective. If you cannot find an opening due to the enemy being very cautious then thats no problem either, tell your damage dealing part of the team, to start damage the tower and force the initiation. After the initiation from the enemy team has been made, thats the time to turn the whole thing around, despite being stunned, you can easily get your other 4 meepos in the fight and dish out a lot of damage and turn the whole fight. Do not initiate on other heroes when you can be counter initiated, this is only important for the initiation role, pushing, carry and support meepo should be clear what to do at this point, being, just play as your role.

    You need to be really careful about timber late and mid game. Lategame he will not be a big deal. If you go up agaisnt a timbersaw early and mid game, just try to poof out and avoid him as much as possible. This can be a very hard task since his burst damage is plain insane. You most likely will need teammates to save you and somewhat babysit you, this is the only way i could find to deal with timbersaw.

    Ember Spirit:
    Shut him down as fast as possible. As soon as he gets battlefury and a damage item, its over for you. Make sure that he stays on low farm and try to involve your teammates as fast as possible. He can escape your net with his ultimate, which makes it impossible to solo kill him, so communicating with your teammates is a must.

    Pretty much like ember spirit, shut him down as fast as possible. He only need some levels and a bkb to get rid of you. Chances winning against sven is very low. If you see someone pick sven i really recommend repicking, there is not much you can do about him.


    [color=#DBC30B][size=14]Roshan and you:[/size][/color]
    Meepo is one of the few heroes who can do a solo roshan. Usually you should go solo roshan after you have aghanims scepter and threads or when playing support role when your team needs it. As soon as you have mek, vlads and/or 3 meepos you can do roshan with your teammates no problem. When doing solo roshan always carry a rp scroll. You need to get out of the roshan pit as soon as possible, since people might go and initiate on you. After grabing the aegis (which only the main meepo can grab) tp to your base and poof every meepo to the base aswell.

    funfact: If a clone meepo dies and you get ressurected with aegis your killing streak will be ended.
    funfact: When you respawn, you respawn at the place the main meepo died.


    Overall, meepo is a very hard hero, but also very fun as well. I love to play him till this day and enjoyed every match with him. I learn every day and if you are interested in learning meepo, then you should as well. Readin this guide, will not make you a 'meepo pro', it only gives you an idea how complex and versatile he really is. To be a decent meepo player, you need to practice a lot, and there are even players, who might never be able to play meepo properly. Despite his weaknesses (which are a lot) i still consider him as my favorite hero.


    n0tail vs Kaipi

    Female mappo thanks icefraud 4 armor:

    Meepo 2 stronk:

    Undying gets hit by a meepotrain:

    Doge meepo


    I hope you guys enjoyed my Maapo guide.

    , Blunt

    Este tópico foi editado
    Ples Mercy

      [Reserved in case i want to edit/add something]

      Yes i just did that.


        is Luna a threat to mapo?

        Ples Mercy



          Depends rly. If it goes to late she can get somewhat annoying, Early and midgame shes mostly food.

          Este comentário foi editado
          Jay Ashborne



              luna wrecks mapo everyday

              overall, well explained guide

              Ples Mercy

                bind, poof poof, ded luna :3

                Its the same story with tb, ez food early and midgaem :D


                  dirty miners can't handle this level of butt

                  Ples Mercy

                    hrr hrr, dirty miners can handle every kind of butt. Especially from sexy catwarrior. 5 style penetration INC


                      what is your bind key for micro ing 5 meepo?

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      Woof Woof

                        where is info about micro skills

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          5x25 = 100. MATH SKILLS.

                          Ples Mercy


                            DEM MATH SKIELZ 2 PRO



                              Have you ever played a game of support meepo? How did it go?


                                Finally, someone who realizes that AoE is the bane of Meepo, for some reason everyone I see just wants to lockdown one mappo and kill him which doesn't usually work. You can't micro your rat ass out of sticky situations if all meepos are dying.

                                I think you should include Dazzle in the list of lane partners. AoE heals, an AoE armor buff (Meepo has good starting armor but that falls off late game as he has no other way to build armor than AC or AGI) and grave is simply perfect to save the one meepo everyone wanted to waste their magic burst on.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  No im usually playing the ganking type. I do however know some people who play meepo as a 'tank support' and saw a couple of matches where people did it, and it worked out pretty well.


                                    nice guide, and not to sound like a grammar nazi, but under your sven foe section, i think you meant possible.

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      thx buddy


                                        Oh, can you link me to those people or matches if it's not too much trouble for you? I'm interested to see in how they play meepo that way. I've always wanted to try him as a support. I just never got around to doing that


                                          Actually Meepo is kind of a counter to luna with mechanics because when you have many clones her glaives and ult will be kind of spent fully on meepo alone so she deals almost no damage to others while fighting meepo. of course luna is far more stable hero overall, but still.. when I'm heard "why did you pick meepo when they have luna" I really want to disconnect and uninstall.
                                          Also , no ES in worst versus?. meepo is really weak against heroes with a lot of disables. ES is a real pain in ass when he gets blink, not only for unit-count based nuke but because of his stuns.
                                          Generally when you pick meepo you hope for early snowball when it doesn't matter if you're counter-picked or not, otherwise you should go full davai with boots of travel and stacking ethereals or skadis. I really don't like stacking hearts, it just doesn't feel good for the price.


                                            Never really liked necro on Meepo, he could be getting better items like Heart and AC instead, but it still an interesting item to keep in mind if you are really relying on rat dota

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              AC is already there. Also hearth does not help you rat that much.

                                              ES is acually not that hard to deal with, at least with my experience. I think i have a 85% winrate against ES with meepo or so. ES can't really stop meepo from flashfarm and im usually getting a sheepstick way before he can do much. I do consider him as a counter though, since he does have AOE damage and stuns but he is not a hardcounter like ember, sven or timber. He is still under the 'others' tab.

                                              Its acually not that uncommon, you could just watch some games on top pages, you will be able to see some people play support meepo.

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                  Is earthshaker really not in the foes section?

                                                  i mean, i think ES can counter any meepo player with a blink dagger in many teamfight situations. Not all meepos must be there for it to be devastating.

                                                  I agree with the other counters, but I do think earthshaker should at least be mentioned. The point of a guide is to help people learn, and if someone is learning meepo it would be helpful for them to know of the heroes that make it most difficult to play. I do believe earthshaker meets that criteria just about as well if not more so than sven.

                                                  He mentioned many playstyles for Meepo, when most of them quite sup-optimal compared to traditional carry/initiator meepo, why not mention more of the counters? They add a lot of 'learning' value to the guide without much effort of taking up much space

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    ^Just because ES can get a lucky dunk on a bad Meepo who keeps all 5 in the same spot, it doesn't make him a hard counter.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      my point exacly. ES is no hard counter to meepo, explanation above. He is a counter but not one of those really annoying ones which are very hard to deal with. As i stated i never had to many problems with shaker, he was just as annoying as lina, lesh and other AOE heroes, but not really devastating like those 3 foes above.

                                                      His manapool is way to poor at the beginning of the game to shut you down, his farm abilities are way to poor to get a really fast blink and go hunt for a meepo, his mobility is way to bad to run away from a meepo. Basicly you will have a sheepstick way before ES even has his veil and aghs, he might not even have blink depending on the situation.

                                                      If you want to take the argument that 'but as a bad meepo player who runs in a pack' then ill tell you right from the beginning that then almost every hero counters meepo, since thats pretty much suicide.


                                                        I still think its worth discussing ES in a guide. For a lot of meepo players, it may be worth keeping an eye out for shaker when picking.

                                                        You wrote plenty about support meepo, which is much less relevant in my opinion than how to play against common counters such as earthshaker.

                                                        I am not saying ES is the biggest problem in terms of getting ganked as much as in team fights. If you are poofing someone with all your meepos in a fight, and you get blink echoed, you will not have a good time.

                                                        It seems like you are dismissing an important part of playing meepo, simply because you have had few problems against ES, or consider yourself able to outplay ES players on Meepo.

                                                        What about solo-ing roshan. Perhpaps it would be worth discussing that

                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                          Actually, these are not guides for people who want to learn heroes. It was specified in the blog post that these are guides with tips and tricks that are often looked over by most guides and players for people who already know the hero. There are thousands of guides out there for noobies, this competition is for advanced tactics. Take a look at my guide, it won't teach you how to play the hero as a noobie, it simply gives you information that you could use as someone who already has experience on Omniknight.

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            Fair enough. I still think a little elaboration on how to play against shaker, especially since the OP doesnt seem to have issues playing against a hero with a 6% advantage against meepo.

                                                            I mean the counters you discuss are the 3 top counters in the dotabuff Meepo section, but you leave out ES who is in the same percentile as the other 3. If you check out that page, you can also see that Earthshaker is the most commonly picked counter to Meepo based on the number of games being almost double any of the other top counters. ES is THE counter pick to meepo in pub games, and i think it warrants some discussion as to how you play so well against him..

                                                            Also how about some info on solo-ing roshan? Rosh was seriously neglected in this guide seeing as this is Meepo we are talking about here...

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                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              I will add the solo roshan part, theres not to much about it, but i think it might be worth mentioning.

                                                              To the whole ES thing, you really dont understand, as long as you dont run 5 pack meepo, ES, Lina, Lesh and other heroes wont become that much of a problem, at all.

                                                              You really underastemate the point of not going in as a pack. Here is an example. these are my latest 10 matches, where i encountered an Earthshaker:
                                                     loss (pa of doom)
                                                     loss (sniper and doom)

                                                              None of the loss were caused by an earthshaker, more because of a snowballing hero which a different lane produced. As long as you keep meepos split and follow this guide somewhat, you will notice that AOE heroes like those i mentioned are not that big of a deal.

                                                              The stats on heroes like meepo can be decieving, yes according to dotabuff earthshaker is a beast against meepo, but its only because alot of 2k mmr players try to play meepo and run straight into an echo slam.

                                                              But here again, a part where i discuss how to play against counters will be added aswell. Gonna expand abit, hope youll enjoy :p

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                                                                All I was looking for was some elaboration on playing against common counters. Thanks. I dont play meepo myself (yet) but I play regularly with a teammate who has like 65% winrate 400 games or something like that. I've seen him have trouble with ES a few times, but also not care in some games as well. But in the games where ES doesnt matter, he still does slam hard as hell and often is the only enemy hero which can kill him or come close. Usually when there is an enemy ES counter pick, I just grab chen (and stay back with my creeps when ES is up in a fight) and its no issue.

                                                                But about running 5 pack of meepos, isnt it inevitable that there will be a teamfight, with 2-3 friendlies around (and some summons possibly) along with at least 3 meepos? How can you just avoid fighting with the ES is nearby or missing and likely waiting to blink in? I mean i get that you can avoid ganks or whatever when farming, but you cant just keep your meepos separate and not fight forever. If you had to do so then ES would be effectively countering you with a large impact because you are forced to play sub-optimally

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                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  depends on your role, when you play as a pusher, you can avoid everything alltogether. You can literally push every lane extremly fast without 2 much trouble. N0tail won a competetive match like that, by split pushing every lane to a certain point and just hide.

                                                                  As i mentioned in my guide, you should NEVER run with multiple meepos when going with your mates, unless you initiate on someone and poof in.


                                                                    I have a few points.

                                                                    1. There is not a single case in which I would get an AC over ethereal. Ethereal gives more attack speed, good armour, a utility to both save or kill.

                                                                    2. Ethereal synergyses well with vlads. Good damage boost, lifesteal.

                                                                    3. Another aegis tip, all meepos respawn at the place where the main meepo died, not the one that got killed.

                                                                    4. I usually make my choice of items depending on the type of damage and its amount enemy team has. Magical - heart, physical - skadi or eth depending on how confident I feel and how game is going. Both - skadi.

                                                                    5. Orb or venom not mentioned in this guide at all. Neither is early basi.

                                                                    Ethereal give A LOT of damage. Proof:
                                                           -- it took me about 2 seconds to kill him. All he could do -- bkb, ulti, do 1-2 rightclicks and die.

                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                      1.) Pushing towers, ac > eblade.
                                                                      2.) Vlads is situational on meepo.
                                                                      3.) Jup, gonna add dat, thx bra
                                                                      4.) Sheep is also nice if u have a problem with especially 1 or 2 guys.
                                                                      5.) i never build early basi or orb on meepo, i tried it and it was rather useless, you can consider them only if u solo against a single hero, otherwise its rather useless, it would only delay items u need later on.

                                                                      I am not a fan of eblade personally, since as soon as the enemy carry gets a bkb its better to have skadi. I think this is just preference. As i already mentionied in the guide, meepo is very versatile and therefore u can build a lot of combos and so on :)


                                                                        >1.) Pushing towers, ac > eblade.

                                                                        I would seriously doubt that. Do you want to add me on steam and test it out?

                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                          why would u need to add me on steam to test it?


                                                                            Because I am too lazy to time it and it is easier to just start attacking at the same time.

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                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                you don't quite get it do you?
                                                                                Its easy really. In a real scenario, you wont be able to just straight up walk to the tower and destroy it just like that, people will defend. The reason why AC > Eblade is mainly because the aura carries to the manta illusions, which will also help your necronomicons damage the tower quite alot along with your illusions.

                                                                                On raw rightclick damage, it also depends on levels and how many meepos you have there, if we are talking about late with 5 meepos Eblade should do more damage, if we talk about the usual rat doto, which requires you not to run in and feed, AC > eblade anytime.

                                                                                i think you got my point.


                                                                                  @Blunt and Wink

                                                                                  Thanks for the tips/links! I'll look into them soon. Are there any notable ones though?


                                                                                    Well, I didn't really consider really a case of manta+necro meepo :D

                                                                                    Because its a huge investment, and I feel you can do much more with that money on a meepo, even for rat dota purposes.

                                                                                    But I guess its a matter of playstyle more then anything else.

                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                      as i said already, you could just try and use the live games tab ingame, its not that rare to see a support meepo. I've seen alot of meepos stacking and pulling, building mek, pipe, roam and do some work as a support type of thing.

                                                                                      Meepo is so versatile you can even switch from roles, for example transition from support into initiation into carry, ive seen that already happen aswell. Thats why i love this hero, he is very flexible, gameplay, skillbuild and itembuild wise.

                                                                                      The only thing you truly need to play a decent meepo is a lot of practice, and i mean ALOT. It's normal for people who start playing meepo to get rekt, since he really is a lot different from other heroes.

                                                                                      Thats why we luv the rat, very flexible :3
                                                                                      But if you really go for push, manta, ac and necro is the most effective, you should try it when you go for rat mode, it will suprise you how retardedly effective it can get :D

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                                                                                        Anyways, my point is that eblade is better in terms of pure DPS (40 agility is quite a lot for a hero with such a small stat gain), armour (as all meepos gain 5.6 armour, instead of 5 from the aura), gives 10 extra str, provides utility. -5 armour is not that much of a reduction. And it is cheaper. So AC is VERY situational, I think.

                                                                                        5 rats can tear a human in parts :D

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                                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                                          so is eblade.
                                                                                          also -5 armor is acually a lot when it comes to towers + rax.

                                                                                          Its as i said, with the eblade method, ur taking to much risk in getting caught. Manta, necro and AC alot more safe. The reason you are forced to rat with meepo is because the enemy has amazing teamfights and pickoff abilities to begin with. Meaning if you go ratdoto against people who dont have good teamfight or pickoffs you're doing it wrong :'D


                                                                                            Alright, thanks!


                                                                                              Idk, I would rat with 4 meepos while enemy team is trying to push, while keeping the main meepo nearby. But yeah, if you have problems breaking base, then maybe. But then you have map control, can get slots quickly... So I don't know, maybe will try it out at some point.


                                                                                                >so is eblade.

                                                                                                Just saying, I think if you actually get to hit people, eblade+vlade gives insane DPS.

                                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                                  when playing rat doto you usually dont go and hit people :'D


                                                                                                    Thats why I hate ratdoto :D

                                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                                      if u wanna win ez pub, ratoto is usually the safest way :x


                                                                                                        EB is amazing on Meepo and should be built over AC any day. EB+ BoT help u rat much much better than necro+manta would.
                                                                                                        I even build EB over heart - the only time I would go heart first would be when the enemy has too much AOE. Seriously EB is such a great offensive item and provides great defense mechanism against single targetted carries as well.