General Discussion

General DiscussionStop guide threads pl0x

Stop guide threads pl0x in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Just stop it please.. we gonn have like 300+ guides. At least 3 per heroes since we have so many PRO posters. Times 100+ heroes.. yea so please stop it. I didn't come here to listen to...

    Welcome to dota you suck, purge-wannabes!

    There's Joindota, dotafire, playdota, garena, dev.dota, steam community dota pages, reddit, imgur, pornhub, youtube, xhamster etc...

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    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      Just imagine 500 people post 100+ threads... omg please stop. I will leave this website forever.. why can't the mods & webmaster create treads like BBS/forums if he had a brain?


        he's right..I never really look at them


          Actually I do agree with you, but creating special sections on the forum requires some changes in the engine of web site, so it can't be performed in few days.


            ^no it doesn't

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              That's like the most selfish way of thinking. You might not like them, but there are people who like them and you know what? Nobody needs or wants you here anyway.


                for what purpose then u come here?


                  wow that really hurts "I never really look at them"




                      To be honest it's a bit annoying that now the entire forum is just a Guide catalog...


                        its fucking awful
                        just stop with this shit!
                        i dont even read them cause they're full of crap anyway


                          I agree tbh. There are other sites dedicated to guides. Plus its I dont see many people clicking on the guide sticky and looking for it.
                          If they put a tab on the heroes dotabuff page that links to it then they might get some more love


                            Who started this meta? I'm sure there appropriate websites to shove all the guides. Right now it looks like a Plague. Dota buff is not a hero guide forum.

                            Jay Ashborne

                              And this will be over in a few days and all categorized in one section with an occasional one popping up here and there. As someone like you "[HMOOB]FyrionPlax"... maybe you should read a guide or two,

                              [size=20]Because you can barely maintain a fucking 50% win-rate over 3k games.[/size]

                              You're forgiven, and excused.

                              If we wanted a guide on how to keep a losing over all win-rate with Weaver or Juggernaut, we would message you rest assured. There are plenty of people here which can improve from the list of suggestions. Give it a few days. After the competition things will calm down quite a bit.

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                Guides are fine but ffs right now they're all over the place. Yes they need to be all in one place.


                                  guides have to be sorted by mmr


                                    you know what, I dont even care if one person looks at my guide that i put up, and a couple people appear to have done so... and it led to some discussion which i applied in my very next game and noticed at least in the small sample size what may be a more optimal build, granted small sample size for now.

                                    So what im trying to say is, if we put the time to write out a guide for others and critique, and it helps me or someone or even you i dont care. Well then quite honestly dude... you can blow it out your ass and take the time to scan past it and read the other posts, no one is making you click them bro. not a soul

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      quote of the day ^

                                      Quick maffs

                                        We need a sub-forum for guides, we really do, dotabuff pls

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          ^ 100% this


                                            ^ with one thread that has only one post containing a link to Dotafire


                                              ^ Dotafire blows


                                                Having a sub forum for guides would be fine however your complaints are silly at this point.

                                                There are 19 guides in total, and there has yet to be a single duplicate guide.

                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  ^ actually I think there are two pudge guides. Just saying =/ I could be wrong.


                                                    The whole idea of the sudden increase of guides was to create discussion on heroes that don't really have on threads on them discussing play style/builds etc, not to become a new dotafire. Once all heroes have threads dedicated to them we'll stop seeing new guides and constant development of the existing ones


                                                      its an event, and this certainly beats "QQ MY 2K MMR IS WRONG BECAUSE IM GOOD LIKE DONDI" threads

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        the same people bitching about guides are the same people that make all the MM bitching threads :)


                                                          I'm enjoying all the new discussion on heroes that don't seem to be talked about much, it's a nice change and it's more productive :P

                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                            He shut the fuck up whenever people retorted. Go be negative on League of Legends forums kiddos. Bitch about your "ELO HELL" there.


                                                              I thought win rate didn't matter unless you delve into extreme i.e. 30% 70%?


                                                                oh so there are prizes, i tought it was just humanity doing this by themselves, if at least ppl who made their guide knew their heros..

                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                Jay Ashborne


                                                                  It doesn't, I'm just busting his ass for posting a thread bitching about a good thing.

                                                                  -apm 400 player

                                                                    trash guide written by trash 3K MMR players . ggwp

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado


                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        ^ go back to 3k trash Satellizer


                                                                          yo, that hurts

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            I actually like the guides esp. Sampsons on Bounty Hunter and Winks on Omniknight. Just waiting for a ET guide since that hero is just black magic to me

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              ^Build tank max aura punch people.


                                                                                awwww thankyouuuu

                                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                                  Yes, but what position do you play him as? He cant carry, okay support (only role I played him and only if we have invoker) at since the huge nerf, bad offlaner (no escape stomp is not even a stun) and that only leaves mid and maybe its only me but he seems a weak mid, but since he depends heavily on coordination (otherwise the aura is not really beneficial) I just see him as a weak hero for solo que. Again I have only played that hero 10 times so someone with more expirience can share :D


                                                                                    you play him as offlane and defensively so, you use the spirit to get last hits and push them back he needs levels more then farm anyway


                                                                                      "I will leave this website forever.. "

                                                                                      pls stay

                                                                                      i quit

                                                                                        the db guides that have been posted so far are a lot better than the ones written by wanna-be tards on dotafire.


                                                                                          @ nova if i do one, it wont be for the prize.


                                                                                            ^Build tank max aura punch people.

                                                                                            best guide ever haha

                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                              "So what im trying to say is, if we put the time to write out a guide for others and critique, and it helps me or someone or even you i dont care. Well then quite honestly dude... you can blow it out your ass and take the time to scan past it and read the other posts, no one is making you click them bro. not a soul"
                                                                                              lmao fuck off please if your goal is to learn more about the hero you are writing a guide on fucking make a thread discussion about the hero and not make a hero guide pretending to teach other people about it and spread misinformation


                                                                                                I don't think the Guide are going to be a problem anymore. We currently don't have a good way to manage all the guides (e.g. subsections), but it will sort itself out in a day or two. Sorry about the inconvenience. I did not expect so many people to be interested in participating, to be honest.

                                                                                                The first several guides were written Before any idea of making a competition existed. The whole idea behind making a competition out of it was giving back to the community that is writing some really excellent guides - most of them are a lot better in quality than their counterparts anywhere else and provide more advanced insights on the heroes. I personally felt that the writers deserve some form of a thank you and the competition/prize is exactly that.

                                                                                                I am sorry that it has backfired a little, making a bit of a mess in our forums. As I said - it should sort itself out in a day. That was an honest mistake coupled with the underestimation of how awesome dotabuff users are.

                                                                                                Thank you for understanding. Will not make mistakes like that in the future.


                                                                                                  why would you even apologize...


                                                                                                    Because this is not dev.dota2 where corrupt developer usually post only at cosmetic bug.


                                                                                                      @concede, ur a disgusting person, i hope u and ur entire family will die in a tragic accident.