General Discussion

General DiscussionI was smurfing my 10 test MMR games, and i get 2750 MMR!?!?!?! [WHY S...

I was smurfing my 10 test MMR games, and i get 2750 MMR!?!?!?! [WHY SO LOW???] in General Discussion

    It's my second account cause in the first i have a shit mmr, but i dont know why volvo hates me.

    1º.- [WIN 9-5-21]

    2º.-WIN [13-2-9]

    3º.-WIN [7-2-21]

    4º.-WIN [8-0-12]

    .......... the people in the 4º game have 3000 mmr, but in the 5º game the players begin to be fucking noobs with no idea of dota

    5º.-LOSE [9-5-14] (Bloodseker intentional feed)

    6º.-LOSE [6-9-15] (My bad, but i dont remember this game... so rare)

    7º.-WIN [3-3-11] (Very low Hero Damage, but i was disconected 4 min and i had to jungle for earn money fast)

    ....................FUKING PUDGEPICKERS

    8º.-LOSE [1-4-6] (We did it sooo bad, pudge was qiet like 3 min waiting for a victim, luna fighting vs 6 heros, and me dont getting lasthits... all bad)

    9º.-LOSE [0-2-1] (Ragequiter in the minute 7)

    10º.-WIN [18-7-18] (RAT DOTO IS THE BEST DOTO, i was too tired to play as usually)

    I'm surely smurfing, i play invoker because is easy for win the games, but i can play all mid heros and oflane heros blabla bla
    I AM SO BAD?
    Shit pudgepickers

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      so what's your main's mmr?


        2200, but this people dontknow what are guards, how to pull, how to block campaments, how to trilane and all this things

        Miku Plays

          at least its better than your main ... LOL


            During calibration games other factors are considered. By example I lost MMR when won games with heroes I'm usually bad with and gained MMR when lost games with heroes I'm good with.

            On first few days you could check your MMR in console without your calibration games being completed.

            Edit: and btw, most important part of your mmr is the "hidden mmr" you got before the calibration games.

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            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              There are a lot of threads currently about MMR linked at the end of the stickied topic. Please fee free to browse and read those before asking questions previously answered.


                ^ Like hero guides? Like how to play a hero effectively haven't been answered before?


                  Melody, its not my fault, dotabuff can do a thread forum with diferent kinds of discussions.
                  Im free to have my first post.
                  OR NOT?


                    just because u make a new account doesnt make u a better player lol maybe try make another one :P?

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                      i was smurfing to bro, and i only got 5300 :/


                        I think 2750 might just be your true mmr. surely, you don't expect 4000mmr given you only have 2250 on your main?




                            volvo doesn't hate you, you're just not very good at the game. Learn to accept it, it's not a big deal. I'm also very rubbish at the game, life is still good.


                              49% WR

                              Do you realise most of your MMR is calculated from the games you played before you started ranked? If you want a higher MMR you need to create a new account and dominate from your very first game. Get a 20 game win streak or something. Then you will be up in the high ranks.


                                Well YOU are below 50%... Let's put it in this perspective...
                                If you played mainly Solo queue, each time you win should give you +25, and each time you lose should give you -25, so since you lost more than you won, you would be be a net loss. The theory that has been circulating suggests that players who choose "Experienced Player tier" at the beginning would start off with 3000 MMR.
                                Just took another look at your profile, since you stack, that usually means you would gain less on wins and lose more on losses (at least that's what happens when I stack).
                                So these are some of the reasons I would think...

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                Vanity  ツ

                                  If you want to achieve a high mmr on a smurf account, you have to stomp your 5 first games and then farm kda. Took me and my friend 5 games to get out of the "smurf punishment bracket" and into the very high bracket.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!