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General Discussion“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson

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“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    [size=26][b][i][color=#00bfff]“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide[/color][/b][/size][/i]
    [size=24][i][color=#800000]By: Sampson[/color][/size][/i]



    [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] is a melee agility Hero that excels in dealing high amounts of damage to single targets. Bounty Hunter can easily gank other lanes, using his Shadow Walk to sneak up on enemies and get easy kills. Shadow Walk also allows him to escape from dangerous situations, making him very elusive. Bounty Hunter is also extremely deadly as an offlaner, thanks to Track, which will grant True Sight, movement speed, and bonus gold, and Jinada, which amplifies the damage of his next attack every few seconds making snagging last hits in the offlane easy.

    [color=#3cb371]Pros[/color] : Invis, High Burst, Great snowball potential due to track, elusive
    [color=#ffff00]Cons[/color] : Low base health, Very mana inefficient

    [Size=18][color=#ab0500]Abilities, Role and Skill build :[/color][/size]

    [color=#ff2a41]Shuriken Toss(Q)[/color] : [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url]'s main nuke ability. This ability has a high mana cost(in relation to Bounty Hunters mana pool) so should be used only when a fast kill is required or range limits you from reaching your target before they escape. This ability also has a mini stun so save it if necessary to break channelling abilities (TP scroll, bane ulti etc.)

    [color=#ff2a41]Jinada(W)[/color] : This ability adds a 225% crit modifier to your melee attack (rank 4). Unlike most other attack modifier it has cooldown of 6 seconds (rank 4) instead of a flat %.

    [color=#ff2a41]Shadow Walk(E)[/color] : This ability lets bounty hunter become invisible and gives increased dmg on his first attack out of invisibility. (you can attack during the fade time to gain a extra bonus attack before going invis)

    [color=#ff2a41]Track(R)[/color] : This is [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url]’s ultimate ability and the main reason why you pick him. Track gives true sight and bonus movement speed(20%) to any allies near the target. In addition it also gives bonus gold to bounty hunter AND all allies that participate in the kill.

    [color=#ffa500]Hero Role :[/color]
    The role of [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] is to put excess gold into the hands of your team with track and this is done by consistently ganking and playing aggressive. [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] should be placed in a solo lane because he need to reach level 6 for track as soon as possible and with invisibility he is hard for the enemy to kill which is why he commonly is put solo offlane.

    [color=#ffa500]Skill build :[/color]


    - 2 points into E are required to maintain invisible without becoming visible (more points = longer duration)
    - Q is maxed first to give the highest amount of dmg in the shortest amount of time( the longer it takes to kill the target the more time it gives for support to back him up)
    - W is maxed last due to the fact that it scales with the gear you will get later in the game
    - After lv 8 there is some flexibility with your build (W before E) but I commonly stick to above option

    [Size=18][color=#ab0500]Gameplay :[/color][/size]

    [color=#ffa500]Starting items :[/color] A stout shield will help ward off harassment, 2 branches for a little extra stats, a set of tangos and a healing salve to keep your health topped off. Grab early boots if you come up against a really aggressive defensive trilane (CM & AA combo).

    [color=#ffa500]Early/Mid game items :[/color] Your boots of choice for [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] will be [color=#737eff]phase boots[/color] to maximize your Jinada damage and increase your chasing power to find those bounties. Upgrade your stout shield into a [color=#737eff]poor man shield[/color] and branches into a [color=#737eff]Magic wand[/color] to increase your dmg output and defensive capabilities so that you can play aggressive without fear of trading right clicks. Pick up a [color=#737eff]Poison orb [/color]to make up for relatively long cooldown on your Jinada during the early game (sell it later) [b]My personal favorite item[/b] [color=#737eff]Drums of endurance[/color] brings bounty hunters stats up to an acceptable level to keep you alive in fights and the active ability helps you escape sticky situations (getting caught with dust you can outrun them with the active ability from drums)

    [color=#ffa500]Mid/Late game items :[/color] The mid/late game items for [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] tend to me more luxury items because by this stage of the match you are either ahead (and with track that lead becomes exponentially higher) or you are just a over glorified mobile ward. I tend to build [color=#737eff]vlad’s offering[/color] after drums to help my teams pushing power (you do not want to drag on the match too long or else you give your opponent room turn around the match) and help with your sustainability issues (both mana and health). Of course [color=#737eff]Black King Bar[/color] is always an amazing pick up to deal with nukes and disables but do not neglect the choice of picking up [color=#737eff]Linkens Orb[/color] to deal with deadly single target spells like Doom and Duel. Last but not least [color=#737eff]Desolator[/color] to make those supports drop like flies

    [color=#ffa500]Situational picks :[/color] [color=#737eff]Orchid, S & Y[/color] and [color=#737eff]Abyssal Blade[/color]

    [color=#ffa500]Laning, Mid and Late game play styles :[/color]

    [color=#ffa500]Laning Stage :[/color] Your job is to stay alive and obtain level 6. To do this you must keep track of which forms of detection the enemy has in the lane. The enemy will either have sentry wards or dust(or both) and you will have to adjust how you will place yourself in relation to that. For sentries you need figure out where they placed the sentry and maintain a safe distance from that. A trick I like to use is to use the tangoes I bought to start with to create additional paths in the trees to hide in (do not use them until you need the regen). If they have dust you have to play much more defensive because their goal is to kill you. Get 1 obs ward from your support and place it in the forest beside the offlane to have vision of any attempts at your life. Do NOT block the pull camp because you can sneak up and soak up the exp from the pull while invisible.

    [color=#ffa500]Mid game :[/color] Mid game starts for [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] once he hits level 6. Once track is online you need to start roaming and start trying to obtain track kills. A common mistake most inexperienced bounty hunter players make is that they only try and start making solo kills. With track the more people involved in kills the more gold the team gains. So when you gank you want to engage with your teammates. An example of this instead of trying to solo kill in your own lane it is much to help your struggling mid teammate with a gank and changing the gold advantage into his favor. You must do this constantly because bounty hunter is a fairly weak late game hero that uses mid game dominance to overshadow his late game weakness.

    [Size=18][color=#ab0500]Playstyle, Common errors, Tips, and suggested material :[/color][/size]

    [color=#ffa500]Mentality :[/color]
    The main thing you must keep in mind while playing [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] no matter the situation you must be always planning your next track kill. This requires you to play extremely aggressive and have great map awareness (ALWAYS HAVE A TP SCROLL). I do not advise picking [url=]Bounty Hunter[/url] if your team does not have good mid game heroes to compliment bounty hunters best stage of the game.

    [color=#ffa500]Common mistakes:[/color]

    [color=#ffff00]Battlefury[/color] : while battlefury gives more + dmg than desolator the armor reduction makes desolator do substantially more damage.
    [Url=]References about armor[/url]

    If you still believe your build is the way to go, I'm going to explain how,

    Compare Boots + Battle Fury to Phase Boots, Vlads and Drum.

    [color=#ffa500]Stats of brown boots + BF[/color]
    • 450 + 4350 = 4800 gold
    • 65 damage
    • 6 HP regen
    • 150% mana regen
    • Cleave which is useless because only retard Bounty's afk farm
    • 0 HP
    • 0 mana pool
    • 0 armour

    [color=#ffa500]Stats of Phase + Drum + Vlads[/color]
    • 1350 + 1775 + 2050 = 5175g, 375 gold more
    • +36 damage (Phase +24, Drum +9 agi and +3 damage)
    • 15% damage aura for you and your team
    • +2 HP regen
    • 16% melee lifesteal aura for you and your team
    • 0.8 mana regen aura for you and your team
    • 0.36 additional mana regen from int
    • ~6 armour (5 from Vlad's aura, ~1 from +9 agi)
    • 9 str = 9 x 19 = 171 HP
    • 9 int = 9 x 13 = 117 mana
    • Phase gives unit-walking and a temporary 16% speed boost
    • Drum +5% MS/AS aura
    • Drum +10% MS/AS active

    I'd say it's definitely possible for a level 11 Bounty to have this much net worth, so I'm basing my next calculations on the stats of a level 11 BH.

    [color=#ffa500]Damage [/color]
    • At level 11, a Bounty will have 85 base damage (45-59 base, 52 average, and 11 levels of agi growth @ +3.0 agi per level)
    • With Drum, add 9 from the +9 agi, so 94 base
    • Vlad's gives 15% more base damage. 15% of 94 = 14.1 -> Vlad's gives 14 damage
    • So in total, PB + Vlads + Drum gives 50 damage (24 Phase, 12 Drum, 14 Vlads)

    Assuming a 4-3-2-2 build to be in favour of the Battle Fury while also being reasonable (4-4-1-2 is unlikely), that 15 less damage results in a level 3 Jinada doing a measly 30 less damage, but it makes your team hit 15% harder which more than makes up for it.

    [color=#ffa500]Mana regen[/color]
    At level 11, Bounty will have 30.4 int (19 starting int, 11 levels of int gain @ +1.4 per level), so 31 int.
    • BH's mana regen without items would be (0.01 + (31 x 0.04)) = 1.25 mana per second
    • BH's mana regen with BF will be (0.01 + 31 x 0.04) x 1.5 = 1.875 round up to 1.88 to try and favour BF as much as possible
    • BF gives an increase of 1.88 - 1.25 = 0.63 mana regen per second
    • Vlad's gives 0.8 extra mana regen per second, and also gives it to nearby teammates.
    • Drum would also give an extra 9 x 0.04 = 0.36 mana per second from the int, so a Bounty with Drum + Vlads gains 1.16 mana per second

    Ring of Basilius alone gives more mana regen than a Battle Fury at +0.65 per second too, and it costs 9 times less than a fucking BF, you could build that shit in lane 2 minutes in, and be reaping the benefits of it for 20 minutes more than a BF.
    On top of the higher mana regen, Drum also gives you an increase in maximum mana of 117, which is another level 2 Shuriken, which deals 200 magic damage.

    Even if PB + Vlads + Drum gave 0 extra mana regen, with the extra 0.63 mana regen that the BF offers, it would take 185 seconds (3 minutes) for you to gain an extra 117 mana. So for fights longer than 3 minutes, you'll get more mana from BF's passive regen. For fights less than 3 minutes (i.e. every fight ever), Drum's mana pool increase of 117 gives you more mana.

    Bounty's strength gain is also terrible, with no stat items, he won't even have 1000 health until level 16. Drum gives you +9 strength, and with Bounty's strength gain of 1.8, 9 strength is equivalent to 5 levels. i.e. a level 11 Bounty with Drum has the same HP pool as a level 16 Bounty. HP does matter on BH because you will take damage at some point in the game, even in the shit tier that you're in, enemies will at some point, get detection against you, or damage you when you break invisibility.

    Movespeed is also an important factor in escaping. Activating Drum and Phase will give you a 31% increase in MS, boosting your MS of 365 (base 315 + 50 from brown or phase) to a ridiculous 478. Most heroes will only get 400 MS tops.

    [color=#ffa500]Advantages of Battle Fury[/color](at level 11)
    • 15 more damage per hit

    [color=#ffa500]Advantages of Phase, Drum + Vlads[/color]
    • Gives you and your team more survivability
    - Vlads gives melee lifesteal, and armour
    - Drum gives you 171 HP and ~1 armour
    • Gives your team more damage from Vlad's aura
    • Lets you and your team chase after Jinada has worn off - damage doesn't mean shit if you can't hit people
    • Gives you and your team more mana regen
    • Drum's mana pool increase allows you to stay on the map longer before returning to base
    • Helps your team take Roshan much faster
    • Easier to build - individual components increase your stats, increasing the chance of success of the next gank
    - individual components are cheaper than Broadsword and Claymore, gold can be spent before death
    - items range from 175g to 900g. Of the 13 items required, recipes included, only 2 are above 450g in cost
    - individual components are not from the Secret Shop, they can be "panic-bought"

    [color=#ffff00]Bottle[/color] Unless you are actively obtaining runes (do not steal them from your mid hero) this item is not worth the gold investment nor the item slot.

    [color=#ffff00]Giving away your location :[/color] The fear that you COULD be there should always be in the back of your enemies head. This fear will limit how far they push in to farm and how much they will jungle. By showing yourself on the map to score a couple creep kills you give away that control you had over them.

    [color=#ffff00]Track can save lives :[/color] Track can be used defensively to help save your teammates escaping. It gives them vision to juke in the forest and it also gives them a 20% bonus movement speed.

    [color=#3cb371]Suggested Material:[/color]

    [color=#3cb371]Amazing Pro BH players:[/color] [url=]Funnik[/url] (NaVi) and [url=]Bone7[/url] (Cloud 9, formerly Speed Gaming)

    Este tópico foi editado
    King of Low Prio

      I’ve played Dota for around ten years now. Bounty Hunter is one of my favorite heros, not to mention my most successful. With over a thousand games worth of experience between dota 1 and dota 2, I’ve manage to keep a near 70% winrate with the hero, and an over 4.0 k/d/a.

      [color=#FF0000]F[/color][color=#FF7700]o[/color][color=#FFFF00]r[/color][color=#00FF00]m[/color][color=#00FFFF]a[/color][color=#0077FF]t[/color][color=#9900FF]t[/color][color=#FF0000]e[/color][color=#FF7700]d[/color] [color=#FFFF00]a[/color][color=#00FF00]n[/color][color=#00FFFF]d[/color] [color=#0077FF]E[/color][color=#9900FF]d[/color][color=#FF0000]i[/color][color=#FF7700]t[/color][color=#FFFF00]e[/color][color=#00FF00]d[/color] [color=#00FFFF]b[/color][color=#0077FF]y[/color][color=#9900FF]:[/color] [color=#FF0000]M[/color][color=#FF7700]e[/color][color=#FFFF00]l[/color][color=#00FF00]o[/color][color=#00FFFF]d[/color][color=#0077FF]y[/color][color=#9900FF]-[/color][color=#FF0000]S[/color][color=#FF7700]a[/color][color=#FFFF00]n[/color] [color=#00FF00]少[/color][color=#00FFFF]女[/color]

      [color=#ffa500]Credit to Androgynous for Battlefury Math :)[/color]

      Este comentário foi editado
      Jay Ashborne

        Fuck microsoft word and why it makes website hotlinks into HTML even though they are syntaxed with bbcode. God damn bill gates.
        Nice fuckin' post however. Forsure added to "Welcome to Doto" thread.


          Nice guide :)

          Jay Ashborne

            [color=#FF0000]C[/color][color=#FF7700]a[/color][color=#FFFF00]n[/color][color=#00FF00]'[/color][color=#00FFFF]t[/color] [color=#0077FF]w[/color][color=#9900FF]a[/color][color=#FF0000]i[/color][color=#FF7700]t[/color] [color=#FFFF00]u[/color][color=#00FF00]n[/color][color=#00FFFF]t[/color][color=#0077FF]i[/color][color=#9900FF]l[/color] [color=#FF0000]t[/color][color=#FF7700]h[/color][color=#FFFF00]e[/color][color=#00FF00]r[/color][color=#00FFFF]e[/color] [color=#0077FF]a[/color][color=#9900FF]r[/color][color=#FF0000]e[/color] [color=#FF7700]m[/color][color=#FFFF00]o[/color][color=#00FF00]r[/color][color=#00FFFF]e[/color] [color=#0077FF]t[/color][color=#9900FF]h[/color][color=#FF0000]r[/color][color=#FF7700]e[/color][color=#FFFF00]a[/color][color=#00FF00]d[/color][color=#00FFFF]s[/color] [color=#0077FF]l[/color][color=#9900FF]i[/color][color=#FF0000]s[/color][color=#FF7700]t[/color][color=#FFFF00]e[/color][color=#00FF00]d[/color] [color=#00FFFF]l[/color][color=#0077FF]i[/color][color=#9900FF]k[/color][color=#FF0000]e[/color] [color=#FF7700]t[/color][color=#FFFF00]h[/color][color=#00FF00]i[/color][color=#00FFFF]s[/color] [color=#0077FF]o[/color][color=#9900FF]n[/color] [color=#FF0000]t[/color][color=#FF7700]h[/color][color=#FFFF00]e[/color] [color=#00FF00]w[/color][color=#00FFFF]e[/color][color=#0077FF]b[/color][color=#9900FF]s[/color][color=#FF0000]i[/color][color=#FF7700]t[/color][color=#FFFF00]e[/color][color=#00FF00].[/color]

            [color=#00FFFF]O[/color][color=#0077FF]h[/color][color=#9900FF].[/color][color=#FF0000].[/color][color=#FF7700].[/color][color=#FFFF00].[/color] [color=#00FF00]i[/color][color=#00FFFF]s[/color] [color=#0077FF]t[/color][color=#9900FF]h[/color][color=#FF0000]i[/color][color=#FF7700]s[/color] [color=#FFFF00]w[/color][color=#00FF00]h[/color][color=#00FFFF]a[/color][color=#0077FF]t[/color] [color=#9900FF]y[/color][color=#FF0000]o[/color][color=#FF7700]u[/color] [color=#FFFF00]p[/color][color=#00FF00]e[/color][color=#00FFFF]o[/color][color=#0077FF]p[/color][color=#9900FF]l[/color][color=#FF0000]e[/color] [color=#FF7700]w[/color][color=#FFFF00]e[/color][color=#00FF00]r[/color][color=#00FFFF]e[/color] [color=#0077FF]a[/color][color=#9900FF]f[/color][color=#FF0000]r[/color][color=#FF7700]a[/color][color=#FFFF00]i[/color][color=#00FF00]d[/color] [color=#00FFFF]o[/color][color=#0077FF]f[/color][color=#9900FF].[/color][color=#FF0000].[/color][color=#FF7700].[/color]


              How do you make words in different colours? I got in mind a nice guide, but need to style it.

              And how the hell you add pictures?

              Este comentário foi editado
              King of Low Prio

                I had alot of help with editing and formatting if you want advice on these things ask Melody


                  I'm not afraid of it Melody San. Way better than the usual trolling or crying about MMR. Well done Sampson Well done.

                  Dear dota buff, please separate guides like this from the general forum.


                  King of Low Prio

                    feel free to comment on anything


                      Great guide but I feel like most of this community knows that
                      More in depth things might be useful in the future

                      Jay Ashborne

                        When writing it i'm pretty sure he attempted to keep in the contest limits.

                        See here.

                        King of Low Prio

                          I tried to find a balance general guidelines and advance tactics

                          my first draft had alot more advance data (comparative dmg analysis between abilties is one example) but it felt overwhelming.

                          things like

                          "Giving away your location : The fear that you COULD be there should always be in the back of your enemies head. This fear will limit how far they push in to farm and how much they will jungle. By showing yourself on the map to score a couple creep kills you give away that control you had over them."

                          are seen commonly even in 5k+ range

                          King of Low Prio

                            I might be adding a commentary video of one of my matches as bounty hunter later

                            King of Low Prio

                              Also if anyone has any of their bounty hunter games they want me to critique just post them


                                why do u add level 3-4 ww over level 2-4 jinada pretty sure jinada max first while leaving ww at 2 gives more dps, not every engage you start with ww break sometimes insta track is more crucial

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Jinada does less dmg during the early stages of the game and the dmg is on a CD which means you can not score fast kills

                                  Comparative Dmg analysis of Jinada vs Wind walk

                                  90 dmg (early-mid game)
                                  Jinada / Wind Walk
                                  Lv 1 = 135 / 120
                                  Lv 2 = 157.5 / 150
                                  Lv 3 = 180 / 180
                                  Lv 4 = 202.5 / 210

                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    during the early stages of the game if it takes longer than 6 seconds to score a kill you prob will not be able to secure it anyway


                                      ya but as i said in teamfights there are many situations where opening with windwalk is a bad idea. say your teammates already initiated on someone if you instant break your invis with track (into toss) the extra ms can translate into an extra hit for each of your teammates catching up to the iniator&intiated (which is way more damage advantage compared to your ww dmg) + faster cd for next track.

                                      not to mention you can bug out the windwalk to get the bonus damage from the windwalk twice by abusing the longer fade time but this is not possible for higher levels of ww. (afaik. not that you would use this much but it is worth noting)

                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Yes I agree in some situations having a different build would be much better BUT that is the same with any hero who wishes he could change builds based on how each team fight happened. For example maxing Jinada first over shuriken would be better if a quas wex invoker lands a emp on your and you have no mana to use your nuke BUT you are not going to alter your build for unfavorable situations you build your hero to maximize his potential.

                                        King of Low Prio


                                          this is what happens when bottle becomes a core item on your Bounty hunter


                                          while usually KDA does not matter, on a hero like bounty hunter you need your KDA as high as possible because of track

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            I don't recommend Vladmir's Offering on Bounty Hunter, because sometimes I see green flares around enemy creeps nearby (lifestealing animation) for no visible reason. At this point I understand that something going on.

                                            For same reason try to avoid other aura items. Enemy players may click on your ally to check items and notice "extra" auras. Other auras not so noticeable though.

                                            You said nothing about using E skill for lasthitting, you close in, press E, get that extra damage for lasthit and go invis. Now you can break invis with extra damage for second lasthit.

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              the thing is jinada max first is the better build for majority of situations

                                              King of Low Prio


                                                during the lane phase you should not be getting last hits outside of your tower unless your opponents are incompetent and do not buy detection

                                                also read this thread


                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                King of Low Prio


                                                  I disagree unless you buy dmg items first (going deso before buying items like drums or BKB you end up with less upfront dmg). I also take into account mana conservation. Majority of situations you will be able to attack your target from stealth not all BUT it is highly unlikely that your opponent will have sentries in every single lane at every point of the early/mid game. Because most people max Jinada first does not mean it is the best option most of the time (I will not argue that there are not situations where you should max it before WW)


                                                    You think about BH only as solo offlaner. Which is not always the case.

                                                    Also, second level of Shuriken is big. But not 3 and 4. Better take Jinada.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      Like any hero you CAN go into whatever lane you choose BUT it is a horrible mistake to put him in any other lane beside a solo offlane. If your team can not give him a solo offlane DO NOT PICK HIM.

                                                      The biggest dmg increase comes from lv 1 to 2 BUT that does not mean you should stop there just because it no longer gives a 100% dmg increase. The same can be said about Jinada lv 1 gives a 150% dmg increase while lv 2 only gives a 25% increase. You can not just look abilities in a vacuum.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        Also Soultrap you have played 1 match as bounty hunter in your whole time playing dota why exactly are you trying to give me advice without even doing any form of research......


                                                          im thinking of trying ur stealthy pick soon! thanks for the Guide ^^ Beware Sampsy <3


                                                            Reduced cooldown on Jinada - this is what matters.

                                                            You don't have to play 100+ games on this hero to notice obvious things.

                                                            P.S. You played 4 matches as Crystal Maiden, but still teaching me how to support.
                                                            Everything is fair. Don't you think so? =)

                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              But it does take thousands of games to notice subtle things. At rank 4 it has a 6sec CD and if it is taking longer than 6seconds to kill a target he SHOULD have support by then. As stated before this guide is for fighting competent opponents not opponents who do not buy detection or tp scrolls

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                Soultrap how many years playing where you playing dota 1? I have been playing dota for 10 years and by the time I shifted to dota 2 I knew I that I did not like playing supports often. You are posting things that do not even exist in the game (your aura theory) while I in that thread I posted factual data

                                                                WASD player

                                                                  I don't really think a bottle is a bad item on him.

                                                                  Mid doesn't need every single rune in the game, plus BH is a roamer so he can pickup runes effectively if the mid can't get it, it's also a good way to regen after fights.

                                                                  By no means is it core, but it's not bad. I would say its situational.

                                                                  Battlefury on the other hand... Absolutely retarded on him lol, extremely situational if late game vs PL

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    the biggest issue I have with bottle is the inventory space

                                                                    boots, wand, poor mans, poison orb, tp scroll and drums

                                                                    none of these items are worth dropping imo

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      by the time poison orb loses its effectiveness bottle loses its effectiveness

                                                                      WASD player

                                                                        I usually don't go wand or orb of venom. Sometimes I get urn or medallion and a bottle instead of those 2. Really depends on the game


                                                                          I only played Warcraft 1. I remember Starcraft appeared on market at the same time as Total Annihilation. TA was (is) pure win compared to Warcraft (Starcraft) series. I like RTS games when units not just stand and shoot eachother, but they actually maneuver, try to avoid projectiles, while aerial units making dogfights in the sky.

                                                                          I started playing DOTA 2 about 5 months ago, as my matches history says. This is true.


                                                                          You heard the story "The emperor's new clothes", right? Sometimes fresh sight is better than judgement based on tons of experience.
                                                                          I.E. if you don't plan to land a second Jinada crit, why you buy Orb of Venom?

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                                          King of Low Prio


                                                                            you might want to read that story again if that is what you got out if it...............but no if you do not know what you are talking about you should not be giving advice. If I want a 2nd opinion on medical advice I go see another doctor not a cashier at wallmart.


                                                                            Magic wand is by far one of the best items in the early to mid game items on almost every hero. Medallion does not suit BH's playstyle but I agree that urn is a decent situational pickup

                                                                            WASD player

                                                                              Just a slow so you can get an extra 2-3 hits in. BH has a good agi growth, his damage isn't bad

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                Btw, in video Funn1k has 2 points in Jinada. Not 4, but not 1 as well.

                                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                                  your target is always slowed, you can swap targets at any point and it and it adds decent harass dmg early game. I would never get rid of it if I had more than 6 item slots

                                                                                  WASD player


                                                                                    Medallion is also a decent situational pickup. Minus armour really does wonders for your jinada, and since track doesnt lower armour anymore, it can be an alternative to deso if you're really low on money. I think it's great in a budget build.

                                                                                    Also the slow becomes really insignificant in the lategame. I sometimes make skadi on him if I don't go deso but I wouldn't see why you would keep it in your inventory when you can just replace it with SNY or another slow item in the late game such as atos

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                                                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                                                      he had a solo lane against a ursa which gave him more access to last hits.

                                                                                      WASD player


                                                                                        Vlads is good for lategame because you aren't gonna be ganking as much, you're gonna be with your team. Also maxing jinada is not the right way to go. It scales with damage, but in the early game you aren't gonna be hitting hard so it's better to max shuriken. And putting him in the hard carry position is a huge mistake. Can sometimes mid if need be but is a better solo laner.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          @ Real

                                                                                          I said I would never get rid of it IF I had more than 6 item slots, this obviously is not the case. And no it does not work well with Jinada because you have to either have to not open up with stealth on your target OR wait until the next Jinada proc and then you run into the problem of taking too long to kill your target.


                                                                                            Anyway, this video is shit. Battlefury... 2 rapiers... He is just trolling or not real Funn1k. Please remove it.

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              sigh, I am done responding to Soultrap

                                                                                              WASD player

                                                                                                @ Samp

                                                                                                Yeah I misread you. Sure if you are going to open up on someone from invis then it's not that good, but those auto attacks do hurt with that minus armour. But you aren't always going to be opening up from invis. If you're simply teamfighting or chasing down another person after ur first target then I don't seen a problem.

                                                                                                Plus I said it's a great budget item, it's not something I would get every game. You aren't going to afford a deso in a shitty game. Medallion also helps with roshan and helps allies do more damage against opponents

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                                                                                                  @THE REAL 'Kieffus'
                                                                                                  Bounty Hunter picked to make sure that everyone can afford anything even in a shitty game. =)

                                                                                                  WASD player

                                                                                                    @ Soul

                                                                                                    I don't understand, why do you need to play support to tell others how to support? Buy wards etc lol. Giving advice on a HERO that you've never played before is whack as fuck, but telling someone how to play a generic role such as support or carry is something anyone can do.

                                                                                                    WASD player

                                                                                                      @ Soul

                                                                                                      Not entirely true. Bounty can counter invis heroes and provide lots of vision for your team with track. If you're having a shitty game, it's not gonna be less shitty with a BH on your team

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