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General Discussion[Guide Competition] -- "I'M OMNIKNIGHT" -- Omniknight Guide

[Guide Competition] -- "I'M OMNIKNIGHT" -- Omniknight Guide in General Discussion

    [color=#ffa500][size=35]A Guide to Promoting the Omnipresence[/size][/color]

    [color=#008000]This will be my guide for Omniknight as part of the guide competition made by KawaiiSocks in this[/color] thread

    [u][size=20]Some Basic Stats[/size][/u]

    Here is some info you can get simply by taking a look at Omniknight’s DOTABUFF page

    Omniknight is one of the least played heroes in all of DotA 2, being the [color=#ff0000]25th least played[/color] hero this month!
    For some reason, this godly (pun intended) and fun hero is so underplayed and underrated, but I will show you why you should be picking this hero more often!

    Omniknight has a win rate of [color=#49ff3c]53.92%[/color] this month, giving him one of the top win rates of all heroes in pubs and qualifying him for tier 2 in the pub tier list

    He is best played against Spectre, Lifestealer, Slark, Phantom Assassin, and Huskar. What does that mean to you? This hero COUNTERS CARRIES! His ultimate ability, Guardian Angel, can make an enemy carry completely useless for its duration because they simply can’t deal damage with auto attacks.

    [u][size=20]Pros & Cons[/size][/u]
    [*]Very durable
    [*]Has a powerful heal and nuke
    [*]Has an overpowered version of the Black King Bar as a spell
    [*]Can give allies immunity to physical damage *Dazzle weeps in a corner*

    [*]Has no stun
    [*]Not very mobile
    [*]Requires situational lineup to be used properly

    [u][size=20]Why Should You Pick Omniknight?[/size][/u]

    Because there is literally nothing not useful about him!

    He is an amazing support, capable of scaling way into the late game. His spells allow him to do everything possible to benefit his allies, including healing them, and making them immune to magic as well as physical damage. He even has a powerful movement and attack speed slow to help chase enemy heroes.

    Omniknight's heal ability, Purification, is one of the best support spells you will ever see. The damage it deals in its small area of effect is PURE which means no amount of resistance will prevent it from dealing full damage.

    His Repel lasts 12 seconds, which is 2 seconds LONGER than an actual Black King Bar and it doesn’t decrease in duration after each use. This can literally allow for your carry to skip BKB if you keep repelling them in fights, saving them a whole lot of money and letting them buy some big damage items instead.

    An extremely important thing to note is that Repel can be casted on enemies. This will give them the magic immunity and purge them. If an enemy hero has a haste rune, you can literally turn it off by Repelling them. There are many other tricks with repelling enemies, like using it to single out an enemy in Naga Siren's ultimate by making them immune to the song and then killing them while the rest of their team sleeps.

    Omniknight's passive, Degen Aura, is an extremely underrated passive which allows Omniknight to zone out and trade hits with almost anybody in the lane. He can also slow enemies down by an insane amount to help allies catch up to the poor target.

    Lastly, Omniknights most overpowered spell, Guardian Angel, gives nearby allies the ability to IGNORE physical damage *insert enemy Phantom Assassin crying here*. Not only that, but an Aghanim’s Scepter makes it global and affect towers! The only downside to this spell is that it can be purged, but even purging its effects will cost the enemy team item charges or spell cooldowns, making it well worth it when it is affecting your entire team.

    [color=#ee82ee]I personally like to go 3-1-1-1 by level 6. The heal is Omniknight’s key ability early on, allowing him to nuke down enemies and heal allies for insane amounts. After maxing Purification, I like to max out Repel for its incredible increased duration.[/color]

    [u][size=20]Item Builds[/size][/u]

    Omniknight has very bad mana problems early on, as his mana pool is very small but his abilities cost a substantial amount of mana. To deal with this, most Omniknight players enjoy building both a Soul Ring and Arcane Boots in order to spam those amazing spells. Something important to note is that the heal of Purification at level 2 is 180 while the health cost of Soul Ring is only 150, so you can profit in health by using Soul Ring to use Purification on yourself once your Purification is at least level 2.

    One of the best items that suit Omniknight in the mid-game is Mekansm because it gives him another heal ontop of his already super powerful Purification, except this one works in a large area of effect. If someone else is getting the Mekansm or you simply don’t need one, Urn of Shadows is a great replacement, since you should always be in the middle of all the fights with your amazing defensive and offensive spells, so you will have plenty of charges.

    Another great item for Omniknight is Blink Dagger. The reason for this is because of his very noticeable lack of mobility, and with the 0 mana cost on Blink, the item is perfect for Omniknight. Having this item will allow the player to stay as far back as they'd like and then easily blink in and cast Guardian Angel at the perfect time of initiation. Having this item will also allow for even better chasing power as well as the ability to blink onto enemies and drop a heal on yourself, dealing 360 pure damage (level 4 Purification) to the target.

    [u][size=20]Situations Where Omniknight is a Good Pick[/size][/u]

    Omniknight is one of those supports that have no stun and no mobility, but what he does bring to the table is a bunch of defensive spells and the power to zone 2 enemies out of the lane at once. Knowing this, Omniknight would fit perfectly into a defensive lineup that will rely on a very hard carry in the lategame, but also has enough crowd control so that your team is not lacking stuns after the Omniknight pick.

    Optimal carries to be babysat by Omniknight are heroes that need a Black King Bar very quickly. This means Luna, Gyrocopter, Shadowfiend, Alchemist, and Phantom Assassin are perfect allies for Omniknight.

    Some heroes can really screw an Omniknight over though, and if the enemy team picks these heroes, you should stay clear of choosing him. Heroes with a lot of magical AOE abilities, silences, or spells that go through magic immunity are extremely good counters to Omniknight.

    Heroes like Lina, Ancient Apparition, and Lich all have large advantages over Omniknight because of their amazing magical area damage, while heroes like Silencer, Death Prophet, and Drow Ranger all have area silences that can make Omniknight worthless in a fight. Unsurprisingly, they are all near the bottom of the list of heroes Omniknight has an advantage over in his advantage list

    [u][size=20]Bonus Tips[/size][/u]

    [color=#ff0000]1.[/color] [color=#2EFEF7]Always use your Purification on a low health ally before Repel. Repelling an ally will make it impossible to heal them.[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]2.[/color] [color=#2EFEF7]Never use Repel on an ally after Guardian Angel, this will purge the effects of your ultimate.[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]3.[/color] [color=#2EFEF7]Positioning is key, even if you are a strength hero with a heal and immunity spells. Stay near the centre of your team, behind the initiator, but in front of your squishiest allies.[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]4.[/color] [color=#2EFEF7]Make sure your carry is always repelled in fights, and when it wears off, you can heal them if they need it.[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]5.[/color] [color=#2EFEF7]Use your Guardian Angel when enemy heroes are just about to clash with your allies, using this spell prematurely will waste crucial seconds.[/color]


    How [color=#ff0000]Not[/color] to Play Omniknight (Warning: Explicit language)

    [size=20][u]Closing Statement[/u][/size]

    Omniknight is a seemingly simple hero that anybody can learn to play, but to truly master his spells and time his abilities properly is very difficult. Proper positioning of your entire team is crucial when trying to use Omniknight to his full potential, but if done properly, it is nearly impossible to lose. Omniknight has a high impact in every aspect of the game and will keep his allies safe from harm with his extremely defensive arsenal.

    With the information you acquired with this guide, you can go stomp pubs with one of the best support heroes in DotA 2!

    [color=#ffff00][size=20]May the Omnipresence protect you, Wink out![/size][/color]

    Este tópico foi editado

      If you're going aggressive early on go for the 2-1-2 build with a poison orb

      Jay Ashborne

        Thanks for the post! This hero has no recent discussion about it on the forums so I will add this thread to the "Welcome to Dotabuff thread" Be sure to edit up tiny code errors!

        Este comentário foi editado

          This post is constantly getting editted to look prettier and have additional details added in. Please comment anything you would like to see added and check up on it whenever you like ^_^


            tldr heal and repel ppl that needs it


              wp Nova:)

              Sōu ka

                but you can zone people out with degen dont you get it?


                  I get it at level 1 or 2, it's enough to scare anyone off, but not worth delaying maxing your heal.

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    wait wait i lol'ed really hard at the titlle, "A guide to *Promoting*omni" that promote word make me laugh so hard loloooooooollll :)))

                    Anywy, credit for wink making a guide for very underrated hero, omni. (Y)

                    U may put a video of omniknight pro player so we can learn from him, cause as u know nowadays we rarely see omniknight get picked on high bracket.

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      So disappointing someone who has played my fav hero once in 10 months wrote this guide. I have never played Chen but fuck it maybe I'll copy and reword DotaCinemas guide and claim that one yeah?
                      Dont get me wrong I don't wanna write it myself despite 209 games but everyone knows this crap. buy mek buy mana boots. heal is stronk at level 3 use repel then GA etc etc.
                      We wanna see LightKnight6969 write this guide. Bloodstone Travels and basher OP.



                        Ignore the entire guide and play him in pubs as so...


                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Ples Mercy

                            where is lightknight when u need him


                              ouch, just because i dont pub him often doesnt mean i dont play him in lobby games...

                              dookie daddy


                                As long as it is not obtrusive to your guide you should probably add the viablity of blink dagger omni.

                                >Blink into ult for positioning or blink/heal is deadly. Also him being at a short range for some skills and at no mana cost now it makes it even more cost effective.

                                Source: Been doing it since I started playing him in dota2

                                Up to you but think it might be worth a mention as a Viable (yes) Recommeded (situational or maybe) on your mention of no stun and mobility it would really boost his effectiveness and make him worth playing.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  ^That's actually really interesting, adding it right now :)

                                  dookie daddy

                                    Perhaps you should test so you can add from your own experience, I just felt it was worthy of a mention at least.


                                      lol in all seroiusness the guide is fine Wink. GJ

                                      One thing I have noticed following omni in the pro scene is that while he is rarely picked when he is he is almost always played mid. He needs solo expand some farm. I play him on my smurf mid quite alot when the other team pick Pudge. He dominates Pudge mid imo. He can survive a hook - ult combo and turn it around if it happens to an ally nearby.

                                      To play him this way in the solo queue you need to check the following boxes:
                                      -The other team has a mid he can handle (Pudge, Magnus, Zeus, Nightstalker etc)
                                      -Someone on your team has gone support
                                      -No one else on your team has picked a standard mid hero and you have called it.

                                      If you play in a stack I say try it next time you see pudge. Its alot of fun.

                                      Due to the many counters he is usually picked last in CM mode when the other team havent picked heroes like Doom, BM, Brew or any Diffusal Blade buyer. I have also seen him played as a solo safelane in the pro scene.

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        Virtus.Pro picked omni against fnatic to counter the tiny + wisp combo

                                        they lost ):



                                          - Blink Dagger uses
                                          - Repelling enemies tricks
                                          - Pros & Cons
                                          - Fixed some spelling and grammatical errors


                                            I wrote a guide for Omni a few weeks ago and didn't even consider Blink Dagger with the recent changes.

                                            *shamless self-promotion*


                                            King of Low Prio

                                              good thing most people have not realized how good omni is against bounty hunter


                                                the omniscience may spare your sins
                                                but wink will not

                                                amigo pool

                                                  sdds lightknight

                                                  dookie daddy

                                                    Perfectly worded use of blink dagger. Well done.

                                                    Sup m8

                                                      Nice guide


                                                        mmm some useful tips I didn't keep in mind