General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Guide template (How to forum efficiently)(Make a Hero guide!)

Hero Guide template (How to forum efficiently)(Make a Hero guide!) in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Melody accept friend request pls.

    Jay Ashborne



        I was going to ask for your help with formatting, but after ~2 hours of work, I did it
        I DID IT

        Jay Ashborne

          It takes for fucking ever doesn't it? Lol


            The writing was going smoothly

            but formatting it was a pain in the butt
            adding color and images D:

            Jay Ashborne

              Now you can see some of my pain editing some of these giant ass pages.

              King of Low Prio

                dont do eet, my guide looks so much better in comparison because their formatting blows LOL

                Jay Ashborne

                  @ Socks-Sama, I have kept track of all guides made and will be listing them.

                  No worries, you can find them in the second post in this thread or, in the "Welcome to Dotabuff thread". They are listed with color under hero discussions and useful threads.


                    @Melody-San. I am working on a blog post for the whole thing atm) Should be live in a couple of hours. You can post the list here, or PM me. Thx a lot again!

                    Jay Ashborne

                      @ Socks

                      The second post in this thread has a list of links to articles which were written. There are 5 in total to my knowledge at the moment.

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      dookie daddy

                        I was thinking of doing an Axe guide but people don't really play him...

                        Options are Silencer/Crystal/Tusk/Venomancer

                        Are people interested in any of the above? I could do an Axe one still...


                          Do all, Havoc :P


                            Make venomancer.

                            P.S. one question melody. Do you make guide first in word then copy paste that text in here, and then you formate it?

                            Jay Ashborne

                              Most times I actually write it in the dotabuff window, and format sections after I complete them, while before posting.


                                Ah, ok, thanks for informations


                                  melody ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give signature

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      I laughed in real life. Long and hard about making this.


                                        you sick fgt

                                        Jay Ashborne



                                            How to people write their guides so quickly?! D: I'm still on the skills set QQ

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              the trick is to stay up all night because I am a fucking obsessive perfectionist......




                                                  Well, your guide is good nonetheless but I think I will need to hurry up my work D:

                                                  @Fame.GG, lol

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    Hey winterchillz, I think I could hep you somewhat with the Rubick guide. He's the only hero I feel comfortable enough to write something about anyway :3

                                                    Well, him and also Warlock, but who plays him? :D

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      @ Sampson

                                                      "the trick is to stay up all night because I am a fucking obsessive perfectionist......"

                                                      You and me both lol.

                                                      BLAO BLAO

                                                        Why is there no preview button for when creating a topic so you can format freely without actually posting the guide?

                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                          Good question haha. Post it in the suggestion thread.


                                                            Accept Friend Request pls.

                                                            I finished my guide today c: tho I haven't done any of the formatting >.<

                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                              I guess you best be reading my how to guide on, how to use form code/syntaxing then shouldn't you. Ha.

                                                              It's listed in the welcome to dotabuff thread. If you need help feel free to ask other members of the forum, I'm sure they can help as well. Sadly I need a nap. (More or less to fucking crash)

                                                              [Size=16][color=#ee82ee]For future reference~ I will not COMPLETELY syntax or code guides for you. I assisted with the syntaxing and coding of several guides that [u]I personally requested[/u] from forum regulars and over all players that I respect and envy their skill. With this being stated, each individual had attempted some if it themselves.[/color][/size]

                                                              I've had several requests for this today, and I'm pretty sure people misunderstood what I meant when I said "If you need help with forum code, for organization please contact me and I would be more than happy to edit it for you."

                                                              [*]I am however more than willing to help you understand syntaxing and forum coding, how it works and how to use it.
                                                              [*]Grammar/Spell checking~
                                                              [*]Over all formatting
                                                              [*]Presentation and over all design
                                                              [*]Final Revisions

                                                              Fee free to contact at the link below if needed~.

                                                              Contact Melody-San on Steam

                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                Thanks for the info. I'll attempt to syntax it and share my final attempt with you?

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  Sure thing <3 Sorry for the confusion!

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    ^ lazy fuck

                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                      Menz, I need the sleep. Sees you in a few

                                                                      KONY 2012™
                                                                        Este comentário foi excluído


                                                                          Sorry, mate, I just noticed your message. You can add me up on Steam for further discussions, I'd love to work with you on it :3


                                                                            Ok, just did now. 3 hours from now I'll be offline for 2 hours though. Going out for some exercise :P

                                                                              Este comentário foi excluído

                                                                                >Hi experienced player