General Discussion

General DiscussionTiny builds

Tiny builds in General Discussion

    I thought I'd create this thread seeing as I couldn't find a recent one which discussed builds for Tiny. I've only played a few games as him (8 with a 75% winrate) and I thought it was time to discuss builds for him. I choose to play Tiny as a hard carry role, due to his extreme damage output towards the endgame, although I am unsure as to how the current meta still supports this.

    In terms of items I've recently stated building power treads over phase boots, due to Tiny having attack speed items almost as a necessity. In addition to the extra health and damage that strength treads give you, switching to agility gives you a little more attack speed and 1 armour, as well as the expanded mana pool of Intel treads (discuss PT over phase boots?)

    Although I haven't done this since the nerd to Midas cost I used to build a hand of Midas immediately after this, as the combined attack speed of +60 in addition with PT was a massive help to my early game right click damage, as well as the long term bonuses to XP and gold. Since the nerf I am considering switching this to a drums of endurance, for the better stats, as well as an almost as good increase in attack speed, as well as the movespeed bonus that you'd be lacking if going for PT instead of Phase.

    After this I typically rush a sceptre, aiming to get this ASAP is usually before 3rd level of ultimate, depending on how well my farm is. Subsequent item choices go to hyperstone -> assault cuirass followed by a Daedalus.

    In terms of skill build I tend to go for Q W W Q W R W Q Q , then levelling E and ultimate whenever I can.

    While I'm not claiming that this is in any way a perfect build or guide I did intend to use this as a discussion thread to compare plays, strategies and the like, so don't flame if you hate my build without contributing anything :P


      Pt > drums > yasha ( which you will later make into manta ) > aghanim > manta , then sky is limit ( bkb, ac, buriza, mkb, mjolnir, satanic, butterfly )


        I like to skip drums and yasha and rush aghanim's.

        It buffs everything, increases your toss damage, gives you awesome stats. PT gives you enough attack speed for lvl 1 grow.

        then you can build anything, Era's build is pretty good: PT, aghanim, assault, tarrasque, manta, butterfly/daedalus/bkb

        la the yeezy

          I'd rather go drums than midas. Gives you a bit of mana, attack speed and ms. After that go agha cuirass whatever. I also usually get bottle for sustainabilty


            @Golf yeah after the nerf I think drums are going to replace Midas in my build. Before I thought it was semi viable due to the huge increase in attack speed it gave you, which normally isn't that necessary on most Midas heroes. I guess the drums +14 attack speed, plus the other stats, is a more cost efficient item overall


              It is, especialy that int and mana which you get.

              Edit : anyone tried orchid and rod on him?

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                I don't think many people have build orchid on him because it's only 75 less gold than an Aghanim's and tbh Aghs is by far the better pickup, the earlier the better




                    tiny's also pretty strong when played as an early/mid game hero. arcane boots dagger dagon works well with tiny's first 2 skills. you have to finish the game before 35min though


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                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Keep this discussion up~, added to guide. Thanks for discussion, attempt to touch on subjects like Hand of Midas, Boot choice, Carry and support role, and other things~.


                        Something that no one touched on here is blink dagger, I've only bought it once or twice on tiny, I haven't really considered it a core on him since his MS is usually high enough to get into a good position


                          And how you plan to regen mana? Most Tiny's damage comes from Avalanche+Toss combo (120 mana each). Or you just can't imagine Tiny without Io?


                            considering carry tiny focuses on right click damage, mana regen isnt such an issue. although his combo is good midgame you shouldnt prioritise it over your naturally immense right click damage. one or two of your supporting teammates will have arcane boots, which is usually more than enough to sustain you. if it isnt, do what Golf said and get a bottle, even if you arent mid, by the midgame the runes are free for the taking. ganking tiny (which uses his spells more) follows a completely different item build

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                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                              [*] @ Blink dagger
                              Isn't shadow blade just as good or better? Gives stats and somewhat of an escape. Pros and cons?

                              [*] @ Low mana pool, I suggest drums or another item such as manta. Gives good stats as well as attack speed. Does basi or aquila work well for this hero?


                                @Melody Shadowblade is an okay alternative and provides nice attack speed and damage, but its use as an initiation/escape is hindered by the fact it's so easily counterable, as well as 900 gold more than a blink dagger, and since 6.80 blink dagger has no mana cost, whereas shadow blade costs 75 mana to activate, blink preserves your delicate mana pool more, as such blink is usually better if you're looking to initiate.

                                regarding the low mana pool, drums are usually standard on tiny (i just never built, but am going to in the future). a ring of basilius might be a nice early game pickup, the mana and armour will be rather useful. I'd rather leave it as a casual basilius until you decide to build it into a vladmir's offering, which among the other bonuses, will give you over +45 damage when tiny gets into lategame

                                another potential lategame mana solving item is shiva's, which would be a nice pickup if someone else on your team has an assault cuirass

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                                  Few posts ago you said that Orchid is unpopular, but Vlads is ok you say? Your logic kills me.


                                    give me one reason why an orchid is better on tiny than a vlads?


                                      There are many reasons:
                                      1) Vlads is not a carry item, supports can buy it for you.
                                      2) Orchid gives +30 damage, +30 attack speed AND some utility as well as 30% damage increase.
                                      3) Orchid solves Tiny's mana issues.


                                        Try out the merlinibuilt. It works well on midlane tiny.

                                        Bottle (for mana and hp)
                                        Soulring (for mana)
                                        Travelboots (gives u insane ms and global gank)
                                        SB (superb burst with 1 hit ava toss you kill nearly everyone midgame)
                                        Aga (increases burst and push)
                                        AC (gives attackspeed and increases push)

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                                          i play tiny mid (i think he is crap on other lanes) vs other meeles
                                          start: bottle (runecontrol u can use stun a lot)
                                          second item: arcane boots (more spam)
                                          third: blink dager (start hard rooming; one hit supports
                                          fourth: agahims (more dmg)
                                          fivth: assault
                                          last: situation


                                            @soultrap you have to think about cost effectiveness as well though, as i said previously orchid is only 75 gold less than an Aghanim's sceptre, which is an awful lot of gold to spend on something which is focused for spellcasting heroes, which might be nice on a ganking role tiny (which as i've said follows a different item build), but on a right-click carry putting that money towards an aghanims is much more beneficial in the long run.

                                            also regarding vlad's as "not a carry item", top builders for vlad's this month are ursa, riki, antimage and PA, in addition to lycan, bounty hunter and abaddon, so although it can be built on supports, your average pub supporter won't buy this for you, which still makes it a viable choice, as it costs less than half as much as an orchid, while still having nice benefits.

                                            i'd like to point out that i'm not saying your choice of items is wrong, im just saying why i wouldn't build them :P

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                                              @ 9v1 and schretze both of those seem like viable ganking tinys. if i ever play in that role i'll probably check them out!


                                                Ursa needs Vlads for early Roshan kill. Lycan is natural jungler, others pick it just for regen.

                                                Meanwhile Orchid is core item on Bounty Hunter, Clinkz and somewhat popular on Slark.


                                                  i might have a play with orchid tiny. not sure where it'll go, but might be interesting


                                                    it depends of the role.. example you can go tiny hard lane with a strong combo like tiny centa or tiny slardar

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