General Discussion

General DiscussionIs battlefury alch legit?

Is battlefury alch legit? in General Discussion

    I've gotten some shit for rushing bfury in a game as alch, but it really seems strong on the hero, is mjollnir always better for a farming item or what?


      no its not legit. It's as stupid as midas on antimage



        Ples Mercy

          it was legit when he had his old ult. Now its just a waste, since alch is very strong early game. If you play alch u should always go for early kills.


            thanks, so what should be my first 2 items? sblade into mael?


              armlet ac basher bkb/hot u can pass lothar if u feel like it

              Ples Mercy

                pretty much what he said, people who build mjiollnor or mealstorm are retarded.

                Alch needs to get abit tanky, armlet would get his old ult back. Lothars is only a good item when your farm is decent at the beginning, with lothars its pretty ez to snowball since u get somewhat burstdmg. Don't build phase + lothars, its a crappy idea, you need the atkspd to kill enemies early.


                  some people like to build a casual vitality booster to compensate for his ult nerf

                  but armlet is really good
                  and treads is better than phase


           I think this explains what items yield the most success statistically in a game. There are many ways to play alchemist and none are really right or wrong but some have more impact late and others earlier.

                    Meal storm is good enough item at its base to warrant a purchase in conjunction with other items but not as a solo purchase. Given that Alchemists stun has been reworked it is advantageous to go phase boots to make sure you can keep range on a longer duration stun.


                      thanks guys, this should help

                      Ples Mercy

                        @Havoc: 30% winrate with maelstorm, its a crap item.


                          no... just go midas or maelstrom for farming...

                          Ples Mercy

                            midas, radiance, Battlefury, Maelstorm, shivas and ofc BoT


                              midas, radiance, battle fury, mjolnir, bot, refresher



                                If you still have a Maelstrom at the end of a game as an Alchemist it's unlikely you're doing well in that game, because it's a low value item. That doesn't mean the item is bad, since the game only tracks what items you have at the end of a game. It makes the item bad to have in the later stages of the game. Mjolnir is one of the most popular Alchemist items and also has a high winrate, and one of it's component is a Maelstrom.

                                If you're afk farming, it's a good item because of how cheap it is, meaning you can start afk farming earlier. Midas + Maelstrom (4600) has a similar cost to Battle Fury (4350) but gives Alch more of what he needs, attack speed, although 4p1 isn't the current trend, that's irrelevant.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  if u afkfarm with alch then u clearly did not understand that hero.


                                    Heavy farming with Alchemist is totally accepted for some. Simply because he can up 6 slots at least 10-15 minutes before anyone else allowing you a 10 minute window in which to push with an excessively farmed alchemist.

                                    Looking at the base items winrate is not reflective of the item as it is once completed. Shadow amulet has an 8% winrate but doesn't negate the items usefulness at a finished stage.

                                    harvard graduate

                                      I feel like getting a really fast Bfury can be legit sometimes, when for example facing a brood since you will just murder the entire spiderwave. Its highly situational obviously.
                                      I just feel like shadowblade/treads rush (maybe midas if you plan to take it somewhat late) and then pick people off everywhere.


                                        It's not legit, you will farm much faster with radiance, and that's mb the only hero for which it's true (illusion carry don't count since they cann't really build bf)


                                          ^Lone Druid

                                          waku waku

                                            alchemist sucks after the stun nerf


                                              euhmmm, no.

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                It's legit if u get it after midas, helps 3-4 hit stacks and everything. I usually sell it after late game when i get like 6 slotted.


                                                  Is alchemist a good farmer? Yes.

                                                  Does the current meta encourage extended farming in the jungle? No.

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!