General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone play -cd mode exclusively in ranked?

does anyone play -cd mode exclusively in ranked? in General Discussion

    I realize 31 games isn't a large sample size to draw from, but I'm currently 18-13 in -cd mode (whereas in ranked -ap I'm probably around 49% win rate over 200 games later)

    I realize -cd mode has its own faults:

    1) retard takes captain, drafts like shit
    2) people whining about drafts even when my drafts are either even or superior to opponents' drafts like 90% of the time
    3) people reluctant to play support as usual

    But if you compare to -ap mode, I think -cd is advantageous. Things to note in -ap:

    1) Jungling shitheads who are useless for 20 min; all supporting duties are heaped onto 1 player
    2) People insta-locking heroes/roles and getting counterpicked badly, resulting in lopsided games
    3) Lycan pickers
    4) Lycan pickers
    5) Lineups that require too much farm
    6) Lineups with 0 reliable stun
    7) Retards who can't farm

    I think I've omitted another 200 points but that's enough for now.

    I realize some of the problems I listed above are not mutually exclusive to -ap, but let me explain why this isn't as great of a problem in -cd. Basically, the people who queue -cd, ON AVERAGE, are much more oriented toward a "teamplay" mentality. -ap is more like "plz just let me do whatever the fuck i want" and the consequences can be pretty bad for whichever team that player ends up on. if u queue -cd (or even -cm) u realize that ur going to be playing a hero that you might not necessarily be the pubstar at, but a hero that your team needs in order to win the fucking game.

    Basically at any MMR level you will get shitfucks who don't know how to pick properly, and at least on THAT front, -cd gives you an immense opportunity to remedy that, by drafting the team you want (provided you click the button quickly enough, and aren't a retard at picking lineups).

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      stop changing your nick ray. can't even keep track.
      and honestly mate I don't think it matters anymore.
      one game I'll get awesome team that is trying their best to win, next game I'll get a bunch if idiots crying about the loss during pick phase.

      there are monkeys everywhere. at any level, in any mode.

      one and half gun

        how much do you win and lose in ranked captains draft solo?


          i win more than i lose. about 55% id say atm.
          cm and cd both.

          one and half gun

            qojqva has 6.8k solo rating and he plays in cd only

            whats the secret


              actually he plays ap as well.
              and secret is, eum i dno. i ran into him the other day i guess he is just that good.

     he just forgot how to lose i guess.

              edit: oh found the secret. he doesnt play supports.

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              one and half gun

                i think he gets queued up vs 3k-4k players

                one and half gun

                  3k-4k players are so bad at this game, they actually make you lose faith in humanity


                    they have an excuse for being "bad".
                    whats the excuse of some people i encounter tho. being russian?
                    anyways qojqva is good, thats all.

                    and also ee flipped so hard when he saw his mmr. jelly ppl at all levels..

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                      I've played cd/cm for around the last 50 games in solo ranked queue. I think my win % hasn't changed much. Though to be fair, the # of the games where we just have an utterly retarded lineup with no hope has been probably around 4-7. Whereas in AP, that would be like around 30%.


                        wave, does he really have 6.8k mmr? o.o


                          What's wrong with lycan?

                          5 - 1 with lycan after new patch.


                            6.7 last time I checked, and yes he does.

                            one and half gun

                              yes hes probably at 6.9k now


                                a lot of anonymous players in those cd games

                                i guess he can get 4k mmr brown/orange players if he queues for it on EUW at 5 am

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                                  how do you check without being having good enough to be in his matches? qojqvas mmr

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                                    players with 6k+ rank often report gaining 0 mmr or maybe 3 mmr when beating lower ranked players. Highly doubt he would rank up that high by playing players below 5.3k


                                      dont tell me there is anyone else than qojqva above 5.3k in this game


                                      half of players anonymous and the sd has 47% winrate

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Lycan is sick dude, problem is probably other players picking all carries after lycan is picked.

                                        The only difference between cd and ap is player attitudes in cd are better. They are usually trying to win vs picking "fun" heroes and hoping to win in ap. That's why you end up with no supports or stupid teams with no disablers in ap cus those heroes aren't "fun"


                                          I exclusively play Captain's Draft in Solo Ranked because the average player mentality there is more team- and win- than self-oriented, though you will find exceptions to that, of course.


                                            after all it just takes one whiny fucker to mess it all up.


                                              well i'm 10 wins - 2 losses in games where i've drafted, and 19 wins - 13 losses in all -cd games, so yea i'm definitely drafting in this retard-lite bracket (4.5-5k). i mean even if i don't get to draft, the chances of winning are roughly equivalent to those in -ap games

                                              i think those 2 losses where i drafted weren't necessary; it was me messing up somewhere and with better play i could still have maintained 100%. basically the % of games that are "autolose" at the start because your orange/brown player goes mid and plays like an autist is around 10%, whereas in -ap it's more like 25%. granted, valve gives u roughly the same number of "equal free wins" but if i wanted free wins i would just stack with the 5k+ players on my friend's list instead

                                              more -cd games seems like the panacea to the cesspool of selfish assholes

                                              i also ignore/mute retards, i don't even bother to flame in ranked games anymore, since that just makes them harder

                                              and then after 2-3 losses i feel like i need to break the loss streak by playing even more, and then i'm back to the old loop again

                                              @ xan

                                              i get idiots too, the difference is that i assume they are idiots in the first place. i don't pick some super-fancy lineup that requires decent micro; i just pick relatively low skill-cap heroes that own in pubs (tide, lion, elder titan, etc.) while i try and play the hard carry (sometimes mid). if i have to support, it's usually not a big problem since quite a few 5k+ players play as well so i don't have to worry about them failing in their lanes miserably

                                              if someone is whining about drafts just mute/ignore them; in half the games where my team won by a landslide, the retards were still whining about getting "outdrafted." this wouldn't be possible because -cd games are actually pretty balanced and if i was getting outdrafted, that would imply the mmr system placed too many higher mmr players on my team (which isn't the case)

                                              basically i could draft like a top tier professional every game and people would still whine

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                                                CD and AP sure is different! oh and qoicva does not play just CD. + winning is more ez with AP than CD especially if youre not seraching as 5. + you people should realize that there is no huge difference after 5k + mmr instead of 5.5+ and 6k.

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                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  It's really hard to get out drafted if you are somewhat intelligent. People will bitch cus X hero went off on you so you must have been out drafted, or Y hero fed so why did you draft him? Like this match:


                                                  I did not draft this, the SS player did, and everyone else bitched about the picks. Basically undying and PA went top and destroyed SS + wraith king, which should absolutely not happen since they have 3 freakin disables. PA somehow landed every killing blow and snowballed beyond crazy in this game. Despite holding my own mid vs clinkz, I also failed every gank attempt so I contributed to the losses as well. But just looking at the lineups ours seemed way stronger to me, ss first pick is great, we had earthshaker to counter undying and ET against PA and clinkz is usually quite good since he drops all their agi armor.

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!