General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion commander help!

Legion commander help! in General Discussion

    So I'm probably going to get flamed/called a noob/insulted for this, but recently I've been trying to play legion commander, and as you can see on my profile, my win rate is appalling. Is there anything that I could be doing better?


      get no boots, blinkdagger. Gank important heroes. Win game

      blink => treads (=> drums => Blademail) => bkb => assault


        Get MoC then rush dager, folowed by everything iWin4Arka told


          All you need to know are:
          1. Which item will support survivability and positioning and buy it depends on the situation
          2. Position to place yourself so you can duel opponent and survive after that duel
          3. rinse and repeat

          It's a risk, if you lost duel you will directly support enemy
          From your game, it looks like you just mindlessly walk straight into duel without thinking beforehand
          You have 0 item that supports positioning, e.g. Shadow blade & blink dagger
          LC is one of hard hero even if you compare it to Anti-mage, luckily she can jungle so she can avoid lane harassing early game

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            My games, even though I lost, I did not walk mindlessly into duels as I won most, if not all of them. However the deaths are more a result of the remainder of the team focusing me after winning the duels. Some of these were not necessarily me playing bad, although I realise now I must buy more positioning


              Use 3 Rapier, Cuirass, Shadow blade, PT
              EZ enough to kill enemy XD

              Miku Plays

                jungle lc
                stout, culling,tango

                next items:
                > bassilius = after u have this go ancient already * must 2 on both W and E
                >phase boots
                >blade mail = if theres sven or right clickers. or blink
                > basher or mael

                just keep ancient farming and poping in and out for duel

                Bone Chilling

                  What do you guys think on the 6.80 patch note about Legion?
                  Legion Commander
                  Moment of Courage now only procs one extra lifesteal attack [?]
                  Moment of Courage buff grace period increased from 0.5 to 1.0 seconds
                  Moment of Courage cooldown reduced from 1.2 to 0.9

                  I found tha second lifesteal proc pretty useful while jungling. And what does "Moment of Courage buff grace period increased from 0.5 to 1.0 second" mean?

                  Miku Plays

                    6.80 legion isnt that bad at all.

                    @Chop Chop
                    i think that Moment of Courage buff grace is when LC gain an enourmous attack speed i kinda get this OP attack speed when im right clicking towers


                      Just play Legion Commander as a support. Buy courier, wards, mek, vlads, drums etc. You really don't have to build any damage items to win duels. Use your ultimate only when enemy hero is about to die anyway.

                      P.S. "If they want wards, then we shall give it to them!" (c) L.C.

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        To be fair, 6.8 legion commander winrate has dropped 4.20% in very high games.

                        I think shes been getting high.


                          Legion is a gank hero, and has higher movement speed then most other heros. I don't get blink or shadow, I go starting: quelling blade, tangos, stout shield. Early power treads for attack speed, maelstrom (attack speed and damage) a hyper stone(build this into assault cuirass later, BKB for those team fights, Assault cuirass, then heart make u tanky. I think attack speed and damage u need most to deal out as mush as possible in the duel stage.


                            flame bait


                              go mid last hit and harrass with ur 1st spell
                              get blink gank heroes @ ez dps
                              go blade mail go win gg wp no re


                                My god the necro is real

                                Dan Backslide

                                  As opposed to most carrys where LH are really important Legion should get her damage and most of her gold from kills. So early on start ganking. Either get a blink or some mobility item and just get some kills on some squishy supports to start your snowball.

                                  Low Expectations

                                    Did you reach the 3k mark saw the thead disappeared


                                      No I haven't played in 2 days and it's a few pages back, once I'm less busy I'm going to update it again


                                        Everyone that said jungle or safelane LC is an utter sub 5k scrub and haven't tasted the wrath of offlane and mid LC yet.