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General DiscussionNeed tips on how to not lose

Need tips on how to not lose in General Discussion

    Honestly, i need help.
    I didn't want to post this in the first place because posts like this get a lot of negativity but i don't know what to do.

    I see a lot of posts of people complaining about his teammates saying they're paired with monkeys, etc, but this has reached a new level for me. I don't know what changed, but before 5 days ago, i was improving my win ratio. I was having like 70;60% win ratio, but then something changed, and i have lost 10 games in a row. I have lost more or less 250 mmr.

    I can't win a game to save my life. I try to communicate with my teammates, but they're mostly trolls or don't answer at all. I try telling them vanguard is bad on drow, but i get flamed. I go mid, and try to help out the lanes that are getting stomped, usually dying in the end. There are no wards unless i am the support, dust is a fucking myth, i consider myself lucky when the supports buy the courier in the beginning. Normal flying courier upgrade time is 20 minute mark.

    I no longer have fun playing the game because of this.
    I'm not saying im a pro or anything, i mess up a lot, today i might have thrown a game because i misclicked BKB and hit cheese instead.(i changed the hotkeys to improve microing).

    Should i change my playstyle? Am i really the reason for the loss on these games? I really want your opinion.

    Vanguard and Stout Shield Drow:
    She wasn't trolling, she honestly rushed Vanguard because she thought that would be great against pudge. She didn't buy boots, she straight up rushed vanguard, and then stout shield for the agility.


      What's your mmr? If it's below 3k no wonder how some people pick such items.


        It was 3400ish, now its around 3100

        jess the goat

          Once you get below 3.7k you are pretty much in the place where all the millions of scrubs in dota are, the good thing is the oppopents also get worse so if you really are better than these 3.1k players, you should be able to easily win your lane and snowball.

          Quick maffs

            If you want to have more fun in your games ( in other words no assholes in your team ) you need to stack, there is no other way.

            If you want to win ( even with bad supports or carries or whatever etc etc ) you should play offlane or mid, some high impact hero OR a hero with you have a good winrate ( like nyx or weaver ). If you learn how to mid with some heroes like TA or Storm you shoudnt lose this kind of low MMR games. You can support, but pls dont expect too much from your teammates.

            If you are playing mid there is probably no excuses for you to lose, even with no courriers or wards. Usually if i am playing mid and we lose i blame myself because on this kind of low mmr it shoudnt be hard for you to win mid and from there snowball.

            Again, if you dont want this kind of team mates on your games you need to go up in MMR, to do that you need to win, and to win in this low mmr you should play mid, if you cant win even mid you are probably not going up and you probably dont deserve going up.

            Edit: Dont play slark, your winrate is terrible with him, dont play abaddon, your winrate is terrible too.

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              If you want MMR to go up you just need to play only your best heroes. Everyone plays heroes across a huge range of skills. Your best might be 1000 MMR better than your worst. Of course if you do tryhard pick only your best, then you will lose games after your MMR is maxed out unless you play those same best heroes all the time.

              Let's take a look at what you did recently with these losses. You lost 12 of the last 13 games.

              Picks --------- your win %
              Viper 2 games 54%
              Slark 3 games 36%
              Nyx 1 game 80%
              Qop 1 game 42%
              Abaddon 2 games 29%
              Dazzle 1 game 0%
              Rubick 1 game 37%
              OD 1 game 46%
              PA 1 game 80%
              total expected wins: 5.59 or 43% of the games

              Now you only won 1 of the games, but this is for your average play and your average MMR. Probabaly your MMR was already well above your average skill at 3.4k MMR. If you want your MMR to go up you have to be better than you have done in the past. To do that you need to play only your best heroes, not heroes that you usually lose when playing. If you want to win more games you should never be picking a heroes like Slark, Abadon, and Rubick that have caused you to consistently lose, you certainly should not be picking a hero like dazzle with which you have never won a game.

              If you want to learn new heroes, or improve on heroes that's great. But you can't expect to gain MMR while doing it. In your case the best choices are Nyx and Weaver. Pick those every game for the next 40 games and you will probably gain several hundred MMR.

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              Dire Wolf

                I disagree with relentless here to an extent. 5 games with dazzle doesn't tell you enough about whether you suck with him or not. It looks like in many of those games your mid lost, which is hard to come back from. I do agree with playing your best heroes and playing the heroes that give your team the best chance to win, but using your statistical win rates in very small samples is not the best measure of your best or worst heroes.


                  You can't lose if you don't play. Remove yourself from DotA and start doing something important. Maybe you could start by reading the Harvard Classics anthology.


                    If you have only played 5 games on a hero and lost all 5 with 1.14 KDA... this is not the hero to pick when you want to win games. Might he be able to win 5 games of dazzle in the next 15 games? Yes. Is that gaining MMR? No.

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                      give me ur acc ill help you


                        As people previously mentioned in this thread, when you get to that level you have to win your way out of the bracket rather than not lose your way out. If you are truly better then that MMR bracket, you will easily (or slowly over time) win your way out of the bracket.

                        As you can see, there are many other people on dbuff in your situation, so this becomes a problem when everyone thinks they are better than where they are at.

                        Good luck!


                          I wish there was a reset feature for stats.


                            You could make a new account. But if it was easy to reset stats, the game would be dominate by smurfs constantly stomping nub games like they did in dota 1. Valve has at least made the old dota 1 pub stomping extremely difficult. Most people have just stopped trying to do it.

                            Although you will still see threads from time to time asking dotabuff to ban someone who does make the extra effort to play against bad players every game.... ban them from the highscores. It's still possible, but requires a lot of machinations.

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                              TAKE A BREAK
                              best advise is to just play something else for a bit, I guarantee you will play better when your "I can't win a game for my life" moral is gone


                                Pick last and only what your team needs. Communicate as much as you can.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  stop this last pick nonsense. Sick of idiots picking BS because their is a slark on the other team.......

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    But in the case of dazzle, he is a strong as hell hero given the right lineup. I wouldn't automatically excuse him from my pick choices just cus you started 0-5 on him. I mean I was like 1-7 on shadow shaman, despite being fine at other similar supports like disruptor and bane (disruptor has a nuke, a big ult, is squishy like ss, bane has a channeled ability like ss that can leave your ass hanging out). Does that mean I simply suck as SS and should never pick him? Hell no, last game I played with him we dominated. It was just poor luck the first few times. 5 games is a tiny sample.

                                    Now if you were going carry like anti mage or pudge all the time and started 0-5 on him I'd say try something else since there's no valid reason to keep going those heroes but dazzle is a strong support.


                                      i think everyone in my team thinks they should last pick
                                      the sad part is that the team already has 3 carriers, then they decide to pick another one, cause they want to be the hardest carriers out there


                                        anyway i'd say that if you want to get higher MMR, focus on playing versatile heroes
                                        heroes that can do almost everything with good impact in the game.. they can go mid, offlane or even safe if you lack a carry, ie mirana


                                          Heres two things I noticed about the match that no one hasn't pointed out:

                                          1. You picked South America for a server, maybe you speaking to them wasn't working because they didn't understand you.

                                          2. You picked ALL PICK for Ranked match. I feel that All Pick is a player test bed for trying out a new hero or new build and I tend to have a lower success rate at wins with all pick. (Anyone else feel this way about all pick?)

                                          Additional info: Had just Captains mode/draft as game choices in search and was above 3.5k. I started to add in all pick a month after Ranked match was available, and tried to branch out with different heros/builds and tanked it to 2.5k MMR. Now back to about 3K MMR removing All pick. Quality of people/DOTA 2 Sense seems to be higher on captains mode/draft I feel. Anyone have the same experience about all pick? Thoughts?


                                            I agree with you. The basic idea is that I feel like everyone tries to rush a carry/semi-carry in AP so that they don't have to support. Now, since I'm used to supporting, that's what I pick in AP now, too. But I'm just as guilty at times.

                                            One thing I noticed about my own play (literally, just now) is that the majority of games I won, I have a high assist rate. Games we lost, I have less than 10, usually. Not the be-all, end-all, and it may even just be coincidence. But just something I noticed looking over my matches.


                                              In order to win, suports have to be active and sometimes gank around and help on other lanes a lot. If you dont have a player on your team who can win you the game mostly alone, then you have to help carries to farm and get kills (although they may be brainless players). It's hard sometimes (i would know), but you have to do it in order to win the game. And when you won, you probably just did exactly that.

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                                                Yeah I tend to run support in all pick since everyone rushes for a hard carry/semi carry so I attempt to support. I really feel a well balanced team has at least two supports on it minimum, otherwise I am stuck with courier/obs wards/sentry wards/dust/flying courier/mek/ etc. Very tough to farm these items when 4 carries are expecting to get cash and get upset when I attempt to last hit to benefit the team with arcane boots or wards....

                                                Again sometimes I look at the lineup and see 4 hard carries and say "screw it" and pick another carry. Never ends well but I may as well try my hand in something else and not bomb my support win/loss % I feel like.

                                                On another note, I feel the All pick mode can be enhanced. Feedback on this would be appreciated here are just a few ideas:

                                                1. All picks must be picked before the 0:00 Timer otherwise the system generates a random pick for you, and you don't get the "random hero" gold advantage as a punishment.

                                                2. All pick forces masks all carries after 3 are picked on your team, and forces the last 2 players to pick a support. This forces a more balanced game.

                                                3. If 3 supports are picked, then all pick masks the rest of the supports/nukers etc. on the board and forces a carry pick on the last two people that have not picked yet.

                                                Just food for thought idk.. I think it would enhance the fun factor and reduce the "we lost already at 0:00 mark" factor due to poo picks, or general issues with new users not understanding how to balance your team out.


                                                  I actually feel this is a pretty decent idea. This would rule out a couple guys that are being more support roles (alch/sk), but overall is pretty solid.


                                                    Stack and and league games is the only way to play dota 2

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      No, all pick is all pick for a reason. I'm ok with a forced random pick if you don't pick by a certain point, maybe 20-30 seconds after pick time expires, but if you want to run 5 carrrys you can do it. All carry teams can work anyway if you balance the team fight/stuns. If you hate it play captain's. I do really want to see random draft and single draft added to ranked though, not sure why they aren't.


                                                        @ -hg- Bob_002

                                                        To cover those new meta type roles like alch/sk just a simple role change in an update would cover it for role type updates.

                                                        @ [ESP*] Wink

                                                        Agreed that is the most fun way to play and the best chances of party MMR but my option is trying to cover more of the holes in solo match making is all.


                                                          @ There is no try

                                                          I'm fine with the 20-30 seconds to expire, something needs to change with all pick. The wait and see what the other guy gets is not a great way to play against someone picking a hard counter to their pick. Not very balanced.

                                                          I also agree with you that they should take random draft and single draft to ranked. It would add to the game pool, and it would reduce my wait time for a game.

                                                          That is another reason I had added all pick to reduce queue time. On the "find a match" I would do everything except least picked or All Pick and would get games in under 2 min usually. Now the only way to get it under that is to add in all pick instead of a 5 to 7 minute wait on US EAST/WEST.

                                                          Therefore, I think I would have a higher MMR if I wasn't forced to choose all pick in my lineup.

                                                          @ Alex,

                                                          Do you find it more competent players with Captains or all pick? Just curious.


                                                            Seems like the pick a snowball mid hero suggestion is working a lot for me, went from 3056 to 3505 when i played shadow fiend.
                                                            That's a 500 increase in 14 days. :D


                                                              Ok, i somehow jinxed this and had the worst game of my life as an SF player.