General Discussion

General DiscussionYour theories on....

Your theories on.... in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    how bad players end up having a rather high MMR.

    So far 75% of my matches are with okish players knowing what to do. Yet there still those 25% not even remotely having a clue whats going on at all. Just an example:


    Lich didnt buy wards or courier (yes, that acually happened). Lich was useless the whole time and did fail every ult he threw which was... about 3-4 times. Brood somehow managed to killsteal as much as possible and was completely useless the whole game, first time i've ever seen a brood not pushing. Next of qop decided to go aghs instead of orchid or sheep which had been 1000x better than the useless ass aghs. After i told him how retarded he was, he replied, and i quote: 'omg', 'you are the retard', 'you build basher instead of diffusual'. That literally made me speechless, i could not find any words to insult him, since thats when you realize, theres no help for that guy.

    So enough of the whining about shittier players i encountered, how do you think, do these utterly shitplayers get into 4,5k+ MMR or in this case maybe ur mmr despite sucking so hard that you would believe they belong to 2k-.


      players who stacked heavily before ranked matchmaking was introduced and thus had an artificially high unranked hidden mmr. it takes time for the system to adjust


        ^^dat 1 assist Brood.

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        King of Low Prio


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            its cause they stacked a lot prior to the changes in mmr and team mmr... just tryharded HAAAAAAAARD and got ez wins finally getting stuck at around that level and now losing non stop cause why?? CAUSE THEY FUCKING SUCK

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              They have more luck? Say 60% chance to get a higher mmr team to carry them vs. Say u.. 40% to get a higher MMR teammates?

              Or like me every 8/10 games you are either blue or pink.

              King of Low Prio

                color does not = higher MM

                Woof Woof

                  OP heroes, poor MM, AP as main ranked mode, No report for un skilled player(since valve knows he isnt properly rated to begin with)


                    The slark was bad.. was the game at least balanced or was it a hopeless case of autism on display? ( and i meen the rest of the team.. was it just a bad game or a complete wrek of a game ? )

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                    Ples Mercy

                      people with aurism are usually really smart, they just have some communicaton & social problems, and no, the game was not balanced at all. 4 morons, none of them with brain...At least slark didnt talk shit all the time despite sucking.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I have a friend who is 300 pts higher than me and should be 300 lower. He consistently misses stuff, has poor map awareness, never wins his lane, doesn't carry. But he never loses his lane either. He plays really easy, cautious heros like enigma jungle, death prophet mid. He doesn't lose games but he also doesn't do anything to win them. It's the most frustrating thing in the world playing with him cus he'll say crap like why are you out there dying and I'll say cus you were supposed to do X Y and Z and we'd have wiped them. He just doesn't get it, not aggressive at all. He had dp vs sniper our last match and played the lane to a draw yet thought he had an awesome game cus he only died twice and had farm over 400 gpm. Yet the rest of our team suffered cus sniper got farm middle early.

                        So basically stacking and picking conservative heroes can get you high rating.


                          People start with 2k MMR. Depending on what they do with the first few games anti-smurf may add nothing... up to another 2k MMR. But a lot of players also started playing before the anti-smurf was added in ... also it used to be possible to start at 3k MMR by selecting "experienced" when you began to play dota 2 so maybe you have to add 1k to each of these scores. Its hard to guess at MMRs with all Valves efforts to hide them.

                          His first games were before anti-smurf was added so probably starts directly at 2k... that guy is at +58 wins which is approximately +1450 MMR... depending on how that is distributed party/solo MMR he is perhaps at 2.8k MMR up to 3.4k max. Broodmother is 26% win one of his worst heroes so he played down for this match, probably can't win any games with Brood that are not won for him.

                          Again first games before anti-smurf, +88 wins so + approximately 2.2k MMR gain... he could be 3.1k up to 4.2k MMR. Lich is a strong hero for him 63% win. If he really did not get wards, I say he was throwing.

                          Started account before anti-smurf, +53 wins so approximately 1325 MMR gain, maybe 2.6k MMR up to 3.3k max. Slark is one of his stronger heroes at 61% win. He picks slark a lot in ranked 24-17 win/loss in ranked games. You probably got the expected value from this player.

                          Started playing before anti-smurf, +73 wins so approximately 1825 MMR gain, 2.9k up to 3.8k MMR max. Winrate for qop 49%, an average hero for him. He has not played lycan since the nerf to wolves... but got the exact build on him you did way back then. Clearly he was trolling you with the diffusal comment.

                          Also... this may be a stack from Brazil playing EUwest. Did you notice who stacked with who?

                          In summary, you probably lost to Lich throwing the game. Although Lycan is not a winning hero for you anyway.

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                            lich intentional threw the game because he didnt get wards?

                            also i like how u pull random numbers out of your ass every post u make...:P


                              brazilians dont play on EUwest, only on USeast. you can check theyre not friends on dotabuff as well.

                              i only checked lich but hes from thats something i guess.

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                                Lich getting no wards is a throw for a competent lich player. Qop is on 3 Brazilian teams... one even uses an EU flag and is mixed Brazil/EU players. And yes Brazillians do play EUwest, I've seen it many times... even pro teams from SA play in EU tournaments online.

                                Btw, any comments Blunt on "Why is this next game so stupidly easy for you?"
                                Valve apologizes?

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                                Ples Mercy

                                  welcome to 4,5k+ mmr where shits getting really fucking onesided


                                    Blunt i threw in the autist coment in the sense that i got the feeling from your description that talking to your team or expecting something out of them was about as productive as talking to a wall ... hmm still the game was freaking bad it seems.. well happens and relenteless's review seems a valid one.

                                    @atum, you get brazilians and peruvians on EU West also, my last game with a guy playing Doom was a guy from Malasia sitting his arse in Jakarta... every damn gank was like watching matrix in slowmo... the guy walking right into his death and still writting care or back and then getting stomped without knowing what hit him...


                                      using the "autist" word excessively, you must be so badass.


                                        Usually some players may like to throw games when others teamate say bullcrap or are overagressive without any reason. Like if i'm a support and some retards in my team start to be an asshole like asking to buy wards or courier before the game starts or if the mid ping like a retard when you go mid to drop wards... In these cases I may occasionaly throw the game or do some trolling to teach these players how to play as a team.

                                        Looking at first post from OP which stupid sentences like "autism..." I think he was an ass in game and players started to throw the game.

                                        Qop: So you say she made aghanim instead of orchid, orchid is indeed a good item when you try to get some pick up, in team fights you have very low life and qop will hardly survive a team fight without bkb, orchid or not. So in team fight aghanim give more stats and may be better than orchid.

                                        Brood : Actually I don't see how she didn't pushed tower as she made necro book.

                                        You had lycan and you didn't made any necro when you had brood in ur team, you know that you will be in 4v 5 situation whole game hence team fights will be harder and split push may be a better choice. If I was you I would have make some necro books and boots of travel after vladimir.

                                        You could have split pushed easily and ur second spell is quite useful to boost brood spiders I don't really see how you managed to lose this game.

                                        Did you except to team fights 5v5 vs invoker death prophet pugna and viper ?

                                        PS/ And indeed diffusal would have helped against death prophets and pugna.

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                                          @king V Me? Badass? Nope... but when i see the way some people are described or react ingame i always picture that image from some bruce willys film where the kid spends his time staring to a wall... i have nothing against autist people, its just a mental image that stuck and actually i picked it up from vivivivivi because it fits the description on how some people play the game.

                                          But since you are talking about badass.. hows the feeling about flauting your olives with a 5 man stack trough your games and using a Kanji in your nickname.. does it give you the feeling you're a two legged player version of the Yamato on steroids or is it just hip thing for cool kids these days?

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                                          Ples Mercy

                                            Qop: If you're serioues, go switch to lol.
                                            brood: yes, amazing right?
                                            about lycan:
                                            Do you even think before writing trash? So basicly i should be useless in fights and splitpush so the enemy can just run through mid 3v5, smart, very smart. With BoT and Necro id gotten wrecked so fast it would be hilarious.

                                            But ok, a trashbracket player like yourself trying to be smart, ill tell you something, you failed.


                                              Well you obviously lost the game so either you believe you could have done things in a differents way or either you believe you could not win and it's only because of their teamates and your the best ever.

                                              Just to explain to you what happend after laning phases and I didn't even watched the game but I can guess, pugna and death prophet cleaned creeps waves very fast and came to your tower in seconds, here death prophet activated his ulti and you were forced to take team fights 4 v 5 or lose ur towers, obvs you lost most of ur team fight because they had better line up. Repeat and you lose the game.

                                              Now what would happend if you were with brood on his lane when ur teamates where defending any others lane 3 v5 . They would have probably do a bit of damage to their team your ally would have died or escape with low life, you would have lose ur towers but take them and probably could go faster to their t2 because dp ulti would have run out and you push fasteror as fast.

                                              If they try to push on brood lane she can kill the creeps wave behind them and using the space she create you could have easily pushed any others lane.

                                              Your definitely an "autism" to think you can win team fights 4 v 5 against their line up.

                                              Plenty of players with higher mmr than you have win with lycan using Bot and necro. I give you one game because ur probably so stupid you can't make any strategy if u never saw someone doing it and you won't be able to use "bracket" excuses.

                                              PS/ You would be crushed so fast only if ur a bad players you just need to avoid lion. and lycan can easily escape with 522 ms.

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                                                They have a lot better lineup that is also easier to play. You have to split push well to make that matchup work.
                                                Relentless just look at the game instead. Simply looking at the win rate for each of the player's select heroes is not enough. No idea why you found it necessary to degrade this discussion into one about nationality either.

                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  -> So u wanna talk about the game & explain, but didnt watch it. Good job.
                                                  -> im an autism? Ok, there i thought i was a human being, guess i was wrong, im a disorder now.
                                                  -> Ok.

                                                  since i do have a higher mmr than u and i won with that build means now legit no matter what you say.

                                                  also @ match:
                                                  guess the slark didnt mean anything amirite?

                                                  Srsly, are you drunk or a moron? can't tell yet. Mb its a bad troll who knows.


                                                    @Jussi. I'm talking about language problems in dota matchmaking as I have in many other posts. I asked about it because you can't see team chat. I wanted to know if the communication was a problem maybe causing the Lich to decide to throw.

                                                    In pro and near pro level games, they are decided by things like picks and lanes and strategy. This game you have 25% win broodmother.... you really don't need to look any further to know that guy is very likely to lose a Brood game.

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                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      and not rly. Qop asked lich for wards and he ignored her. After being ignored for 6min or so qop began to flame him.

                                                      and that would explain why the hell that guy didnt have any idea how to push ._.

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                                                        I do not know what your mmr is but you have 3k games and I have 1k games. If you didn't stack you need to make ur way up to higher mmr.

                                                        I know that when i'll have 2k games i'll have higher mmr than you and I may even be better than you right now.
                                                        Your top 3 heroes are pudge 51%, Invoker 44%, Meepo50%, it's quite a shame that you have so much game with these heroes and didn't managed to master these heroes to have at least 60% wr with them. Invoker is a really strong hero and with so much games you don't know how to impact the games to win with him is quite crazy.

                                                        I don't need to watch the game to see that ur an asshole looking at your first post and "autism" comments; you may think you're some kind of god at this game but just explain us how you excepted to win team fights against their line up.

                                                        Btw did you random Lycan or picked him ?
                                                        I could watch your game and just write 20 mistakes you made but you won't listen.


                                                          Was that in voice chat or typed?

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            no u wont, bcause ur shit.

                                                            didnt bother to read the rest tbh, after 2 sentences i already realized that ur full of shit.

                                                            @ relentless:
                                                            written chat.

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                                                              Btw 25% wr with only 15 games isn't a precise statistics, he could win his next five games and be at about 45% wr.

                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                noone cares about your oppinion scrub.


                                                                  I just lost a game where I played a hero that I had 93% win rate with. You can't say anything whether that was my fault or someone else's by just looking at that statistic alone.


                                                                    Well when blunt @Fnatic lose a game it's never his fault, he's a teenager that is better than anyone at Dota. 51%wr overall.

                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                      You should read what relentless is writing. Ill quote:
                                                                      'This game you have 25% win broodmother.... you really don't need to look any further to know that guy is very likely to lose a Brood game.'

                                                                      He never stated that its lost because of it, but he said its likely, which is right.

                                                                      @ scrub above:
                                                                      noone cares, you're shit.


                                                                        Blunt: No shit.
                                                                        Well this was a waste of time. I expected more from you Relentless.


                                                                 Yes, this game... MMR is so high that you have Funn1k and Mag against you on their main accounts. As with your dota experience in general it bears no resemblance to what happens in nearly all pub games. I know it's hard to accept, but you are just too outstanding to understand what ordinary dota players do and how they think and act.
                                                                          That is the real meaning of the psycology of the Dunning Kruger effect.

                                                                          Everyone loves to talk about illusory superiority, but that's only something that really applies to people who have 40% winrate and still think they are above average. Such players would be far enough below average that they don't know what average is. Much more commonly on Dotabuff we find people who are top 1% or higher and don't believe they are really much better than average... in other words that their experience is like what most people experience. It is not.

                                                                          To keep things simple and not filled with jargon, I'll just quote Wikipedia
                                                                          "people with true ability tended to underestimate their relative competence. Roughly, participants who found tasks to be relatively easy erroneously assumed, to some extent, that the tasks must also be easy for others"

                                                                          also "with more difficult tasks, the best performers are less accurate in predicting their performance than the worst performers."

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                            Relentless: That is irrelevant to this discussion. What does my dota experience have to do with Lich's and Broodmother's win rate? My point was that simply looking at their win rate and trying to draw meaningful conclusions from that is pointless. Just look at the replay and then you can perhaps say something worthwhile from that game.


                                                                              +1 jussi, especially when they look the win rate with 15 games, as I said 5 wins and they can be almost at 50% wr.
                                                                              It's like looking win rate after 3 games.

                                                                              Btw Kruger effect is not something that happens to everyone it's just the name on something but our two teens on this topic can't understand it.

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                why are you still posting? you're shit, noone cares about your opinion. Stop sucking my dick.

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                                                                                  I'm posting because I'm teaching to a teens some basics in life, quite entertaining how he refuse to listen.

                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                    You're still bad and noone cares. Go play with your dolls fag.


                                                                                      Jussi. You expect that someone who has a record of 4-11 and and 1.69 KDA on brood MIGHT still be basically competent on brood and able to at least attempt proper play on the hero and contribute to the game. You think this way because you are an outstanding dota player for whom it is fairly easy to play any hero at a level that deserves maybe a 4k MMR rating (even your worst heroes are this good). You are used to playing with other outstanding dota players who can pretty much pick any hero and play it a high level, basically doing everything right.

                                                                                      But that is not the reality of ordinary pub dota. Most people do not have 1.69 KDA and 26% win on 15 games for a hero by bad luck. Most people can only achieve terrible stats like that because they actually suck at the hero and have almost no idea how to play it. Most of the game they will be thinking "What the hell am I doing?" and really have no idea what is happening in the game they can pay little attention to as they try to figure out how to use the hero.

                                                                                      Because you are an extremely elite dota player you don't know what the stats mean for this game. They do not mean the same thing as they would for 5k MMR player. This brood is somewhere in the range of 2.8 to 3.4k MMR, an above average, but ordinary dota player. His bad heroes, like brood, he is terrible at playing... barely has any idea how to do it. He is 4-11 win/loss on the hero, because he causes the losses when he plays it by playing brood so very badly.

                                                                                      Jussi, you have not done well with Venomancer 5-9 win/loss. Does that mean you are very bad an venomancer? No, its not one of your strongest heroes... but I'm sure you still play Veno vastly better than nearly all pub veno players. The stat does not mean anything like "you suck at veno" for you. But it does for most players to have that stat because most players can't lose that many games on a hero by coincidence. Valve makes it extremely unlikely. Also you being maybe 1k MMR lower in skill on a hero still puts you in the top 1% for that hero. An ordinary player being 1k MMR lower in skill on a hero drops them from above average to terrible.

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                                                                                        Relentless Come online to steam.


                                                                                          Just playing with ES :)

                                                                                          3,5 to 4k


                                                                                            I just don't understand why you can't just download the replay and look for yourself before attempting to do an analysis of the game. I guess we are of conflicting opinions here. Let's just leave it at that.

                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                              If I'm bad you're very bad. You have a loser mentality, you'll have players at any bracket that won't buy wards it happens in rare games but still happens, I've seen it in page one games, the good players will learn to deal with the situation and bad players won't deal with it.
                                                                                              You're the one that do not know how to deal with situations.

                                                                                              I recently had a game where I played viper mid vs invoker, I was doing quite well as our whole team and bringed bottle and wards at around 2mn30 because no one bought wards, some asshole at top lane controled courier on the way and hide my bottle in the woods. I was pissed and started to ask my bottle and said we had an asshole in our team and I will troll the game on purpose if he didn't gave my bottle back. So I started to troll with courier and when I started to be a bit dominated mid I decided to gave up this game and didn't played to win as whole team but the troll was pissed about it. Few times after I realised that I should have just look a bit my bottle in the woods and tried to catch up even without bottle. The facts that we had this troll definitely play some huge factor into the loses and whole team can blame him for this. On the other side I don't think it was impossible to win this game if we handled better the situation.

                                                                                              I watched the replay and saw who did it, looked his profile but it was private; I lost only 20 points as this guy is probably recognize by mmr as a troll, hoewer still think I could win if I would have react better and he didn't troll too much after.

                                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                                i still dont care what you write or say, your bad, shut up, noone cares.


                                                                                                  none of you are going to play professionally, cyber fights elsewhere please.


                                                                                                    3k games, shity mmr, shity wr, shity top 3 hero wr. Aka Blunt.
                                                                                                    And actually i'm better than you, I would won any games against you if we have random teamates.

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                                                                                                    Everyone loves Chibi

                                                                                                      That scenario can probably happen in every mmr range, cause there are people everywhere who dont belong to the tier. You find some descent players at 3.5k and you find some bad players at 4.5k. You probably was just unlucky, but at least karma gave you something back in the next one :)

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