General Discussion

General DiscussionItem build.

Item build. in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    So i just want you guys to take a look at my item build in my last bloodseeker game.

    I have some questions,

    did i really need a bkb in that game ?

    would heart be better than AC or bfly ? Maybe satanic ?

    I had to get diffusal right ? that was probably my biggest mistake.

    Please focus on my item build, ignore anything else from that game.

    Este tópico foi editado

      Yes, a BKB is needed as NS will give you a miss chance and Nyx has an almost 3 second stun.

      I don't think Diffusal would be that good, not many heroes that have mana problems with low CD spells.

      Except for that I guess your supports didn't need to die this much, it's not simply because your a support that you have a right to die, the enemy can still snowball out of those kills.

      Quick maffs

        I mean diffusal for omni.

        I just felt that they only had nyx for me to worry about, but i guess you are right about NS.


          Get crits and lifesteal

          Phantom seeker 1200 damage crits ez game


            You needed BKB, then you would have won.

            Quick maffs

              The thing is, ok lets say i have a bkb, so no stuns from nyx and no miss chances from nightstalker, but , nightstalker did a lot of right click damage + bash, death prophet spirits deal a lot of physical damage too, omnikinght could still ulti and make me useless,i just thought that an AC would be more important for the entire team.

              So maybe i should have bought just the basher plus bkb instead of a full abysal ?

              btw do you guys think that the radiance plus heart build is better in this case ?


                In this case no, because Nyx could just E and you would be in a lot of trouble, also they have some tanky heroes which won't care about your Radiance. You needed attack speed and immunity. If you just silence Omni, ulti NS from far away, and burn down DP, then you autowin every fight. A really fun build on BS is force staff + dagon + ethereal, pretty much you are guaranteed 2 kills every fight, which is what you honestly needed that game. kill DP and kill NS, the win game.


                  dont play bloodseeker

                  Quick maffs

                    I guess you are right about the bkb, it was pretty hard for me at the time to calculate who i should kill first because DP and Nightstalker could solo kill my 4 teammates without any problems, so i had to kill them both. About using silence on omni was a hard choice, because i needed the dps buff to burst down DP or nightstalker. Now that i think about it i should had killed omni first everyfight, but he was always behind nightstalker and dp :/ .

                    I guess i had to get bkb, anyway thx for the comments.

                    Bone Chilling

                      eul's any1?:D


                        @Chop Chop

                        Wow I never thought about it but you're right, MS Bloodseeker could actually be legit here. There are a lot of heroes in the enemy team that don't need to be taken down but simply kept out of the fight, omni before he ult's, NS so you can focus on DP before, not to mention none of them have BKB's. Yeah Eul's definitely seems like a good idea here.


                          if only we trade spec stats and BS stats,
                          it won't have a problem here
                          it's like seeing BH scoring 20-0 but the carry pretty much fucked end game

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            Force staff. Cheap, great for escape, sprouts, killing low-hp heros like furion with rupture. Maybe an hp item instead of bkb, e.g satanic.

                            Quick maffs

                              Satanic seems good, i think my problem by the end game was my hp and the fact that i had no lifesteal.

                              Euls for nightstalker is a really good idea :/, this is the kind of things that i usually forget when playing.


                                you need lifesteal and mjollnir (instead of butter), also manta instead of sny, later getting an mkb instead of mjollnir and gg... also treads later on in the game as phase will surely get disrupted anyway.... aaaaaaaaand fight on your own, what i mean is while your team fights in the front u do it from the back and gg

                                King of Low Prio

                                  @Yfay any BH ending a match with 0 deaths is a fucking pussy


                                    lol wrekt

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I agree with him but i had to do that :D



                                        Ancient game, so I was still noob enough to buy bfury but you get the picture ._.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I played like a fucking pussy that game

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