General Discussion

General DiscussionOh well

Oh well in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    So any of you has ever seen a friend feed this much ?

    pls i would like to know

    ( 3k rating boysssss )


      Bitch please
      (sniper and kotl my friends)

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        Sad thing is that i don't have friends.

        Woof Woof

          no friends no problem

          Quick maffs

            oh, yeah you win sano


              For the record, who was playing was my little brother. :P



                Quick maffs

                  ( yeah lets say that )


                    You guys are cute
                    The whole team but bb WERE my friends
                    They accused me of Kill stealing while i have the same HD as all of them together

                    Mike Hawk

                      I think all of them but Sven were my friends.

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        I have seen it yes. But I make sure when I'm playing with them that they don't pull off shit like this.

                        Of course, that means I tend to die a lot more with them than when I soloqueue.



                          i dont know what autismal shit tier trench bracket you're in but am getting butterfly over manta, venom with manta/sny/diffusal, abaddon with crit and manta, kotl with dagon, tuskar with skadi, lina with bloodstone crit hotd, naix with deso and mjo

                          the 20 times i played in limited hero pool, i got opponents who exceeded you and the australian 5 man stacker, so fucking bad i dont even think i should flame you even though you're a schizo freak


                            Basic game knowledge says when the only source of damage in a team is a lina that didnt have mkb yet you better buy that + who needs support when the enemy team is 4 creeps and a hero?

                            are you f'ing retarded(why im even asking this?)? typical carry lina too hard to understand? and the fact that 3 of my irl friends that have 1200 MMR so fucking hard to comprehend for your brain? do you even read?

                            meanwhile i have 3900 solo MMR and 4100 party stacking with retards and not even tryharding/abusing. is it so hard for me to make a new account and go 5 stack lpq/lhp until i can get to RMM with 6000MMR? do you really think im tryharding every game? do you think ANYONE but newfags or your retarded abusing friends think you are good at this game?

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Its the opposite way, when Im the feeding friend but im doing tactical feeding, so my team can still win the game!



                                I think I win this thread

                                They're all my friends. No idea how we managed to win that shit.


                                  Rapier Meepo is quite scary


                                    You know that rapier and gem of truesight can drop right ?


                                      Nope, news to me


                                        Both rapiers were originally Juggernaut's, weren't they?


                                          I can't remember exactly really, I just want to delete that match from my memory lol. I solo the lane and they just kept feeding the other team that I couldn't even make a scratch on Ogre magi at 10 minutes mark lol.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!