General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR drop since patch?

MMR drop since patch? in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Did anyone else have a massive losstreak since the patch which hides MMR? I mean ffs after that patch i had the biggest shitheads on my team again..... Was i unlucky or did valve rly fuck something up? ._.


      This deserves it's own thread.

      Ples Mercy

        it does indeed


          2 weeks without Internet and this is what I return for?

          LL Poroksi

            3,6k MMR was just too much for you and now you will drop where you belong ))

            Woof Woof

              as i mentioned before quality of players went down since they hid rating visibility

              Ples Mercy

                Can more people maybe confirm this?

                @Poroski, you still don't get an autograph. Stop begging!


                  yes they 'fixed' matchmaking i got matched with 4.5k mmr players 3 games in a row (i have ~5600) and the queues were less than 5 mins

                  seems like they made it similar to the old matchmaking fast queue = shitty games

                  this happened since few days ago

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                    since the last patch 1 game from 5 ends with rq?! if u win cus rq u get like 10-16 mmr points but when u loose cus rq they remove 26 or more :/ fuck this system!!!

                    my lat 3 lost matches in solo ranked cus someone rq from team!!! fuckoff volvo

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                      nope i win all games


                        They force you to lose cause they think you're not as good as ur mmr says.


                          same prob here massiv lose streak since patch started

                          King of Low Prio

                            most people where overvalued if they did alot of stacking which is why there are quite a few mismatched matches


                              agree, there are guys that steal farm as cm @4600, that shiet needs to get down


                                cant play dota anymore, for some reason i spike every games, my pc is fine, all games fine but dota..



                                  King of Low Prio


                                    I know how you feel the sun gets in my eyes all the time too


                                      still winning all

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Nova try to check on the console if you are getting this: "Receiving uncompressed update from server"


                                        I am having this problem since april.

                                        Nothing seems to fix this, people is having this problem since a long time.

                                        beast player

                                          holy shit cant win a game

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            when you feed you lose games


                                              was there a new patch? cause i rly got some fucking shit tards
                                              cant even correct their fucking mistakes because im fucking muted... its awful

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                                                Solo q RMM
                                                Guy in team asks us to pick sniper ofc we pick luna instead. (Lol?)
                                                Enemy captain last picks sniper
                                                sniper buys phase and mom proceeds to rapier
                                                We win thanks to 2 rapiers of sniper
                                                3700 MMR praise volvo

                                                beast player

                                                  i fuckin won a game dota is salvaged


                                                    ROFL BLUNT, your skill droped


                                                      Had 12 games losing streak and after that like 30% win rate in rankeds. (talk about forced 50% MM). Lots of retarded team comps, enemy team stack being superior than team im in stack (fuck those 1+4 russians v5 games). Something is off if you can keep 5x% + w/l without even trying and after patch you get some nice 30% w/l while tryharding

                                                      not to mention like 5 ranked games in a row with a leaver in one of sides. likes wtf

                                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                                      Double Agent

                                                        Mine dropped from 4k to 3.88k.
                                                        Solo queuing is a bit like gambling, there's a minor chance of getting decent players. Usually you get a mix of total retards and ok players, but in some rare occasions you get 4 totally retarded players that doesn't speak english

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          people where overvalued which is why alot of people are dropping

                                                          Double Agent

                                                            The thing is that if you go 30-2-6 and still lose, your rating will drop. If you win a game 2-15-1 your rating will still increase, which means the rating system values winrate only and not any of the other factors that effected your hidden rating. You start with your current solo queue rating when you first get your score, but the visible rating doesn't give a shit about personal performance, but only whether you win or not

                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              personal performance should not mean shit. Dota is a team game and people playing selfishly should NOT be rewarded

                                                              Double Agent

                                                                Show me one solo queue game of yours where you and your team mates played like a proper team. When you solo queues it is usually 1v9 or everyone for themselves. And why should your rating drop if you get a guy or two that intentionally feeds couriers or act like idiots?

                                                                Double Agent

                                                                  And individual skill doesn't equal selfish play

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    It is a pub match you should not be expecting people to play perfect like it is TI3 even pro players skill in pubs drops drastically. Individual skill =/ selfish play but going 30-2 does

                                                                    Double Agent

                                                                      I expect my team mates to play like my enemies and not 1000 times worse, but w/e. I'd guess the conclusion is that solo rmm sucks dick, and party ranking is the only thing that is worth improving on

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        you are right the MM system is against you and only you.........


                                                                          I don't understand why Blunt @ fnatic would make a post like this when he routinely insults and trolls other players who make the same kind of posts.

                                                                          Double Agent

                                                                            Have you even read what i wrote in my first comment? I wrote that you in rare occasions (which means pretty often) get really bad players in your team, and this usually after win streak. And i never intended that the mm system is only against me, this is something that most solo queuers will experience and there's nothing to deny about it

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              I deny it and a majority of my games are solo (I do dual que from time to time). Unless the que system blocks players from using heroes they suck with there will be games with players who end up sucking. I know I am like the worst tinker in the US but I still play him from time to time in pubs. People are just too quick to criticize other players and neglect to see their own flaws


                                                                                I'm on a bad loss streak too?


                                                                                  It would not require a client patch for the kind of changes you're implying


                                                                                    @Sampson :

                                                                                    No, you're the best player of any hero in any universe. How could someone like you be bad at any hero ?? You're even better than Mushi.


                                                                                      i was 5500 then i got 15 lose streak after that somehow i managed to make 5400 again then i got 17 lose streak :D


                                                                                        Has everyone seen the new questions being asked at the end of games? How co-operative were your teamates or yourself? I've had a fantastic experience in the ranked games so far. 1 leaver, (we still won, FU SLARK!), communication via just pings but more often than not via microphones, and some real nice games that have been fun.

                                                                                        Here's what I think is happening. There isn't only a rating for your skill but also your 'ass-hat-edness'. If you have spent a lot of time muted or getting reported then guess what? You're playing with and against other ass-hats who have spent a load of time muted and getting reported. Hey presto if your are an ass-hat you play with ass-hats and get more ruined games as a result.

                                                                                        Just try being nice people, you never know what might happen.

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                                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                                          thats new? i thought they added it few months ago


                                                                                            if ur goal is below 5k better give up. @4700 in 50% games i must save safe lane asses from offlane. they have 0-2 before you can say cookie. luna and pl, just go to enemy team always pls, tx


                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                            beyond imaginable

                                                                                              Got 16 wins streak that ended by ES picker.

                                                                                              jess the goat

                                                                                                on a 6 winstreak, thanks volvo! slowly climbing out of scrub tier^.^


                                                                                                  All i can see in this topic is one noob guy thinks that he saves everyone's ass.Nupnup


                                                                                                    On a winning streak right now, every match my team stomps due good communication and just overall better plays.

                                                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                      not sure what u talking about. But my ranked games and winrate gone up.


                                                                                                        ta feeds to pudge 0 5 in no time, he is cluelless, hard feeds, gets shadow blade!, dont even know how tu use it, dies 10 times before min 20, no clue to play yet claims mid @4650 MMR


                                                                                                        look at him, game before he was invoker 1-18
                                                                                                        dat is our mmr

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!