General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Dota 2 Guild, register now!

[SEA] Dota 2 Guild, register now! in General Discussion

    Have tried creating a lot of "LF Team" topics and this will be my last try.

    FB page:

    what's in this for us?
    - Practice playing the roles you want in a "cooperative/teamwork" environment.
    - Choose players who can "stand in" for your own team
    - create our own teams within the group
    - have our own reliable pub stacks

    Primary Position:
    Secondary Position:
    Weekdays Playing time:
    Weekends Playing time:
    Trademark heroes:
    Member of existing amateur team?
    # of offline tournaments joined:
    # of online tournaments joined:
    Dota 1 experience (yrs):
    Dota 2 experience (yrs):
    Dota 2 experience (# of matches):

    other important details:

    Primary Position:
    Secondary Position:
    Weekdays Playing time:
    Weekends Playing time:
    Trademark heroes:
    Want to be captain/drafter:
    Member of existing amateur team?
    # of offline tournaments joined:
    # of online tournaments joined:
    Dota 1 experience (yrs):
    Dota 2 experience (yrs):
    Dota 2 experience (# of matches):

    other important details:


      IGN: BlackXargon
      Primary Position: 1
      Secondary Position: 3
      Weekdays Playing time: 10PM onwards
      Weekends Playing time: whole day online
      Trademark heroes:
      1) Doom
      2) Razor
      3) Bloodseeker
      Want to be captain/drafter: Yes
      Member of existing amateur team? No
      # of offline tournaments joined: 3
      # of online tournaments joined: 0
      Dota 1 experience (yrs): 4
      Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1.5
      Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1.2k+

      other important details:
      1) can also play good clockwerk, DK, lone druid, crystal maiden and witch doctor
      2) i know my trademark heroes are not being used in competitive, but im just being honest, i can play those heroes very good :)
      3) i'm usually the drafter/captain when playing CM. but i know i have to learn a lot more

      Este comentário foi editado

        Ooo, SEA. The link to the url you posted doesn't work though


          Just opened it up to a more public setting.. looking for people to play with!


            added ~


              I've been busy lately though, and I usually play with my friends. But I can give this a shot

              IGN: Pilot
              Primary Position: 5
              Secondary Position: 4
              Weekdays Playing time: (It depends if I'm doing work or not.) I may not play on these days, but if I do, it's around 10PM ++.
              Weekends Playing time: Random points in the day. Mostly afternoon to evening. I can play in the morning.
              Trademark heroes:
              1) Rubick
              2) Lich
              3) Elder Titan
              Member of existing amateur team? No
              # of offline tournaments joined: 0
              # of online tournaments joined: 0
              Dota 1 experience (yrs): 0
              Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1 Year 2-3 Months
              Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 557 Matches

              other important details:

              I like playing the hard support role, but I've been learning to play jungling supports and such recently. These may be my trademark heroes, but I've been branching out recently into heroes that require micros such as Chen, Enchantress, and Visage.

              I don't really play captain's mode, but I'm not the type to sit about waiting for others to think of strategies. When in game, I normally suggest things that the team can do with regards to hero synergy and overall movement across the map.


                IGN: Aristeia ♥ ҉҈҉҈...
                Primary Position: 5
                Secondary Position: 3
                Weekdays Playing time: 4PM onwards (message me on steam to see if I'm there)
                Weekends Playing time: Also around 4PM onwards
                Trademark heroes:
                1) Wisp
                2) Tidehunter
                3) Darkseer
                Want to be captain/drafter: No
                Member of existing amateur team? No
                # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                # of online tournaments joined: 2
                Dota 1 experience (yrs): 7
                Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1.5
                Dota 2 experience (# of matches): <200

                Was mainly a dota 1 player even when dota 2 came out. Played wisp in cm a lot before it got changed recently.
                Can play jungle heroes (Enigma, Chen) but need help with pacing
                Can also play carries but I seldom get the chance coz everyone wants to carry ;)


                  Added you Aristeia.

                  Pilot can add me? hard to search you.

                  Have you guys tried joining the facebook link?


                    Alright man, added


                      Hey BlackXargon, ur already in my frnds list. Will look fwd to play with u as soon as i gt hold of a new mouse.


                        surely man.. would be nice to have a good group of guys to play Ranked MM with :)


                          IGN: ifpsie
                          Primary Position: 5
                          Secondary Position: 3
                          Weekdays Playing time: 5pm onwards
                          Weekends Playing time: 12noon - 3am
                          Trademark heroes:
                          1) sven
                          2) syllabear
                          3) meepo
                          Member of existing amateur team? nope
                          # of offline tournaments joined: between 6 - 8
                          # of online tournaments joined: none
                          Dota 1 experience (yrs): 4
                          Dota 2 experience (yrs): none
                          Dota 2 experience (# of matches): none

                          other important details:
                          i stopped playing dota for 8months... i just got back and this is what i get.. - .-

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            GN: emaneman
                            Primary Position: 3
                            Secondary Position: 4
                            Weekdays Playing time: 8pm onwards
                            Weekends Playing time: pretty much wholeday
                            Trademark heroes:
                            I can play the common offlane heroes.
                            Member of existing amateur team? No
                            # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                            # of online tournaments joined: 0
                            Dota 1 experience (yrs): 3
                            Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1 Year
                            Dota 2 experience (# of matches):500

                            Other details:

                            Just want to have fun casually =)


                              <krazy> ok bro, let's play once you get a good mouse. get a razer imo.

                              added <emaneman> and <jayneyfc>..

                              also created "[SEA] Dota 2" guild inside Dota 2

                              Greasy Burrito

                                IGN: hAru
                                Primary Position: 3
                                Secondary Position: 4
                                Weekdays Playing time: 5pm - 8pm
                                Weekends Playing time: 10am - 5pm
                                Trademark heroes:
                                1) Nature's Prophet
                                2) Windranger
                                3) Crystal Maiden
                                Member of existing amateur team? Yes (rank: 3236 we hardly play as a team because of our tight schedules so we got a lower ranking)
                                # of offline tournaments joined: 1
                                # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                Dota 1 experience (yrs): 6
                                Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2 (i play both dota 2 and dota 1 but i played more d1 earlier but nowadays i dnt play d1 anymore)
                                Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 765

                                other important details:
                                - doesn't easily get flamed in the game, i stay calm to focus.
                                - i adjust on the flow of the game
                                - i learn from my mistakes
                                - likes team-oriented plays (2-3 man gang)

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                no rank invite - caverncrawl

                                  IGN: knightly doge knight
                                  Primary Position: 5
                                  Secondary Position: 4
                                  Weekdays Playing time: anytime, but once work starts in the mornings (night shift)
                                  Weekends Playing time: usually mornings and afternoons
                                  Trademark heroes:
                                  1) bounty hunter
                                  2) treant protector
                                  3) all supports
                                  Member of existing amateur team? no
                                  # of offline tournaments joined: n/a
                                  # of online tournaments joined: n/a
                                  Dota 1 experience (yrs): 7
                                  Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2.5
                                  Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1500+

                                  other important details:
                                  - aggressive lane support play style
                                  - defensive playstyle (let carry farm enough to carry mid to late)
                                  - aggressive/defensive warder
                                  - can play semi-carries
                                  - don't like losing. don't like careless players. don't like players without map awareness (i buy a crapload of wards i expect perfect map awareness.)


                                    Bump bump.. no MMR qualification whatsoever.. just the willingness to learn and play cooperatively


                                      IGN: gabrielgayok
                                      Primary Position: HARD-SUPPORT
                                      Secondary Position: SUPPORT
                                      Weekdays Playing time: AFTERNOON TIL NIGHT 10PM
                                      Weekends Playing time: WHOLE DAY
                                      Trademark heroes:
                                      1) CRYSTAL MAIDEN
                                      2) EARTHSHAKER
                                      3) OMIKNIGHT
                                      Member of existing amateur team? NO
                                      # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                      # of online tournaments joined: 3
                                      Dota 1 experience (yrs): 5yr ++
                                      Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2yrs ++
                                      Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1000++

                                      other important details:
                                      -great team working
                                      -great communication
                                      -great hard-supporting
                                      -ward on-time
                                      -not easily offence

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        IGN: Egeenz
                                        Primary Position: Hardcarry (1)
                                        Secondary Position: Solo Mid (2)
                                        Weekdays Playing time: After school --> sleep
                                        Weekends Playing time: all day
                                        Trademark heroes:
                                        1) Alchemist
                                        2) Lifestealer
                                        3) Anti-Mage
                                        Member of existing amateur team?
                                        # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                        # of online tournaments joined:0
                                        Dota 1 experience (yrs): Sometimes in Lans
                                        Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1+
                                        Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 2000+

                                        other important details:

                                        I'm a calm guy who love other people. I highly respect better played and I look up to them. I want to be a better player. My goal is to be the best.


                                          You already know me :/

                                          IGN: pohh13 ˆ
                                          Primary Position: 2, 3, 4 and 5 (equally skilled).
                                          Secondary Position: 1.
                                          Weekdays Playing time: Night onwards.
                                          Weekends Playing time: Depends.
                                          Trademark heroes:
                                          1) Invoker
                                          2) Meepo
                                          3) Pudge

                                          Member of existing amateur team? No.
                                          # of offline tournaments joined: 3
                                          # of online tournaments joined: 2
                                          Dota 1 experience (yrs): 5
                                          Dota 2 experience (yrs): 3
                                          Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 931

                                          other important details: I have never bothered training for roles hence I tend to be behind others a bit when it comes to knowledge on how to play certain heroes. I make up for it by learning fast.


                                            added you both!

                                            interesting, I'm seeing a lot of people whose primary position is 5.
                                            Doesn't seem like that when playing a pub game. Everyone wants to be a carry :-/

                                            1 - BlackXargon, Egeenz
                                            3 - emaneman
                                            5 - gabrielgayok, jayneyfc, Aristeia, Pilot


                                              It's never a good idea to pick teammates based on their preferred position. It's important that each player in the team has played every single role so he/she understands the responsibilities etc. of each member in the team. As captain, your duty here is to evaluate their performance in each role and assign the most suitable one for them. I personally prefer to play as a carry or hard support, but every captain I've played for has recommended me for the offlane role.

                                              ♥ cieles†e

                                                IGN: 天鸿 SweetDeviL™
                                                Primary Position: Solo Mid (2)
                                                Secondary Position: Carry (1) (can play all, but prefer these two roles)
                                                Weekdays Playing time: After schoolwork/study --> sleep
                                                Weekends Playing time: Mornings/Evenings
                                                Trademark heroes:
                                                1) Shadow Fiend/Tinker/Queen of Pain/Invoker/Storm Spirit/Puck/Templar Assassin
                                                2) Leshrac
                                                3) Mirana

                                                Basically any hero for 1/2 position

                                                Member of existing amateur team?
                                                # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                                # of online tournaments joined:0
                                                Dota 1 experience (yrs): 3 (Garena pubs and clan)
                                                Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2+
                                                Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 500+ (of all my accounts combined, played much more dota 1 previously)

                                                other important details:
                                                -Learnt how to solo mid from my experience in garena, basically got all my skills from garena e.g. knowing how to play all heroes in their intended manner and decently.

                                                -Enjoys banter among teammates, active communication

                                                -Loves facing harder opponents at mid or using a hero at a disadvantage e.g shadow fiend against a viper and being able to cs well

                                                -Likes controlling the pace of the game e.g. telling team to push now to secure rosh etc

                                                -Loves flashy heroes and making "plays" (if the opportunity presents itself)

                                                -Enjoys theorycrafting

                                                -I'll fulfill my role, the rest is up to everyone else

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  IGN: Zenoth
                                                  Primary Position: Carry
                                                  Secondary Position: Mid
                                                  Weekdays Playing time: 11+
                                                  Weekends Playing time: Random
                                                  Trademark heroes:
                                                  1) Templar Assassin
                                                  2) Clockwerk
                                                  3) Phantom Lancer
                                                  Member of existing amateur team?
                                                  # of offline tournaments joined: 1 (NUS tournament, won)
                                                  # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                  Dota 1 experience (yrs): 6
                                                  Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                  Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1.6k (Dota 2)
                                                  Solo MMR: 5.3k

                                                  Can play all roles but not all competitively viable heroes except for the 1 role.

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                                                    Este comentário foi excluído

                                                      IGN: CookingMama123
                                                      Primary Position: 2,3
                                                      Secondary Position: 4,5
                                                      Weekdays Playing Time: 8-10
                                                      Weekend Playing Time: 8am+
                                                      Trademark Heroes:
                                                      1) Puck
                                                      2) Nature's Prophet
                                                      3) Mirana
                                                      Member of existing amateur team?
                                                      # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                                      # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                      Dota 1 experience (yrs): 5
                                                      Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                      Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1.6k (Dota 2)

                                                      Can play all roles competetively, I don't play carry much unless I know my support.
                                                      My only problem is my ping is not stable, I'm only 16 and cannot do anything about it :(


                                                        added all of you except @bunny.. too many @bunnys...


                                                          too many bunny huh, what a reason. anyway glhf


                                                            I think he meant he couldn't find you on steam because of that ridiculously overused name. Try searching through 1000 bunnys to find yourself.


                                                              ^ yah.. too hard to search. so many results when finding "bunny"


                                                                49% private guild?


                                                                  hi @Fpz.. in my opinion, win-rate doesn't matter anymore now that Valve has released the MMR.

                                                                  If you can notice in my normal matches, I started playing Luna A LOT. This is because it gives me freedom to practice the heroes I really want to be good at. I tried it with Doom as well but kind of got bored because of the jungling.

                                                                  And that's what I'm hoping this group to do. To be able to practice the specific roles and heroes that we would like to be better at in a competitive and cooperative environment - and it need not be a ranked match (although the competition there is really much much better)

                                                                  I think the actions and improvements you do to your game has significant difference depending on what you are playing for.
                                                                  Are you playing for an increased MMR? Are you playing to be a better drafter, carry? etc.

                                                                  Don't get me wrong, I still want to increase my MMR but that's for my personal motives already.
                                                                  But couple of things that I would really like to work on are playing position 1 and team strategy/movement.

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                                    IGN: ►Game Is Hard
                                                                    Primary Position: Support/Offlane
                                                                    Secondary Position: Mid
                                                                    Weekdays Playing time: When i am not sleeping.
                                                                    Weekends Playing time: When i am not sleeping.
                                                                    Trademark heroes:
                                                                    1) Batrider
                                                                    2) Mirana
                                                                    3) Nyx
                                                                    Member of existing amateur team?
                                                                    # of offline tournaments joined: 2
                                                                    # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                                    Dota 1 experience (yrs): Since 6.28 (5-7 years)
                                                                    Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2 years.
                                                                    Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 3k+(including smurfs)


                                                                      Added you @GameIsHard


                                                                        come let's play guys.. i'm in the mood to play good tonight!


                                                                          IGN: |FEVER| PAPAJAHAT
                                                                          Primary Position: Support/Offlane
                                                                          Secondary Position: Mid
                                                                          Weekdays Playing time: 10pm++
                                                                          Weekends Playing time: Random
                                                                          Trademark heroes:
                                                                          1) Visage
                                                                          2) QOP
                                                                          3) Phantom Lancer
                                                                          Member of existing amateur team?
                                                                          # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                                                          # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                                          Dota 1 experience (yrs): 4
                                                                          Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                                          Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1k (Dota 2)

                                                                          looking forward to play with you guys :))


                                                                            Happy new year guys!


                                                                              IGN :
                                                                              Primary Position : Offlane
                                                                              secondary position : Mid
                                                                              weekdays Playing time : 1-4 pm
                                                                              weekend playing time : 12-3pm/8-11pm
                                                                              Trademark Heroes :
                                                                              Member of Existing amateur team : nope
                                                                              # of offilne tournaments joined : 2
                                                                              # of online tournaments joined : 0
                                                                              Dota 1 Experience (yrs) : 4
                                                                              Dota 2 Experience (yrs) : half year
                                                                              dota 2 experience (# of matches) : <300

                                                                              CM drafter : sometimes in a party (doesnt really want it but at least I understand about strategy in drafting phase)

                                                                              can play all roles, play support only if I can communicate properly, same case with playing carry
                                                                              Really wants to play with you guys soon :D

                                                                              S H I T G A M E

                                                                                IGN: MADBOTTLER
                                                                                Primary Position: Offlane
                                                                                Secondary Position: Support
                                                                                Weekdays Playing time: 9.30 pm - 2.30 am
                                                                                Weekends Playing time: Pretty much entire day
                                                                                Trademark heroes:
                                                                                1) Windrunner
                                                                                2) Earth Spirit
                                                                                3) Crystal Maiden
                                                                                Member of existing amateur team?
                                                                                # of offline tournaments joined:
                                                                                # of online tournaments joined:
                                                                                Dota 1 experience (yrs): 5
                                                                                Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                                                Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1700+

                                                                                Can play any role to an extent, well versed in proper support.

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  1 - BlackXargon, Egeenz, Zenoth
                                                                                  2 - SweetDeviL, CookingMama123
                                                                                  3 - emaneman, , MADBOTTLER
                                                                                  4 - |FEVER| PAPAJAHAT, GameIsHard
                                                                                  5 - gabrielgayok, jayneyfc, Aristeia, Pilot

                                                                                  hmm.. I think we could have some practice games already

                                                                                  Due to lag issues, nowadays, I can only play properly past 12AM...


                                                                                    That'd be good. I'll see if ever I can make it haha

                                                                                    <font face="wide latin">N...

                                                                                      IGN: Dk.Pker
                                                                                      Primary Position:offlaner
                                                                                      Secondary Position:support
                                                                                      Weekdays Playing time:9pm-12pm at night
                                                                                      Weekends Playing time:8am-4pm
                                                                                      Trademark heroes:
                                                                                      1)Crystal Maiden
                                                                                      Member of existing amateur team?
                                                                                      # of offline tournaments joined:0
                                                                                      # of online tournaments joined:0
                                                                                      Dota 1 experience (yrs):5
                                                                                      Dota 2 experience (yrs):5
                                                                                      Dota 2 experience (# of matches):less than 150

                                                                                      other important details:
                                                                                      64-66% win rate and i watch many tournaments online... not yet level 13 so no RMM yet

                                                                                      Primary Position:
                                                                                      Secondary Position:
                                                                                      Weekdays Playing time:
                                                                                      Weekends Playing time:
                                                                                      Trademark heroes:
                                                                                      Want to be captain/drafter:
                                                                                      Member of existing amateur team?
                                                                                      # of offline tournaments joined:
                                                                                      # of online tournaments joined:
                                                                                      Dota 1 experience (yrs):
                                                                                      Dota 2 experience (yrs):
                                                                                      Dota 2 experience (# of matches):

                                                                                      other important details:


                                                                                        ^ Added

                                                                                        I now have a stable connection for the next 2 months. Hoping to play with you people!

                                                                                        Happy New Year!

                                                                                        @rmy_ OF_ GoD

                                                                                          IGN: YMVN
                                                                                          Primary Position: offlaner
                                                                                          Secondary Position: Midlane
                                                                                          Weekdays Playing time: 9pm-11pm at night
                                                                                          Weekends Playing time: 10am-5pm
                                                                                          Trademark heroes:
                                                                                          Member of existing amateur team?
                                                                                          # of offline tournaments joined:0
                                                                                          # of online tournaments joined:0
                                                                                          Dota 1 experience (yrs): 6
                                                                                          Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                                                          Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 340++ 2 account

                                                                                          other important details:
                                                                                          - Play for fun but now i really wanna boost my mmr to 5k so i can play more tough and competitive game
                                                                                          - add me so we can play together :)

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                            ^ Added

                                                                                            Current list:
                                                                                            1 - BlackXargon, Egeenz, Zenoth
                                                                                            2 - SweetDeviL, CookingMama123, YMVN
                                                                                            3 - emaneman, , MADBOTTLER. DK.Pker
                                                                                            4 - |FEVER| PAPAJAHAT, GameIsHard
                                                                                            5 - gabrielgayok, jayneyfc, Aristeia, Pilot


                                                                                              had good 3-4 games last night with emaneman, MADBOTTLER and Pilot :)


                                                                                                IGN: ROTTI/solanin
                                                                                                Primary Position: 4
                                                                                                Secondary Position: 5
                                                                                                Weekdays Playing time: everyday 9pm til i feel sleepy.
                                                                                                Weekends Playing time: everyday 9pm til i feel sleepy.
                                                                                                Trademark heroes:
                                                                                                1) Visage
                                                                                                2) Rubick (before the nerf)
                                                                                                3) Clockwerk
                                                                                                Want to be captain/drafter:
                                                                                                Member of existing amateur team? not anymore
                                                                                                # of offline tournaments joined: 1
                                                                                                # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                                                                Dota 1 experience (yrs): played since 5.84c, (7 1/2 years ago?)
                                                                                                Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1 1/2 yrs.
                                                                                                Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1118


                                                                                                  ^ added


                                                                                                    IGN: Dadisingkit
                                                                                                    Primary Position: 4
                                                                                                    Secondary Position: 5, 2
                                                                                                    Weekdays Playing time: I have busy schedule since I'm currently studying in a university, but I can find time to play especially after school ( nighttime)
                                                                                                    Weekends Playing time: Around 14:00-20:00 GMT +08
                                                                                                    Trademark heroes:
                                                                                                    1)Storm( actually my best hero since dota 1, but I have low winrate with him here, but you can check the matches and see that I do great with him, we just really lose xD),
                                                                                                    Member of existing amateur team? No
                                                                                                    # of offline tournaments joined: 0 :((
                                                                                                    # of online tournaments joined: 1 :))
                                                                                                    Dota 1 experience (yrs): 3 1/2 yrs
                                                                                                    Dota 2 experience (yrs): Less than a year
                                                                                                    Dota 2 experience (# of matches): Don't know exact, I got new account because I used to like winning but forget about the fun, then now I decided to just have fun with the game :))

                                                                                                    other important details: IMHO I think I am fun to play with, well at least I always try to be funny like cracking stupid jokes and chatting some shit that no one cares about xD, I also think I am average player, not pro and not noob, just average :D


                                                                                                      ^ added


                                                                                                        IGN: Light.k
                                                                                                        Primary Position: 2
                                                                                                        Secondary Position: 1,3
                                                                                                        Weekdays Playing time: night
                                                                                                        Weekends Playing time: night
                                                                                                        Trademark heroes:
                                                                                                        1) Shadow Fiend
                                                                                                        2) Bounty Hunter
                                                                                                        3) Clinkz
                                                                                                        Member of existing amateur team? none
                                                                                                        # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                                                                                        # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                                                                        Dota 1 experience (yrs): 0
                                                                                                        Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2~3 yrs
                                                                                                        Dota 2 experience (# of matches): above 1500

                                                                                                        other important details: I mostly don't tryhard, I mostly don't care winning.
                                                                                                        Party MMR = 4k, Solo = 3.6K
                                                                                                        Huge gap for reasons, add with caution. :)