General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter death prophet?

How to counter death prophet? in General Discussion

    I just hate that fucking hero. when she hits 6 your towers will fall 1 by 1 and there is nothing you can do its just fucking stupid. dont say armor or focus her because its 10 minutes in the game and if you focus her 4 other people will ez rape u.

    ive tried: pa,lina,lion,OD,TA against her and it never makes a difference


      kill him.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        riki. slardar, tiny or silencer. You have to killer her before she ults or kill her fast when she does. slardar riki combi is the best. when she ults, blink in cloud. and have slardar amp. she dies in 3-4 hits.


          i was death prophet player when i started dota2

          the weakness are:

          anything related to nuke -> lion/lina/shadow shaman
          hp based damage -> axe(not the stup1d fuck vanguard build) / necrolyte
          she has high movement speed -> bloodseeker do the trick
          anything that has high health + armor + blademail-> tarras + blademail huskar


            Maybe Lion is the best, stun, then ulti
            but i never do that, Riki and slardar combo is the best


              Burst her down, she's only good in drawn out teamfights. The quicker you kill her, the less damage exorcism does. Get armour items, or to help your team, items that give armour auras e.g. Vlads (+5), AC (+5), Mekansm / Buckler active (+2).

              Get a Ghost Scepter if you can't tank the spirits, or get a Blade Mail if you can.


                if you mean counter her in teamfights, then necrobooks.


                  I've been having problems against her recently too. I never remember her being such a power house, but in the past month, every game against her has been a nightmare. I feel like she is an incredibly strong counter to the team fight oriented lineups that my friends and I draft. She is so tanky that she survives so many attempts to kill her because we lack ganky heroes with burst damage. So she just ignores us and pushes.


                    Well, she was buffed. 10 extra damage doesn't seem like much but it's 10 extra damage for EACH spirit.

                    A good way to counter her is doing so really early in the game. If she goes mid, send a hero who'll make her life a pain like OD, Viper, TA or Huskar (assuming you have a player who can do decently with them), if she goes to a sidelane, make ganks fact, wherever she goes, make ganks happen. She's really item and teammates dependent to stay alive in fights, so exploit that.

                    itachi uchiha

                      Yea agree with Zano with that.

                      Just win her early game. 1 on 1, she isnt a really strong laner untill she gets up some constant mana regen for spam of the nuke. Until then, heroes with strong lane presence easily outlane her. I know my clockwork has own a few dps in lane before. Have good dmg and lockdown for her. Do an aggresive tri if u really want to


                        She's a real cunt


                          "hp based damage -> axe(not the stup1d fuck vanguard build) / necrolyte" I like how you censored stupid but not fuck.

                          ONTOPIC: Kill her early. She's somewhat like an sf. If you dont bother to shut her down when she's still weak in the early game and let her do her thing and farm, she's gonna come and fight with items and kill you. The best way is just for supports to rotate at levels 1-3 where she only has a low level in her nuke/silence.

                          SWAG DRAGON

                            blade mail on 2 or more heroes = dead dp
                            relatively cheap and easy.


                              ^ its funny becouse spirits only hit 1 target a time if focused


                                Well ty all guys for replies
                                Im mainly interested on riki/slardar combo


                                  aa will prevent her from healing, you can run him in 5 man.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    She has no escapes, squishy early. Just don't let her snowball with heart/bloodstone and you'll be fine. Idea is yeah, kill her early.


                                      I would consider myself a good DP player. In my experiences playing DP, the thing you need to do is gank her early and out last hit her. If you leave DP alone until later on you will regret it. If she gets bloodstone before 20 minutes you will most likely lose if you are facing against a good DP player. You need to pick a hero that can easily out farm her (usually she will go mid). Invoker, Sniper, QoP, Tinker or anyone else with a faster attack animation and or higher base damage. She cannot take a tower with level 1 ultimate first try unless you let her. Yes she can melt your creep wave but as long as you draw the aggro of the enemy creeps away from your tower she will be forced to back up out of range and her ult will not damage the tower. You have to play it smart!. Personally I do not know if the Slardar/Riki combo will work as well as people are saying it would but you can try it out.

                                      Milk Daddy

                                        i just used blademail against her and it was very effective, all she did was take damage from her ult. You can ult and silence her with bloodseeker and she is forced to stand there and not use her massive nuke.


                                          k ty for passin by


                                            Yea lol i already know how to counter her now



                                              yeah because dotabuff stats mean anything at all

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                yup huskar is as viable as BH according to the stats.........


                                                  Slark works too i think


                                                    pick pugna

                                                    i left her

                                                      A lot of players dont know that her ult is physical so go Ominknight


                                                        a lot of people also dont know her ulti lasts 30 seconds.

                                                        i left her

                                                          Ya but omni ult helps you live longer and nuke or kill dp down quickly.-.


                                                            If dotabuff stats don't mean anything why is DP a problem?


                                                              shadow shaman (shackles + hex) + Legion Commander Ulti..

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!